Baby Mine

Hi ladies! Hope you're both doing well!

Kal, yes...the scale says I've lost a bit of weight, but I definitely don't feel like that at ALL. My stomach is definitely bumping 12 weeks I feel like it's early to be showing, but doc says that it's not really. I am wearing ALOT of dresses these days...pants, not so much. I feel that by the time fall/cool weather comes around, I'll just go and pick up some maternity pants to wear through the winter days.

Also, my boobs are getting huge. They were not small to begin with...frankly, that's making me feel even fatter than my stomach is. :( Oh well...that's pregnancy, I guess...

Went and let my mom scan me on Saturday, my sister came - it was such a blast. We laughed and glad we did it. It was alot less clinical than at the doctor's, obviously...the baby wasn't really doing anything at first, so my mom mashed on my stomach with the paddle a little and he/she woke up with a vengance. Probably thinking, who the hell is pounding on my house?? Poor little thing, HA!

Anyway, all looks good. And I told work last week...the doc gave me the all clear at my appointment on Wednesday, after he picked up a strong heartbeat at 11w4d. I get to go deal with Monday and try to be productive...but at least people will understand my sleepiness now. ;)
Had my physical appt today. That was mildly uncomfortable. lol I hate pap smears... :wacko:

Got to hear the heartbeat again though. I always feel better when I do, since I can't feel the little one moving around yet! I was down a lb for today's weigh in, but I'm not concerned... I have plenty to spare! :haha:

More bloods to do this week, not looking forward to that at all.

Red, how are things with you?
Where did my buddies go?? :flower:

Not to be gross, but I've had the runs for the past few days. I don't feel like I have food poisoning, and I don't have any other symptoms of anything else (fever, aches/pains, vomiting, etc), so I'm not really worried about it, but it's annoying. Anyone else have this at all? I think I prefer the constipation...ha!

Hope all is going well with you ladies. I'm already getting antsy to find out the gender...everyone around me keeps saying they are having dreams about one or the other (my mother-in-law, my mom, me, my sister...). It's making me excited to see who is right! So far most guesses are for a girl...which means I probably have a little man in there! :haha:
I haven't had a problem with the runs except for once, and that was a direct result of me taking some dulcolax to fight the constipation. :haha:

I made it through the 1st trimester without puking... only to do so at work last night.:wacko: I think whatever it was I ate just didn't sit well.

Emmy - I'm getting a little antsy at finding out what we're having as well! I've had family members claim both as well. Most are thinking girl. I'm still kinda hoping for a boy. We'll see! :shrug:

Thankfully my acne has died down to almost non-existant. Still some breakouts here and there, but NOTHING like it was during 1st Tri.

Red - how are you, chica?? Haven't heard from you in awhile. :flower:
Yeah Red, poke your head in girl!

Kal, I've almost made it through without puking too, but I've been choking lately on my prenatals. They haven't given me any issue the whole time, but in the past few days I've come THIS close to bringing them right back up after taking them. They're just so...big and uncoated...;)

Have a doc's appointment today - the first one my hubby will be accompanying me to. He has to get blood drawn and typed - I'm Rh negative, so if he's positive (which he likely is, based on odds), I get to have needles stuck in my tushy at around 20ish weeks. Fun fun fun!
Hi Ladies! Sorry I haven't been around for a while, glad to hear you are both well!

I'm getting the dreaded constipation quite badly now :( Not much seems to work but strangely it's not too uncomfortable, just incredibly frustrating.. grr!!!

I don't find out my Rhesus status for another 3 weeks - they didn't get enough of a sample the first time so had to do it again. Luckily my blood volume increasing is helping on that score, but only after they've found a vein, which is still difficult. Good news though is that we had our quad test results back, and that gave us a 1:100,000 outcome - great considering that on my age alone it's about 1:1,000, or average.

You ladies are so lucky generally with the sickness - I've only just stopped being sick now, and still get waves of nausea but it can't last forever right?! :)

I'm going to be the only one not finding out whether it's a blue baby or a pink baby aren't I?!!! :haha: We've added Samuel to the small possible list of boys names - but nothing will be decided until much later on... though we did say last night that we'll agonise for 20 weeks about a boys name and it'll be a girl, just our luck!

In other news, Dan went for his interview with the Police (or the lying filth as I've taken to calling them), and it was fractious to say the least. Anyway, the upshot is that the people we thought would have to lie to get him in trouble have done so and so we now have to sit and wait to see if he gets a summons for it, which can be up to 6 months.... or neatly.. the end of our pregnancy!! (words can't describe my anger). The hope is that someone more senior looks at it objectively (his solicitor (I can't attend with him as I'm a potential witness and you cannot represent your spouse) said that the officer dealing with it is far too close to it all and isn't looking at it with an open mind... he's decided Dan is guilty and isn't interested in any other story) and sees there is too much doubt to proceed - but we're still left hanging which is annoying.

Interestingly, they haven't tried to get in touch with me yet for a witness statement - which they are obliged to do if investigating.. they've gone to the trouble of getting some pretty thin statements from people who are very much on the periphery of this, but haven't come to speak to me who's in the middle of it all. Could it be that they don't want my statement as it will be counter-alleging against Dan's "victim" and will make it harder for them to proceed??? Not that I'm cynical!!

So for now we just carry on as normal - bump is starting to get bigger (I'm actually wearing a maternity dress for the first time today), but we still haven't taken a photo yet, boo right?! but will do so this week promise! I've a feeling I'm going to get quite big, my mum did but had small babies (5lb my brother and 6lb me) so here's hoping if I do get huge I follow my mum and don't have a monster baby!

Miserable weather here today, so I'm going to cheer myself up with a spot of baby window shopping (still not allowed to buy anything... Dan's orders!)

Catch ya later.. and I promise I won't be AWOL for another 2 weeks :)
Red, good for you on the results of the tests - it's nice to be able to breathe that sign of relief. I just had the blood work done yesterday - it's that new procedure that's only been available for a few months. It can tell you with something like 99% accuracy if there are any chromosomal abnormalities, etc. I'll have the results in two weeks or so...I have to say, I'm nervous, but I guess that's normal.

The best thing, though, was that they didn't have to take hubby's blood! Apparently this test is so detailed, that they can determine the baby's blood type by analyzing my own! So they don't need his. Wow.

I'm sure you're so frustrated with the whole police debacle...just hang in there. One way or another, it will be over with one day and in the past...and then you'll have a wonderful blue or pink bundle to move forward with! :)
Hey girlies!

Just checking in with you. Everything is going well so far here. Still struggling with constipation, but the nausea is lots better. Definitely feeling some stretching/cramping and I can see that I'm starting to grow a little. Not enough to look pregnant, but like I'm getting fat. :haha:

I'm going to have to get some new clothes soon. I'm down to one pair of jeans that fit comfortably right now.
I started to show insanely early. The doctor mentioned it too, he said it couldn't be just me eating myself out of house and home because I'm actually DOWN ten pounds since getting pregnant...yippee for me. :dohh: I was getting the 'are you expecting' question at like 10 weeks - when I would tell people my due date they'd seem surprised it was so far away. HA. Great.

So Kal...don't feel bad, my jeans are LONG put to rest. ;)
I'm starting to get quite a bit bigger now too - I can still wear my jeans but I can't do them up - bump band over the top needed...

Bad day today, painful aching and a few sharp pretty painful twinges throughout the day but it's subsided now thankfully :)

It's getting interesting ladies!!!! :)

How are we feeling, ladies?

I think my energy is finally starting to come back a little. I definitely started to gain weight this week!! Ahhh!! :wacko: I knew the day would come, but I was hoping it wouldn't be so fast. I've put on at least 2 lbs since last Saturday. *sigh*

I've been getting a lot of sharp twinges around my hips, upper thigh and groin area. Any of you getting something like this??
I had my first bad dream last night regarding baby... I dreamed that I went to the bathroom, and I was bleeding all over the place!

This past Thursday, I put in an application for a new job in my company. It would mean a paycut, but the schedule would be a day shift instead of the 12 hr swing shift I work right now... which would be fantastic! Both hubby and I work the same swing shift, and we won't be able to with a little one. Who'd watch baby from 6 p.m. to 7 a.m.? :shrug:

So, my fingers are crossed that I get an interview!! I probably won't find out if I get one for at least the next week or two. The job posting will be up for at least 2 weeks, so others can apply. Is it horrible to hope no one else is interested? :haha:
Kal - nope, I would be seriously hoping that, too! It would be alot easier if you could get that would be (I'm imagining) difficult to find baby care for the hours you and hubs work now. Although there are many night-time workers in the must be available. Probably just less choices. Good luck!

And as for the twinges, YES - usually I get them when I stand up fast, or turn weirdly in my sleep/in my chair at work. Usually on the sides. Doc said they were normal, just stretching pains. :)

So I broke down and went to get a scan in the little place that's in my work building - it was only $35. The exciting outcome is - they were able to tell me that it's a BOY! She said she couldn't tell me she was 100% about it because of their rules, but she said, "I'll say this - I'm 99.999% sure." HA!

Yay! I was kind of hoping for a girl, but you know what? Once I heard 'boy', that all went out the window...I was just so happy. I'll have a son for my firstborn! What a trip! :happydance:
congrats, Emmy!!! So exciting!! I'd definitely have another scan later to be sure, before you start buying a bunch of blue stuff. :haha: Just to be on the safe side.

I can't wait to find out what we're having. Then I can start planning and getting stuff ready. I feel so unprepared, I haven't gotten one single baby item. I'm still secretly hoping for a boy first, but like you... either one will have me excited!
Glad you are both well!

I'm getting all sorts of twinges and pains now, from shooting pains through my stomach and sides, to a heavy dull feeling on my lower stomach and cervix- I have a feeling that baby is sitting quite low at these times. I'm starting to get a bit of backache now and then too but nothing severe thankfully (time for that yet though!)

I think, think I may have felt baby move/kick for the first time late last night. I was struggling to sleep and was laying the the dark and felt a soft but definite short rumbling.. Almost like wind but not in the usual place I get it (and I get loads!!!!!) and it did feel like it was coming from inside out if that makes sense.

Told Dan this morning and he thinks I could be right.

Scam next Friday so getting anxious to know if everything is ok.

Good to hear about the scan Emmy, glad it's all going well!

Kal, is there no room for negotiation with your employers to make sure you don't work the same shifts? I am not familiar with US employment law.

Keep well ladies, speak soon! Xxx

That's so exciting!! I was wondering if I was feeling something last night. Couldn't decide if I thought it was the little one or not, but it'd be a little early I would think... although I know it depends on where they're sitting!

As far as work, and shifts.... I could probably have work get involved to get me on a different shift. But then my husband and I would never see each other. The jobs we work are required swing shift positions, there's no other way around it. Most of the jobs at the chemical plant are swing shift, because it's a 24 hr operation.

On the other hand... I managed to land an interview for the day shift position at the other plant for my company! I'm excited, and nervous. It would definitely be a paycut, over 50% :wacko: But it would be a day shift job, so that would help.
I'm just kind of concerned about when I should mention that I'm pregnant. If I tell them too early, maybe they won't even consider me as an option... and if I wait until I get offered the job (that's IF I get offered the job! lol), then it seems a little low-handed and sneaky of me, ya know? *sigh*

Anyway, keep your fingers crossed. The interview is next Thursday, late afternoon.

So I've been updating my facebook account with's fruit ticker, and it gives a little description of what the baby is up to that particular week. Unfortunately, it says "she", so of course my mother in law took that to mean that we're having a girl. (she's a little on the slow side, due to a serious horse accident that has left her extremely handicapped physically, and maybe slightly mentally but I'm not sure). So she emailed to congratulate us (she emails, as she really can't talk much).
I definitely had to call them immediately and put her straight before she started emailing all of the family and telling them!! LOL I don't want people rushing out to get pink items when we don't know what we're having yet. :haha:
How are you, ladies??

Had an appointment today, kinda pointless one at that. They took my blood pressure, weight, and listened to the heartbeat. I waited in the office for almost an hour for that??! lol I did go and get some more blood drawn though.. and scheduled my ultrasound to hopefully find out what we're having! Sept. 5th!! Soo excited to finally know!
Hi ladies!

Kal, I've had a couple like that too...blood pressure, weight, heartbeat, pee in a cup and SEE ya! I did have blood drawn yesterday too - for the quad screen, but I actually got my results back last week from the test they ran on me before for defects (trisomy, Tay-Sachs and sickle cell) - it's the new one that's only been around for a few months and is definitive. The good news is - came back totally normal and negative for any problems!

I wasn't high risk, but it was still such a relief!

So I go back in three weeks for my next appointment, and then a week after that for the ultrasound. I keep going back and forth between feeling like it's going by VERY fast, and feeling like I've been pregnant for 98 years. ;)
Glad to see you are both well ladies!! I've had a couple of routine appointments, but we've always managed to ask loads of questions so it's never been 5 minutes!

I'm getting kicked now - softly but there, and it feels like baby is doing all sorts of somersaults inside - it's a very strange feeling and starting to get more and more definite.

Scan tomorrow morning, excited and a little nervous - but I've had no problems so far really so hoping things continue on those lines.

Good news on the blood results Emmy!! :)
Baby all present and correct, 2 arms, 2 legs etc and wriggling away like a little monster!

I've got an anterior placenta so that's why it took a while to feel anything, and why I'm still only feeling things low down but it's clear of my cervix so presents no problems :)

Baby's growth in normal range so we're happy as can be.

Still team yellow - we made sure we told the sonographer that we didn't want to know, but she said that she couldn't have told us anyway as the cord was between his or her legs.

One pleased set of parents to be today :)

Will post a pic when we've scanned one in!
Yay for a good scan, Red!!! So exciting to kow everything is as it should be.

I think I somehow pinched a nerve in my lower back area. It has almost brought me to the ground a few times. I'm considering going to a chiropractor, but I'm not sure what they can or cannot do with me being in 2nd tri. I've seen where some other pregnant ladies get bad back pain, tailbone pain, I'm not sure if it's pregnancy related or not. I don't remember doing anything that would have caused it.

I had my interview yesterday, now it's just a waiting game to hear if I got the position or not. There were at least 3 others who interviewed that I'm aware of. I'm trying to decide if I hope I get it, or if I hope I don't! :haha: Big change, paycut, etc... but good shift, same company. Good and bad in equal parts, so... *shrug* We'll see.

Emmy, glad to hear the blood tests came back good! I'm still waiting on my results, but it'll be awhile I'm sure.

We're having issues with our insurance company right now, not paying for anything. Trying to get it all worked out, but it's so frustrating! Medical stuff isn't cheap.

Hope you ladies have a fantastic weekend!!!

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