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Back to Back Pregnancies!

To be honest, we were ntnp but it was still a shock!
To be honest, we were ntnp but it was still a shock!

I know what you mean, we were (mostly) using condoms, but what do you know, it really does only take once.
On that note, I know EXACTLY what day I conceived.
hahaha!! Me, too! Down to the conversation....

DH: *gets frisky*
Me: Ermm.. this could be dangerous.
DH: Really, why?
Me: I think I might ovulate soon.
DH: *too frisky to care*


We weren't even DTD that often! Only found time a couple of times per month (esp with a co-sleeper!), so he was taking what he could get. I thought it wouldn't be ovulation for a few more days, so was likely okay. Besides, what were the chances that ONE time would catch me out??? Right? I ovulated 2-3 days later, so surely all those spermies were long gone... right????

HAHA I ovulated a week later! GO figure! But i knew as soon as we'd dtd that we'd conceive, it was weird to say but the need was so there it was more than just me, it was like my body was lol scuse the frankness, but just sucking up the sperm! lol

AND YEAh i knew the day wrote in in my phone diary, but dleeted it so can't remember exact date, but i know the exact occasion.
Hahah, I wish we could send out a warning somewhere, about how it can happen any time. I mean, my kids are 10 months apart. 10 months! Could they have been any closer? Granted, Vincent was born at 36 weeks, but still. Its kinda embarrassing sometimes. Especially at my age. I mean, I'm 30 this year! I should have known better.
The running joke with me and OH is that we wanted to be sure that was how it was done.
Officially confirmed.

I just noticed you are getting up there, Shinning star. Its goes fast hey?
Awww Penny not fast enough!

Oh by the way if anyone in UK Argos are doing the mama's and papa's twin aria for 122.00 quid half price bargain, but I can't justify paying out for that when I'm now getitng the one I want for 370.00 lol don't think df would be pleased with me buying it just to put in the loft until they're a bit older! LOL
Mind you on readin that back, I'm wishing this pregnancy away but god knows what I'm gonna do when this bub's arrives! :eek:
The first thing I got from about a half a dozen different people that I told...

Me: I'm pregnant again.
Them: Already???
Me: Yes. Oops.
Them: Erm... Do I need to tell you how that keeps happening?

:dohh: NO! I am nearly 34 for bleeps sake! hahahaha! But I should have known better, too. Heck, I DID know better, and let my hormones get the best of me and didn't stop when I KNEW I should have. Worse than a bloody teenager!

PB, I think 10 months is about as close as you get! You are the closest I've seen so far. And I thought my 13 months was nuts! haha!
I'm embarrased to say, I didn't believe that it really did just have to be one time. Oops there's natures way of showing me who knows best!
Mind you on readin that back, I'm wishing this pregnancy away but god knows what I'm gonna do when this bub's arrives! :eek:

The first month is the worst, then your energy returns. Its awesome. Things just sort of fall into place.
Betty is pretty independent, so I am lucky, but half the reason she is so independent is because of my pregnancy. I didn't have the energy to chase her around.
The hardest part is going out, so choose your stroller carefully.
Hello there ladies!

And TL you got your wish :haha:

So I tested this morning and got my BFP. Didn't expect it so soon but oh well :D

Have to tell my OH later...dont quite now how he'll react as although we were NTNP he was taking the NOT very seriously...:dohh: and on the 1st cycle...I fall pregnant :blush:

Caitlyn was a pill baby, am hoping this pregnancy is easy and my beanie is happy and healthy :thumbup:
Hello to all... Just thought I'd drop in to update you all on how things are going with little Lady-Bug, me and Harry...

I'm now 28 weeks 3 days and had my blood tests last week (Hb count & Antibodies) Hb was 13.4 (was 14.2 last time) so they're happy with that, but the Antibodies came back as "problem with sample", so not quite sure what that means. Seeing the midwife again 3 March, so have been advised to talk to her about it then as it's not classed as a serious problem.

Little Lady-Bug is VERY active, even to the point of waking me up at night with her kicking!! Love feeling her move around and especially now she is a lot more responsive to touch and sound :)

Harry is still not sleeping well, in fact I think he's got worse!! But having said that, if I give him his bottle at 10pm ish (any earlier and we're in for a whole night of not sleeping) he will fall asleep on me. If I then take him to his cot whenever I go to bed, I can usually get 3-4 hours sleep in before he wakes again. Once settled (usually just needs his dummy and his covers re-arranging etc) he will usually sleep through to about 7-7:30am. IF I haven't slept well, he will then sleep in our bed with me until my alarm goes off at 8:30 and I wake him at about 9am once I've got myself ready... But otherwise I'll get up with him around 7ish. HOWEVER... If I don't do things as above or hubby puts him down in his cot, he will wake up at about 11-12ish and stay awake until 2-3am!!! I think he's just one of those babies who doesn't need a lot of sleep to be honest, as he will sleep 3-7am, not have a nap all day and then do the same the following night!! Not good when you're 6 months pregnant with #2...

As for me... I'm feeling very tired and feel like I could just do with a break from things right now... Which is handy as I'm off to St Ives in Cornwall next Saturday :) Can't wait!! Going with my parents, Hubby, Harry, Dan, My Bro, his GF and her daughter. We go every year with my parents and the kids, but this will be my Bro's first time he's been there for the whole week... My parents are great with Harry, so will be taking him off to the harbour as and when they can and my Bro is great with him too, so I'm sure he'll be keeping him entertained quite a bit too :)

Hope all is going well for everyone else xx
Hi, Twig!!!! :wave:

I'm so glad to see you here!!!!! :happydance:
Congrats Twiglet! Kathryn was about 6 months old when I fell PG with John :D
As for the double stroller I got a Kolecraft (I'd never heard of the brand till I saw this stroller in the mall) https://www.amazon.com/Kolcraft-Con...ie=UTF8&s=baby-products&qid=1264612704&sr=8-4 I got mine for $199 though. I don't love how heavy and hard to steer it is but we couldn't afford a side by side jogger. I do like that the seats can face any way and it came with a universal adaptor so I can just pop the baby's carseat in.

the universal adaptor sounds good.. would you say you wouldnt recommend this though? i dont know whether theyd ship to uk..... does it fold up small?

sorry I've taken so long to reply, I always forget to check the groups section :dohh:

I like my stroller, even though it isn't the easiest to manage, Its got a huge basket under the seats and it's got cup holders so that makes up for it I think. It folds up pretty small if you take the seats off (small for a double at least...I think but I haven't seen any others folded up), but it still takes up most of the trunk, if you want something that folds small go for the McLaren side-by-side...though I don't know if you can put a carseat on it.
Graco seems to be making their doubles a little more spaced out so that one kid isn't blocked/under the other, so maybe those are worth checking out.

The quest for the perfect double stroller is so tough!
Ohh how do you find it MoonMuffin?! I am so going to be asking you lots of questions :lol:
As for the double stroller I got a Kolecraft (I'd never heard of the brand till I saw this stroller in the mall) https://www.amazon.com/Kolcraft-Con...ie=UTF8&s=baby-products&qid=1264612704&sr=8-4 I got mine for $199 though. I don't love how heavy and hard to steer it is but we couldn't afford a side by side jogger. I do like that the seats can face any way and it came with a universal adaptor so I can just pop the baby's carseat in.

the universal adaptor sounds good.. would you say you wouldnt recommend this though? i dont know whether theyd ship to uk..... does it fold up small?

sorry I've taken so long to reply, I always forget to check the groups section :dohh:

I like my stroller, even though it isn't the easiest to manage, Its got a huge basket under the seats and it's got cup holders so that makes up for it I think. It folds up pretty small if you take the seats off (small for a double at least...I think but I haven't seen any others folded up), but it still takes up most of the trunk, if you want something that folds small go for the McLaren side-by-side...though I don't know if you can put a carseat on it.
Graco seems to be making their doubles a little more spaced out so that one kid isn't blocked/under the other, so maybe those are worth checking out.

The quest for the perfect double stroller is so tough!

The Graco's are beasts! I have one, its a pain in the ass! Huge and heavy, doesn't handle worth a crap. I kinda wish now that I would have gotten one of those ones that just have the seat right behind the carriage part that the older Lo can sit on. She's a little young for it now, but soon enough.
I'm hoping once I can put Vincent in it without his car seat it will be better.
hey gals

Well I'm havign a poo pregnancy all in third tri section and parenting journal, but basically baby's heart ate dropped today to 100 bpm, they don't know why but since the original trace it went back up again so they sent me home, LOL I am not reassured funny enough!

hows everyone else doing?
Oh no, sorry hon! :hugs: I hope it was just a random and doesn't happen again.

Ugg... this little beanie just wants loads of carbs and the last couple of days has taken to making me overeat! :dohh: So, now I am bloated and feel :sick: Really gotta watch that better. :roll:

I finally told work, they are cool about it. Whew.

Otter is still bfing as normal, so that is reassuring. Still dreading that terrible 14-16 week mark when that might change, though. :(
hi ladies sorry havent been on here much been so hectic my daughter is teething! so quick question on buggies any good advice as i have two little ones :) how is everyone feeling? my morning sickness has really kicked in now :sick: xx

Surprise bfp on the 27th of January!!!



Booking appointment 17th of February at 6:30pm :happydance:

TEAM OCTOBER BUMPKINS!!!! ------à my pregnancy journal - https://www.babyandbump.com/pregnan...ourney-darling-daughter-going-big-sister.html

Bump buddies with Active BnB Member
Lozncrystal and buttonnose82

Surprise bfp on the 27th of January!!!

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