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Back to Back Pregnancies!

Yeah I had that with Olivia very early movments and full on kicks by 17 weeks, both of my babies had anterior placenta's so can't work it out! Might pop to the doctor this week!

Any updates? I haven't been online much over the past few days...
Didn't go docs, baby started kicking big time. To point OH could feel them but gone quiet again for two days. Scan is on thurs so we shall see. How's betty + vincent doing?
Hi, Ladies :wave:

I haven't had time to read the entire thread yet... but am going to try in the next couple of days. Right now I think I just need some support.

My story:
We were TTC for 6 months before I got pg with Otter. He was born 20 July 2009. I have been exclusively BFing since day one. I started getting AF back when Otter was 14 weeks, so knew I was fertile. I was too afraid to go on hormonal BC because I didn't want it interferring with BFing.

I tried VCF for a bit, but was rubbish at getting it there in time. :shy: I finally decided to talk to doc about a non hormonal IUD (appt for that is tomorrow. :dohh: ).

I started BBT charting last month in the hopes of figuring out my cycle to avoid another pg (we were going to TTC again starting when Otter was about a year old).

Well, I thought O was coming, but wasn't sure. DH got a bit..erm... frisky one night. I said, "This is dangerous." But neither of us thought to say "Well, let's not then." :haha:

:bfp: this morning. :shock: :argh:

They will be 14 months apart.

I'm terrified for so many reasons. I can't even get my head around it. :nope:

Right now my biggest fear is drying up. I want to keep BFing Otter and let him self wean.

Oh, man, I am just all over the place! :wacko:
Oh hun,
Firstly congratulations!
I found it great that there were so many people in the same situation, either planned or unplanned.
We had planned for our 2nd close in age but we had the shock of our lives to find that number 2 was infact number 2 & 3! Lexie will be 16 months when the twins arrive.
I have got over the shock and am now looking forward. Reading peoples posts in here makes me believe that yes i can do it.
I'm sorry i don't have any experiance with the bf'ing, but hopefully someone else will.
Thank you, hon!!

Actually, twins is another fear of mine. :shock: They tend to run in both families... and DH said the next will be twins -- always said that... and he tends to be strangely right about those things...

And my bfp was very very dark this morning. :argh: I am only about 15dpo -- I didn't get a bfp with Otter until 18dpo and it was still very faint.

Thank you, hon!!

Actually, twins is another fear of mine. :shock: They tend to run in both families... and DH said the next will be twins -- always said that... and he tends to be strangely right about those things...

And my bfp was very very dark this morning. :argh: I am only about 15dpo -- I didn't get a bfp with Otter until 18dpo and it was still very faint.


Awww don't worry hun, you can join my club if it's twins!! xxxxxx:hugs:
How soon can you tell twins for sure on a scan? Do you know?
And my bfp was very very dark this morning. :argh: I am only about 15dpo -- I didn't get a bfp with Otter until 18dpo and it was still very faint.


Don't worry about that being twins, mine came up darker and faster than the control line. And I only had one.
Welcome to the club!
to reassure you even more. my line took ages to be dark, it was very faint for a long time. We found out at a 10 week scan xxx
Oh good! thank you!

I kinda always wanted twins, though. :blush: But not sure now that I will have a 14 month old, too! :rofl:
So, Charlotte was planned, VERY planned, clomid and everything. Austin...yea...oops! We were using protection and everything, lol. Been intersting having them so close together, but now that he is doing a bit more they entertain eachother a bit!
So, Charlotte was planned, VERY planned, clomid and everything. Austin...yea...oops! We were using protection and everything, lol. Been intersting having them so close together, but now that he is doing a bit more they entertain eachother a bit!

I was hoping you would find us here! I remember talking to you when I first got pregnant, you had your LO and kinda disappeared.
How old are you LO's again? I'm kinda curious how/when they are going to start getting along, Betty is really into Vincent, but he is still so young, and I am scared she'll hurt him by accident.
How are you doing otherwise?

I think all those feelings are sooo common, I even considered a termination but on realisation nkew I couldn't do it I was terrified, we cldn't be in a wrose place financially, our relationship is pear shaped cos of the lovely spd that has come with this pregnancy and top be honest I'm still scared sensless on how I'll ever manage!

Inspite of it all I love this litle slip and well I guess time will tell how we cope with it, but quite a few people have told me yes it's hard but not as hard as you think it'd be. My daughter will be just over 12 months when this one arrives. But here we go as one women said would you have an abortion NO then suck it up and get on iwth it, and although it's a bit harsh and couls be taken the wrong way she is right.

So how;s things in this little world of mine, tbh lol falling apart, but one can hope we'll get through. This spd sincerely sucks and I hate the fact I'm not getting to spend the much needed time with Olivia before this next one comes along, I just hope come April my arms are big enough cos I know my heart is!
:hugs: SS. I am sure it will work out. Why? Because it has to!

I got super sick yesterday so the OB had me in for a scan this morning. Meerkat is looking remarkably good. She's in the right place, saw the sac.. the very start of a fetal pole and even the very early start of a heartbeat. :shock: This is one determined baby! So, I guess it was meant to be.

I'll look back in 10 years and won't be able to imagine my life without them both, right? :mrgreen: Here's hoping!
Hi girls.. can I say hi. I'm mam to an 8 month old son and just found out I'm pregnant again, about 6 weeks I think.

While this was an oopsie baby, it was always going to come into our lives as we wanted more. Its just happened a bit quicker than we expected!

We are both delighted but shocked and I'm a worrier so I'm a bit scared of how its all going to come together. But I know it will! And so far have seen some wise words in these posts.

I'm worried how I'll find this pregnancy with a baby already, worrying about how it'll affect my little boy, worried whether I can do them both justice. I suppose this is all normal, I can remember having lots of worries when I got pg with Noah who was very planned.

We've had mixed reactions, most family are delighted, most friends think we are mad. We've had a few negative comments such as that the age gap is too small, the next baby might be high maintenance etc etc. But I find that totally unhelpful because this baby is coming whether people like it or not! And the people saying it have no experience of this situation anyway. Plus they don't need to tell me this, I've thought of it all already. I just wish someone would comment on the positives, beause this is a positive thing.

So hi all its good to see people in a similar situation to share this slightly crazy very wonderful experience with. If anyones got any tips, advice, positive stories, words of wisdom id love to hear them. Ok ramble over!
I feel the same, Kiree. I don't need to hear how hard or crazy it will be. Or how dumb it was to get pg so fast. I didn't do it on purpose! And I have already thought of all those things myself. What's done is done. I don't want to resent this new one, so other's comments like that are not welcome. :nope:

I am hoping that others will eventually get used to the idea and then lay off those comments. In the meantime, I am trying to ignore them.

I feel the same, Kiree. I don't need to hear how hard or crazy it will be. Or how dumb it was to get pg so fast. I didn't do it on purpose! And I have already thought of all those things myself. What's done is done. I don't want to resent this new one, so other's comments like that are not welcome. :nope:

I am hoping that others will eventually get used to the idea and then lay off those comments. In the meantime, I am trying to ignore them.


I've found that most people who have given me negative comments are childless.
Oh, except one older lady (I'd guess around 65?) came up to me at the doctors office when I was about 7 months along and asked me if I was mad (as in crazy).
Too funny.

As far as doing both your babies justice? Don't sweat it. My first has adapted so well, and she is so interested in her little brother. Admittedly, there are days when he is feeding a lot, or he just won't let me put him down, and I know its coming off her time, but I think because of that she gets better quality time than she may not have before.
Its hard, dammit, I can really feel stretched to the limit between my kids and then my OH, but its working out. Everyone is fed and watered, and all of us occasionally get to bathe :blush:....there are worse places to be, I tell you. But then you sit down with all 4 of you on the couch together, it all seems to make sense, if you know what I mean? I look at my son and wonder how I could have doubted going through with the whole thing.
Especially when you start getting your prepregnancy energy back, your joints stop hurting, and you get that first smile, and its all worth it.
Thanks, PB. that is my biggest fear -- not doing them both justice. i wanted to let Otter grow and mature at his own pace and now I am afraid I will have to force him to grow a bit faster. But maybe I am wrong. I hope I am!

I just remember back to the early days with Otter and can't imagine how I will do that with Meerkat and still manage time for Otter as a little toddler. But, like you said, I guess I will manage!
Pennysbored-that bit about all 4 of you on the sofa brings tears to my eyes its lovely.

What a difference a couple of days has made, I feel totally calm now. I'm lying awake at night thinking of silly practicalities, like how do we go food shopping ever again?! But all these things were a challenge when noah was first born, we just have to work it out again. I know we're gonna be fine.
To both of you....
It is hard, don't get me wrong. Co-ordinating getting food, actually preparing the food, the 12 diapers you will be changing daily, its tough! OH and I, we fight sometimes, neither of us have any time to breath. And its not easy finding a sitter that can handle the two of them being around. (We did find one, though. THANK GOD!)
I remember how upset I was that I had "gotten myself into this mess", how could I be so stupid to get pregnant again so quickly! But for me, I only wanted two children, and now I am done with pregnancy (both pregnancies were difficult for me) and now I can look forward to moving on to the next phase.
I think my kids are going to be better adjusted because of this. Not so much "ME ME ME", because they will always be used to sharing.
:hugs: to all of us. this isn't an easy place, but it is a far cry from the worst.

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