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Back to Back Pregnancies!

Is anyone else still feeling like having two babies so close together is going to be too much?? I can't get ANYTHING done with just Harry, let alone two little ones... He's doing my head in at the moment - He's clingy, he wants my attention ALL the time and when I do decide to do something for myself (like even going to the toilet) he screams the house down. I feel like it's a constant battle between me and him to get anything done. My housework isn't being done, I barely manage to eat enough for myself, let alone bump, and my patience with Harry are pretty much non-existant!!! Top that all off with the fact that he's STILL not sleeping through the night and you've got one VERY unhappy mum :(

Sorry to moan, but I just feel like all of this needs to be said... And it's not like I've got anyone else to talk to :(

Its not easy, but one thing that is so easy to forget is that when you aren't pregnant, you have more energy. When you aren't pregnant, you don't have hormones making you really impatient.
I'm finding that I'm actually getting more done now that Vincent is born than I did before.
:hugs: KimmyJane84. Not only will the dust settle, it will get wiped up in good time. And stop and eat even if Harry is screaming. Its best for all three of you.
Thanks Penny.

Feeling a little better today, think I was just having a bad day yesterday. Going to make sure that I make a point of stopping for food and also going to start getting Harry's bedtime issues sorted prior to having little one...

Going to (try to) stop looking at the bad side of it all and start being more pro-active :)
Hey well i'm defo NOT loving this pregnancy! lol I actually got to enjoy it with Olivia, but this time, it's awful! Not that I'm not grateful.

Does Harry have a proper bedtime routine, I know you prob had it mentioned so manytimes but i find it really does make a difference.
Hey well i'm defo NOT loving this pregnancy! lol I actually got to enjoy it with Olivia, but this time, it's awful! Not that I'm not grateful.

Does Harry have a proper bedtime routine, I know you prob had it mentioned so manytimes but i find it really does make a difference.

No, not really... It's something I'm starting to do now though because I'm just so sick of all the bedtime hassle :( The problem is, I get VERY little help from my hubby at bedtime (unless it's after about 9/9:30pm when he's chilled out after work), so trying to fit everything in is becomming more and more difficult :( BUT having said that, I'm determind to get something sorted ASAP :)

I've suffered more with this pregnancy as well by the way :(
Hi girls. Just wanted to pop in and say hi. LO is 7 weeks old and we had a bit of a mad moment 12 days ago and didn't use a condom oops. Sounds silly but been feeling how I did when I was first pregnant with James. Added to that I've been a bit nauseous last 2 days. Too early to test really and also don't have the guts to do it lol.
i just need a rant!!!! well LO is 15 weeks and is so perfect. but OH is pissing me off.... wont do anythiing im so tired and he is lay asleep on the sofa whilst im trying to do his washing.... cook tea ... feed LO and put him to bed!!!
i just need a rant!!!! well LO is 15 weeks and is so perfect. but OH is pissing me off.... wont do anythiing im so tired and he is lay asleep on the sofa whilst im trying to do his washing.... cook tea ... feed LO and put him to bed!!!

My LO is a year old in 11 days and I've got the same problem :( I can't take it much longer, I'm doing everything while he just does as he pleases... Proper getting me down, to the point where I'm starting to have SERIOUS doubts over having another baby and probably still won't get any help :(
i get what you mean its hard on my own ... and will be even harder with 2 kids... im so scared. xxx
i get what you mean its hard on my own ... and will be even harder with 2 kids... im so scared. xxx

We will all be fine hunni - One look at our beautiful children and they just remind us how great they are and why we're doing all of this :)
I did it with my son alone, it's never as bad as you think, and sometimes men just need a kick up the arse to realise what they're doing. I say run out on them, I know easier said than done, but it sometimes really gets them thinking whn they have to cope themselves.

Bedtime routine really helps, and I know it's hard but I even made sure both my kids had clothes on daytime and bodysuits/babygros at night from day one! and touch wood they slet through from 4 weeks both of them, my sons bedtime is a bit random right now but he's a bit manic right now and testing boundaries but up until he went to school he'd be in bed on time and even take himself to bed

I bathed my son every night, he'd have a bottle last thing, and up to bed in his cot, in his own room. I don't think it matter what you do just as long as there is a definate thing or things you do come nighttime. I hope things are settled for you and all oh's start to do their bit. Mind mines no where near as good this time round as he was the first time round.

Pregnancy, man it's still weird, I don't feel pregnant but I'm suffering immensely with pain in boobs, tummy and obvs spd pain this time round. SO I think thats what makes it soo sucky I don't feel pregnant, and haven't felt baby move yet, I have had found the heartbeat though on myhome doppler, I have midwife fri so I will mention it again. I just have agonisiing pain! hgh bp and feel and look fat!

Hey ho, lol i should be getting induction so over half way now!
Well I've taken your advice and started my own bedtime routine for Harry... It's still a little random and he's not yet going to sleep without playing up, but we have had 3 nights of him sleeping from about 10:30 ish to 12 ish and then after giving him his dummy back he will sleep through to 6:30-8:30 ish depending on what's going on in the house with people getting ready for work etc.

Really pleased with myself for making the effort to do it, and after his bath each night, I'm handing him over to his dad for bottle and bed so that I can get a shower and chill out for a while... So it's even better for me. Plus I think it's nice for Keith to spend a bit of time with him, especially now he's back to work full-time.

I know, I'ts not perfect yet (need him to learn to go to sleep without hubby hugging him to sleep) but it's better than it was and I think he's done really well considering he has a rather yucky cold!!

Got our anomaly scan on Friday (can't wait!!) so will have to keep you posted on how that goes. A little worried though, as I'm getting pains where my c-section scar is :( But we're also seeing the consultant on Friday, so hopefully he can help.

Starting to feel a little better about things now :) xx
Hey Ladies. Just wondering if any of you have had c-sections and then conceived shortly after and how it turned out? I have heard you should wait at least 12 months for the scar to fully heal. I am planning on waiting a year before ttc, but was curious how others have gotten on?

Hi ladies, I am not pg, but am thinking of ttc in a few months. Am following your thread to see how your pg's are progressing and experience with two young children :flower:

I also had an emergency c- section, asked my obstetrician about ttc, she said best to wait for the first 3 months then it's fine. I think that was also more related to giving your body some time to recover from the last pg rather than incision healing....

Hey Ladies. Just wondering if any of you have had c-sections and then conceived shortly after and how it turned out? I have heard you should wait at least 12 months for the scar to fully heal. I am planning on waiting a year before ttc, but was curious how others have gotten on?

Hi ladies, I am not pg, but am thinking of ttc in a few months. Am following your thread to see how your pg's are progressing and experience with two young children :flower:

I also had an emergency c- section, asked my obstetrician about ttc, she said best to wait for the first 3 months then it's fine. I think that was also more related to giving your body some time to recover from the last pg rather than incision healing....


I can't speak for c-sections, but I will tell you that it can be very hard on your body. I had a lot of joint pain in my hips and knees (still do), I ended up with GD because of the extra weight I was carrying from my first pregnancy, Vincent came at 35 weeks (and for no obvious reason, I think my body was just trying to tell me that it was done), and my daughter doesn't really get the attention she still needs.
Granted, my pregnancy wasn't planned, and they were really close together, but I think people should give their bodies time to recoup.
That said, everyone is different. Good luck on your decision!

Just a quick one to say that all went well with our scan. The sonographer said that all the measurements were good and that the baby looks nice and healthy. She also told us that we are expecting a girl!!

Hope everyone is doing well.

Kim xx

Just a quick one to say that all went well with our scan. The sonographer said that all the measurements were good and that the baby looks nice and healthy. She also told us that we are expecting a girl!!

Hope everyone is doing well.

Kim xx

Best of both worlds! Its great, huh? The only thing that bugged me was having to buy all new clothes.
Didn't bug me that much, though...
:coffee:Minus the reading, add a baby on my boob and another eating something off the ground and you've got me.:dohh:
Hey ladies,

Glad to see your taking to vincent and Betty so well, you sound like a natural.

I'm in agony and definately second giving your boyd time to recoup, cos thi pregnancy is miserable cos of the pain, pelvic girdle pain, and everything else, plus feel fat all the time cos again didn't loose weight from Olivia. PLus I still can't feel baby moving so it kinda makes it harde3r to justify feeling so crap all the time!

HAHA but on a positive note, hmmmmmmmmm,, think think think lol I'm coming round to the ideaof having another one!

Penny when did you feel vincent move, cos I keep being fobbed off being told it's the fact I'm bigger, it's the fact my tummy muscles are already stretched! What I want to know is if thats so how come I can feel braxton hicks then? Surely thats all to do with the insides as well!

Just a quick one to say that all went well with our scan. The sonographer said that all the measurements were good and that the baby looks nice and healthy. She also told us that we are expecting a girl!!

Hope everyone is doing well.

Kim xx

Best of both worlds! Its great, huh? The only thing that bugged me was having to buy all new clothes.
Didn't bug me that much, though...
:coffee:Minus the reading, add a baby on my boob and another eating something off the ground and you've got me.:dohh:

As we only plan to have 2 children, it's nice that we'll have one of each, especially as Keith already has a son. It will be the first girl born on Keith's father's side of the family for 20 years!! Keith's brother has a son, Keith has Dan and Harry already and Keith has no sisters, so Keith's mum is over-the-moon too. But there's loads of girls on my side of the family, so won't be quite as special. We're just happy that everything looks good on the scan :)
Penny when did you feel vincent move, cos I keep being fobbed off being told it's the fact I'm bigger, it's the fact my tummy muscles are already stretched! What I want to know is if thats so how come I can feel braxton hicks then? Surely thats all to do with the insides as well!

It was pretty early actually. Like 13 weeks? Perhaps your placenta is in the way?
Yeah I had that with Olivia very early movments and full on kicks by 17 weeks, both of my babies had anterior placenta's so can't work it out! Might pop to the doctor this week!

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