Baby doomers

this girl I know asked if I was gonna breast feed and I said yeah. She said it made her feel sick the thought of it when she was pregnant she told me that I probably wouldnt succeed as she didnt as its not easy, and that If i do it they will keep me in hospital longer so she thinks I should bottlefeed. She said baby sleeps way longer and health wise its no different to breast feeding, if anything its better as baby puts on more weight.
I really was gobsmacked.

OMG that is totally horrendously shocking!!!! I cant believe it!!! What a stupid idiot bitch and a right thicko too by the sounds of it!!!!! How stupid can you get!!!!! Grrrrrr!!!!
My mum likes to look at me, laugh and snigger and go "god you dont know what you've got yourself in can't even shit by yourself!"

OH's mum likes to snigger when OH mentions anything baby related and goes "you have such a rude awakening my dear, it is so fucking awful having a baby."

we will have to fomulate answers in order to survive here. What can we say back apart from two words that would actually shut them up!
I need a dose of sarcasm here.
I think I'll just use those two words!! Its the only way!! x
Yeh ok it is hard the first couple of weeks but i wouldnt have swapped my time with Ewan at all, and this time round i know it will probably be hard again, but we will get through it, and you will have time to shower and some quiet time too.
Sod the house work for a couple of weeks.

Took Ewan to get his pre school vaccinations tonight and the nurse says, 'oh you dont look very big considering you are nearly due!' wish i had a quid for each time some one has said that to me! must be just about each day! I keep pointing out that the baby has dropped so everything is lower plus i am wearing a thick cardi and a fleece!!
I get told I'm huge all the time, like seriously at least 3 times per day by colleagues. I get "you sure it's not twins" and "you must be further along than you think". I did actually turn around the other day and point out that actually my baby is measuring small, so it must be that I'm fat? That shut them up.

Oh, and the "your life's going to change so much" comments? Well duh, I choose to have this baby, I WANT my life to change assholes.
we will have to fomulate answers in order to survive here. What can we say back apart from two words that would actually shut them up!
I need a dose of sarcasm here.

Just say

"yeah, and I can't wait":happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

Of course some of what they say is true but you already know that. I've got 3 already and a lie in with hubby all snuggled up till lunchtime used to be fab but hey how....I wouldn't swap a sleepy morning cuddle with my kids for anything in the world:cloud9:

As i was typing my hubby brought Toby down to me from the bath, he's all clean and truly scrummy...I love my kids more than the whole world:cloud9::cloud9::cloud9::cloud9::cloud9::cloud9::cloud9::cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:
we need more nice mummies. But to be honest this forum is full of them. The ones that put it down are not here. And I know its not all sunshine and roses and times will be hard but parenting isnt easy. I dont know this yet as I am first timer but I am willing to take a dam good try at it and do the best I can for my baby.
I fell out with them people that where daming the whole thing as they where also damming my other half and putting him down saying he would be a bad dad. No one else belives that, he has and always is great with kids and isnt what they made him out to be. He has bee to every app with me, put up with me and cant wait to be a dad. So in all this its not just pregnant women who get put down its the poor dads that get it to.
Most my friends tell me to just enjoy the infant stage, it goes by so quickly, they say. But they actually like being parents.
I am getting from people that have no kids. How the hell do they know. Drives me nuts. My Mom said one thing along that lines, and I told her off so nothing more like that from her. Thank goodness.
There is always some one ready to piss on your chips no matter your news in life. It's like people need to make of something or they can't understand it!

The amount of times Ive heard "you not worked out where they are coming from yet?" or "AGAIN?" like I am some sort of rabbit who does this accidentally.

We tried for our children and wanted them all, which is only 4 I might add. I am sick of people assuming this must have been unplanned as the age gaps in my bubs is so close but it was planned!!

Miserable buggers :rofl:
I hate it when you try and do a counter attAck by saying '' yeah.. and im looking forward to it'' and then they spring the old chestnut of ''YOU WONT BE SAYING THAT WHEN BLAH BLAH BLAH''

You wont be saying those things when I bitch slap you in the face you stupid cow!
One possible response might be a look of pity, a shake of the head and apologise to them that you are so much more ready to be a parent than they ever were. "Maybe you shouldn't have had your child if you didn't want to be a parent?"

That should shut them the hell up! :rofl:
I hate it when you try and do a counter attAck by saying '' yeah.. and im looking forward to it'' and then they spring the old chestnut of ''YOU WONT BE SAYING THAT WHEN BLAH BLAH BLAH''

You wont be saying those things when I bitch slap you in the face you stupid cow!

Dont you hold back on us now, get it all out of you. :rofl: I thought I was the only one that wanted to bitch slap these people but it feels good to know that there are others out there with murderous intent towards ignorant people.

This morning I get yet more comments on "enjoy this time now for you wont get it again" "oh yeah sure I love being like this! cue list of ailments that I have suffered from for 9 months and that babies are not that bad!

I hate having to explain that I am actually looking forward to this to get that stupid answer "you wont be saying that soon"

just cant win!! :hissy:
loool I think its my hormones, im a ranty old mofo lately.
Everything bugs me..

I got a text yesterday from a mate and it read '' hey, how you doing? Ready to pop yet? Let me know when IT'S born''

Needless to say he recieved an arsey message back saying '' I will let you know when SHE is born, I cant wait to meet HER''

Emphasising the shes and hers. she is not an alien, she is a she... or at the very least she can be a they, but not an it. Grrrrrrrrr
Haha there I go again!
I call mine baby as I dont know what sex it is but they know its a girl for yours and there is no excuse for the IT word.

I have two nice comments today! one from someone who dosnt have kids and the other did and I was moved. It made such a change from hearing neg crap. I just hope i dont kill someone near the end as time goes on I am getting more grumpy and intolerent to dick heads.
lol, i hate it too, my friend who has 2 kids always says it to me and i think, oh god your youngest is infront of a tv 24/7, your OH does everything for you, neither of you work and you moan constantly,so if its such hard work dont go on to have anymore but leave me to have my third as i bloody wish, trys going on about staying home with the baby long term, and the effects of not grrr im like hang on hubby lost his job before crimbo cos no contracts left and no money in kitty to build more houses, i stayed home with second daughter who starts nursery in april so come end of may im back to work, to give my kids best life i can, only part time and hubby should be sorted in next few weeks, im on benefits now cos we had no choice, and its caused so much upset, i would have never planned to have a third if id known work would have come to a stand still for hubby, we thought we'd planned it perfectly, oh and people saying its your last make the most of it, dont moan about feeling poorly, make the most of your last pregnancy. :O who said it's my last, people dont ask they assume, ( 3 is enough for me though) lol... or when your thinking oh 7 weeks left, and they say omg thats like ages , you've got so long left thats the point when i want to left hook them and say hey actually its gonna fly by and thanks for reminding me lol.

few comments i wont post but utter shite about what if baby looks like this or that or got this wrong.... how damn rude, i love my kids and owuld no matter what sick of idiots being insensitive! grrrrrrrrrrr lol
I have a mate who is digusted by my belly. It does offend me as she on more than one occasion said if she was preg and her belly moved she would punch it! who the heck would do that to their own baby? I tried explaining if that where your baby yuo wouldnt punch it and she wasnt having none of it. she just looks at my belly in digust when I am having them special baby movement moments. Its the OH sister so not like I can fall out with her but I hope she never gets pregnant!

Not everyone wants a child, and for those who don't, this wouldn't be an unfamiliar response. They wouldn't feel the same way about a pregnancy as someone who was trying and really wanted one.

And if they ever found themselves with an unwanted pregnancy, they wouldn't view the pregnancy as a "baby" but rather a "parasite" or "alien". People who WANT the pregnancy automatically see it as "their baby" from the moment of conception.

Doesn't make it right or wrong, just a difference in view (or religion). I'm sure that view would change if they ever decide they WANT to have a kid, and I'm sure if she ever does WANT to have a child, she would never punch her stomach, regardless of what she may have said in the past.

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