Anyone else having trouble with their registry? I've been dreading doing all just seems so overwhelming. There are hundreds of strollers alone to choose from, for example...or I downloaded this 'registry checklist', but as I'm going through it it's like...really?? How could an infant NEED all this? And some of it just seems like overkill to me (ie, shopping cart cover? car window shade?).
Yes! LOL Due to the fact that most of my friends and family are just as broke as the rest of the state, I figure the large items we'll be picking up ourselves.... stroller, car seat, etc... I won't be registering for clothes, as everyone will probably pick out what they want anyway. Most people probably won't even use the registry to shop from. (besides, I just picked up a TON of used baby clothing for cheap... I'll post a pic when I get it all washed!)
It might be better just to create a list of items to shop from rather than an actual registry... then people can pick out what they like instead of searching for an exact match to an item!
I plan on having my shower
after my little guy is born, due to the holidays and all the other stressful things going on right now. Plus that way, all the extended family that I never get to see will be able to actually meet the baby at least once. lol
I'm going to try to ask for things I'll need a bit later as bubs gets bigger/older. Like 3-6 month or 6-12 month clothing (he'll always grow into it) , as well as things he'll use later like children's books, bowls and spoons, toys, baby wipes, diapers, lotions, blankets, bibs, etc... Stuff that adds up, but that I
know will get used, versus a bunch of newborn stuff he'll grow out of too quickly.
I had my glucose tolerance test done yesterday. It wasn't anywhere near as bad as I was expecting it to be, going off all the other posts. The drink tasted like flat orange pop. It wasn't something I would have drank voluntarily, but it didn't make me want to throw up or anything. All the blood drawing was annoying, and sitting there for so long sucked! But I brought a book. All in all, with registration and the test itself, I was at the lab for 3 1/2 hrs!