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Back to Back Pregnancies!

I'm okay. Very busy! :wacko: haha! Very tired. I can't wait to get through this part of the pg. I feel like a zombie and am having trouble giving Otter the attention he deserves. :cry: My milk is starting to decrease, too. Grr. I will be heartbroken if it dries up.

But other than that, just chuggin along!

How are you doing?? :hugs:
Hi Ladies! Last time I posted on this thread was before John was born. So now I'm a mom of 2 under 2! I would have posted sooner but my hands are always full these days :lol:
My daughter Kathryn is now 16 months old and John is 6 weeks. I had a c-section so up untill a week ago it has been even harder since I was in pain. My DH is back at work now so its tough adjusting to doing everything on my own (he worked the first couple weeks while we we're staying with my parents then he took vacation time since paternity leave isn't paid). Kathryn wasn't too happy about the new addition at first, she would kiss the baby and say "baby" and point a lot and give hugs, but she also did a lot of hitting and biting him too and was soooo clingy. But now she's great, giving kisses and hugs and she loves "holding" the baby (we sit her on the couch and put him on her lap while she hugs him-but were are holding him the whole time), she brings over his pacifier and wipes and diapers, its so sweet. She does still hit him, though I'm pretty sure half the time she's just trying to burp him (if only she would "pat" a little lighter and on his back instead of his head :lol:), but she does hit on purpose too. The hardest part now is that we don't go out as much, she gets cabin fever if we don't go out at least once a day. Yesterday was pouring rain so we didn't even go for a walk and she was a nightmare cause she was bored; hitting a lot making a HUGE mess, throwing fits. At least she is equally as sweet and funny though I thought I was going to lose it since John wouldn't nap at all yesterday :dohh:

John is a sweet baby, but pretty fussy. Generally he sleeps well at night, we've only had a few bad nights so far, naps are another story though and he's constantly eating and is very gassy too, and he still needs to be held almost constantly, he doesn't like being put down much so it's very hard to get anything done.

So my apartment looks like a tornado hit, I haven't had 5 min to myself in days, dealing with very needy newborn and a easily bored toddler is not easy. How do I get through it? I enjoy every single little sweet, funny thing Kathryn does and I know concretely that my newborn will grow out of this needy stage (because Kathryn outgrew it!) and I like holding him, so even though I have to do it all day I want to enjoy it while I can. Before I know it John will be Kathryn's age and wont want me to hold him at all, and he is our last child so I'm soaking up ever second. The advantage this time around is that you know what to do, your baby isn't a flimsy piece of glass this time and you aren't so scared and clueless. So it's not easy but it's doable, you just have to be ok with letting the housework and "me time" slide for a while, easier to handle because this time around you know that you will get that time back soon and the currant situation is temporary.

Sorry that was insanely long, Kathryn has woken up from her nap so I have to go out to the grocery store. My first time shoppin with them both by-myself, wish me luck! Hope this helped some of you in someway :D

Oh and by the way, I'm so glad to not be pregnant anymore! It was so hard to imagine being able to handle 2 with how tired and in pain I was while PG, but those physical problems DID end.
Sounds like a handful!!!! :shock: But very rewarding, too.

Have you tried putting John in a sling? That way you can carry him and still attend to Kathryn and/or get a little housework done. My LO wanted held constantly for the first 8-10 weeks or so, too. I would not have made it through without my slings!
Thanks for your feedback it's nice to hear from Mum's out there and surviving it. I was going to recommend a sling too.

As for worrying about me time (lol what's that?) and time for housework, well I don't get me time anyway with three kids about the house, and housework for me is on hold whilst I have this SPD. One thing that puts me off ever having another is the endless amounts of laundry I have right now!

So I guess for me it won't be much different, I think I will find weekends the hardest as DF works all weekend so I'm on my own! But weekdays when we have my step daughter at least he's around to help which he does alot of bless him! I'll just visit my mum every weekend! LOL

By the way what twin buggy did you go for and how are you finding it?
I'm totally in two minds about a twin buggy!! :muaha:

I am into baby wearing and carry Otter as much as possible, but, realistically, I don't think I will be able to carry two at once! :dohh: So, I don't know what to do. I have used Otter's stroller like 3 times, max! I don't want to waste money on a twin one that I will never use either.
Glad everyones plodding along. I'm exhausted, noahs had a tummy bug so we've not had much sleep. I'm napping in the day when he does but he's never been one for napping for long stretches. Luckily hubby helps out round the house and turns a blind eye to the rest of the mess! It doesn't help that MIL thinks I need to get on top of things and told me the other day I needed to stop napping in the day and get some housework done! Seriously, can this woman not remember being pregnant? And my house is untidy but not dirty, it isn't at toxic level (yet LOL).

I'm interested to know what everyone else is doing about prams etc I will need a tandem, although I do use a mei tai (or did til found out I was pregnant) and have my single pram so short term I can manage. But for tandems I don't know what I should be looking for.

Moonmuffin, noah will be Kathryns age now when this LO is born so that makes interesting reading.

Has anyone got any tips for battling the fatigue? Cos I'm just managing to get dressed by midday!

Also did any of you mums who's babies are here now, prepare your older babies in any way or were they too little?
I'm okay. Very busy! :wacko: haha! Very tired. I can't wait to get through this part of the pg. I feel like a zombie and am having trouble giving Otter the attention he deserves. :cry: My milk is starting to decrease, too. Grr. I will be heartbroken if it dries up.

But other than that, just chuggin along!

How are you doing?? :hugs:

It got so much easier once I was no longer pregnant. Can you take anything for milk production while pregnant eg. fenugreek? try this recipe for oats, I made them at Christmas, with no relation to increasing production, and I was leaking everywhere. They're really tasty, too.

No Bake Chocolate Oatmeal Drop Cookies Recipe

1 stick of butter or margarine (the skinny sticks, about a cup)
2 cups sugar (only 1/2cup sugar if you add 1 1/2 cups of sweetened coconut)
1/2 cup milk
3 tablespoons cocoa powder
3 cups quick cooking oats
1/2 cup peanut butter (smooth)
1 teaspoon vanilla

Bring butter, sugar, milk and cocoa to a boil over med-low heat, stirring constantly. Boil rapidly for exactly 3 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in other ingredients. Drop by spoonfuls on wax paper and put in fridge to harden and cool.

So good. You might need to add more oats, but considering your purposes, that's a good thing. And they freeze really well, too.
By the way what twin buggy did you go for and how are you finding it?

I got a graco one (I'm not sure they even have that brand in the UK) and I hate it. Its too heavy. If I drove it would be decent, but as I am on transit, its not all that great. It might be easier once Vincent is older, but in the mean time, I'm not enjoying it. It hand;es really poorly.
I would love tips on battling the fatigue! It is killing me. Otter is still waking every 3 hours... and I work full time from 6 am until 5 pm, 4 days per week. Ugg!

My house is slowly going to pot, too. :dohh: Thankfully, DH has been very helpful and (like Kiree's) turns a blind eye to what he can't manage to get done. It is all I can do to get home from work, make dinner (have to as Otter is BLWing!), and get everything ready for the next day (Otter's daycare needs, etc). :wacko:

Kiree, any reason why you stopped using your mei tai? Were you told to stop by a doc? I havent' had occassion to use mine since being pg, but I still keep it in the car and plan to use it if I need. I prefer to carry Otter! I just haven't taken him anywhere lately as he has also been ill with an ear and sinus infection. :(
OO! thanks, PB! :happydance: I will try that!

Thus far, I am avoiding fenugreek and blessed thistle. There is mixed information about it being safe during pg. Most places say fenugreek is NOT and it is about 50/50 with blessed thistle. Something to do with promoting uterine contractions and possibly causing miscarriage. :shrug: But I might try very low doses if I get desperate enough.

Someone else mentioned something about oatmeal, too. So, I will absolutely be making those cookies! :mrgreen:
I had heard this about the graco (yeah we have them in UK) tandem buggy which was what was putting me off a tandem style.
From the info I've gathered lol I ask everyone I see who has a double pram with babies of similar age to what we'll have (i know hey prob think I'm crazy women.lol) I seem to have gained that if you want a tandem go for a three wheeler tandem and preferabley (apolo's for sp's) a Jane if you can afford one, as these are sturdy light and handle really well.
From double side by side, which I think is what I want, again three wheelers seem like a good option, but make sure the back rest are adjustable and not just bucket seat that tip, (if that makes sense.) however alot of people's first reaction to side by side is they def didn't want one cos of doorways etc. However on speaking to a few people randomly they say it hasn't been a problem, one cos buggies are narrower these daysand two doors are wider due to legalities on disability and wheelchair access!

Hope that kinda helps!
Well I do use a sling sometimes, I have a moby which is wonderful but I just can't seem to get the hang of tying it right. Sometimes I get it on great but sometimes it too lose or too tight or off center and I'm following the directions. And John is just sooo hungry, by the time I get it on right he wants to eat so I have to take it off again! I have to figure out how to to the BF tie. I really want a Mei Tai but we don't have an extra $40 lying around

As for the double stroller I got a Kolecraft (I'd never heard of the brand till I saw this stroller in the mall) https://www.amazon.com/Kolcraft-Con...ie=UTF8&s=baby-products&qid=1264612704&sr=8-4 I got mine for $199 though. I don't love how heavy and hard to steer it is but we couldn't afford a side by side jogger. I do like that the seats can face any way and it came with a universal adaptor so I can just pop the baby's carseat in.
This is the one I'd get if money was no object: https://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3037734 I tested one out and it was a dream to push.
Once Kathryn is big enough I'll swap for one of those sit and stand ones though.

As for the exhaustion while I was PG? I often had a small cup of coffee (only one a day, but not every day). Not the best thing in the world but my doctor said having a cup a day wouldn't cause any harm. I also napped when Kathryn did, and my DH was absolutely wonderful and let me sleep in on his days off. The exhaustion was really the hardest part, but I promise it goes away after baby is out! Now it's sleep depravation, but at least this tired goes away by mid morning, hits again in the afternoon but I can push through it and it goes away again.

I just wish it wasn't such a mess in here, it's driving me nuts, I can't think straight with it so messy and Kathryn doesn't play well either unless its clean (she throws everything on the floor instead!) so then she's difficult and all over me.
Tigerlady- the only reason i stopped is because i wasnt too sure whether i should be or not, i had read somewhere that there was a different way to tie during pregnancy but i just cannot find the info anywhere now. i do still want to wear him, it would be far easier.

pennysbored, that recipe sounds yummy.
As for the double stroller I got a Kolecraft (I'd never heard of the brand till I saw this stroller in the mall) https://www.amazon.com/Kolcraft-Con...ie=UTF8&s=baby-products&qid=1264612704&sr=8-4 I got mine for $199 though. I don't love how heavy and hard to steer it is but we couldn't afford a side by side jogger. I do like that the seats can face any way and it came with a universal adaptor so I can just pop the baby's carseat in.

the universal adaptor sounds good.. would you say you wouldnt recommend this though? i dont know whether theyd ship to uk..... does it fold up small?
I must confess I have been relying a bit on caffiene, too. Not coffee as I have gone off it again! :wacko: I did last pg, too. :dohh: But I do indulge in a soda every couple of days. Which is a bit odd for me as normally I don't like sodas, but love them when preggo!

Everything is backwards! :wacko:
I'm totally in two minds about a twin buggy!! :muaha:

I am into baby wearing and carry Otter as much as possible, but, realistically, I don't think I will be able to carry two at once! :dohh: So, I don't know what to do. I have used Otter's stroller like 3 times, max! I don't want to waste money on a twin one that I will never use either.

Sorry to barge in but im hopefully going to have a back to back pregnancy. Started TTC last week and only took 1 cylce to get BFP with River so hopefully wont be to long this time around to.

I really dont like the idea of a double buggy, my loola is already big enough. I like wearing River also so am going to wear her until im uncomfortable then will use pushchair for River and use a carrier for the new bubba.
hi ladies wow there are so many of you back to back pregnancys lol my story is crazy me and OH where ntnp and my OH said i was really moody but i didnt ever think it would happen so soon ! what is everyone elses story where you trying or was it a shock?xx
Surprise for me... but I knew I was playing with fire. :blush: I was just having BC issues because I didn't want to chance messing with BFing my DS. :dohh:

Mine will be 13 months apart. How about you Shorman? How old is your oldest and how far along are you?

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