Hi ladies how are you all? I was very poorly on wednesday, didn't get much sleep on tuesday night/wednesday morning due to abdominal pain, it was so bad, I couldn't not get comfy - I could feel Alice though so I knew she was ok. It was my 25 week MW ap so after dropping princess off at school we walked up to the surestart centre, I explained how I was feeling and she said it was probably my muscles contracting and stretching and that i've probably over worked myself and to take it easy. My BP was fine, my urine sample was fine and we heard Alices heartbeat for the first time.
Walking home nearly killed me and we had to stop 4 times, I took a bath but it didn't get the pain just got worse and I was violently sick 4 times to point where it was nothing coming out but I was still gagging, I couldn't take my painkillers cause the thought of swallowing them made me throw up. I managed to get comfy sort of and had a heaty wheaty for the pain. Ben rang the midwife but it wasn't my midwife and she told him hot bath and paracetomal and to call the GP and see if I can get in, if the pain gets worse or if there is bleeding then to go to hospital. GP said they would call back and that it sounded urgent. I fell asleep at about 1.30 and GP rang at 1.45 and said I can come in at 5.30. Our friend came round with disolvable paracetmal so I had some painkiller and rested, it felt better but still sore and I managed to eat.
GP thinks it was a mild tummy bug and should pass, I took yesterday off work as well and I feel much better. I have never felt so much pain before, I couldn't sit down, lie down, stand up, do anything but constantly move and wriggle in agony.
OH has been lovely though. I'm back at work today but have the weekend off so I'm intending on resting a bit more but catching up with housework because he's not very good at it and I hate mess!!
Hope you're all well xxxxx