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Back to Back Pregnancies!

I don't know much about bf and pregnancy but there are a few mums who have done it ok.

Yeah it was awful, and worst thing is this baby moves so little anyway how am suppossed to know when to go back or not? If I went everytime I didn't get ten movements I'd be in there every other day! And now hb dropped am concerned about it all, cos how do I know hr didn't just pick up cos of alladrenaline running thorugh my body with fear that bubs was't ok!
SS, do you have a doppler that can measure the hb? That way you can check it once a day and only go in if it seems low?
Yeah we do and the few times I've done it it's been 120, so not sure if doppler isn't as accurate or the heart rate is low? But perhaps I should start making a note of it all esp if I can't feel the movements, thanks.
I would say worry if it is anything below 120. I think 120 would still be okay and the doppler is not necessarily perfectly accruate. Or worry if it is 120 or less combined with little or no movements.

Hopefully you won't have to worry, though!

I used to eat oreos when I needed Otter to move as he seemed to love them. :haha:
I had a bottle of sprite today and bubs has moved the most I've ever felt but like I say that could be I guess due to adrenaline and being poked about a bit?? Who knows, lol trying not to worry!
any update SS, how are things? hows the rest of you girls?

i dont feel as exhausted but i still feel ive got hardly any energy and im feeling guilty that my son isnt getting enough interaction off me... does anyone else ever feel this way? i know in the scheme of things he wont remember this but i still give myself a hard time.

i told work yesterday. i dont go back until march but popped in to tell them. oh well!! they were ok about it actually so one less thing to worry about x
YES! I feel like that all the time. Sunday was really bad. I was not feeling well and couldn't hardly get out of bed. I kept Otter in there with me a lot of the day, hoping he would nap a lot (which he did) but also just playing on the bed with his toys, while I laid there and felt miserable. :dohh:

I felt awful as I know he was bored and I used to spend so much more quality time with him. :cry: I am just hoping I get through this first tri nastiness soon so I can up the time with Otter. I hated feeling like that. :nope:
Hello ladies, babies and bumps!

Haven't been in here for ages so I thought I'd give you an update.

Bump is growing loads and moving almost constantly, I'm suffering with SPD now which is tough especially as oscar is walking now. MS went around 16 weeks then paid a quick visit a few weeks ago again but fx it's gone for good now. I had loads of energy up til last week and now I'm starting to feel tired alot of the time again. Had our 20 week scan and was told we're expecting another boy so I envisage a ruined house within a couple of years lol

SS hope your bumps movement and hr increases, oscar wasn't very active in utero and his hr was low toward the end but he's turned out just fine.

And for those ladies in the 1st tri, it does get alot easier when you're in the 2nd tri and you stop feeling so groggy and get some energy back. When I was in the 1st tri I didn't think I was going to survive the pregnancy with a young one too but you do, your priorities just change a little. If any family friends can have your LO for a few hours here and there it really helps. Oscar started nursery a couple of months ago, just two half days a week as we haven't got anyone who can look after him and now I really look forward to my time alone if only catching up on housework. Also the LOs sleep for longer spells as they get older which means you get more time to relax too.

:hugs: can't wait til our moo 2 arrives now, just under 4 months to go!
Hello all,

Well had a manic weekend, was my birthday on sunday but ended up in childrens ward with my sis and her son as the whole family ended up getting norvo virus, I personally have just recovered and it was horrible but it would seem i got it mildly compared ot my sis and mum. I'm just hoping my kids have skipped it now, and every time I hear them cough or groan am so worried they've picked it up.

On bubs note definately more movement and spread further across the day although not sure on pattersn or numbers yet, but def more lively. However went to mw on Mon, they said hb was fine, BUT measuring 31 weeks by tummy measurement now, wtf! I asked about another scan and she didn't mention refering me, I'm def gonna have to chase that. How can I go on a MW mearsurment when it's so clearly out, I mean I'm all for a growth spurt but on friday baby was measuring two days small, and she's telling me in a weekend babys grown 2 weeks worth! I mean I don't think scan's give accurate sizes anyway but blatently the tummy measurement is even more inaccurate, I just don't think anybody knows where this baby is and what it's doing. I know sounds daft but makes you question if there is really one in there ya know.

As for guilty, yeah I hate that I don't spend as much time with Olivia as I'd like to, daddy does alot for her so Imiss out on a few things and now am worried gonna miss out on ehr first steps as she seems so close and I seem to be eiether sleeping or at bloomin appointments, I mean df comes with me to most of them but sometimes the times are off so he has to stay with Olivia to get kids from school. I'me even more worried about after the birth cos just think it'll be df and Olivia and me bf the newborn, I'm only gonna do it for a week though just so it gets the good bits cos after that I don't wanna miss any more time with Olivia, plus I know I'll be doing most of the care of the newborn cos like most daddy's he's only really become more hands on now she's older. I just feel like I'm gonna miss out on my lovely little girl!

My spd has hit new levels this week and it's all in the groin, I've been in so much agony today just getting up off of the sofa, all the pain has shifted to my groin and it hurts no matter where I am or what I'm doing.

LOL the joys of back to back pregnancy! I hope everyone else is doing ok!

hugs to mams, babs and bumps!
Sorry to hear your spd is so bad. :(

As for the growth... :shrug: Who knows! 31 would be good for your gestation, but considering bubs was small just a few days before that, it is a bit confusing. :wacko:

I have the same fears of being constantly attached to the newborn bfing while Otter gets little to no attention. :( That is one of main reasons I hope he doesn't self wean so I can tandem nurse.

I get split about it -- after all, I gave Otter that sort of attention when he was newborn, so doesn't #2 deserve it, too? But then that means less for Otter. :dohh:
Hello is it if i join in here?
I have 2 baby boys Zak who is 27 months and Charlie who is 17 months! im also 27 weeks pregnant with my third boy :D
I fell pregnant with Charlie when Zak was 5 weeks old! really didnt think it could happen to me but gosh im so happy! i love my boys! we decided just before charlies 1st birthday it was time for our third and last :) so i cant wait! i love meeting people who are in the same situation as me! :D xxx
Wow someone who sounds positive about having so close together! lol
#We need you! Hi, Nice to meet you!
Hey everyone :hi: Hope you don't mind me joining here?

I had 3 daughters within 2.5 years - November 2001, March 2003 & April 2004.

My eldest DD and middle DD are 16mos apart, and my middle DD and youngest DD are 12.5mos apart....... I wouldn't have it any other way - most of the time they get on really well :friends: BUT I'm not really looking forward to the teenage years!! (I think our house will be full of hormones! :sulk:)

Oh, and I mustn't forget....... Just got a :bfp:, so if all goes to plan, the last age gap will be 6.5 years :shock: (only slightly different! :rofl:)

Wow someone who sounds positive about having so close together! lol
#We need you! Hi, Nice to meet you!

I am positive about it :D BUT dont get me wrong somedays i think OMG what am i doing!!! Will be great fun thou :) xxx
Don't get me wrong it's fabulous to hear positive takes of back to back pregnancies, and mybe I'm speaking for myself here BUT I'm abs petrified!

COngratlations on your :bfp: crazy, thats three real close in age, well done you! Good Luck with this pregnancy hope it's a smooth running for you!
Welcome kirsti and going crazy.. Hey this getting pregnant back to back is pretty popular eh?

I've got another question that's popped into my head for you girls who are further on/already done it. How did you manage with getting your LOs in and out of the cot while you have a bump. A random q I know but these things keep me awake at night!
may i join you ladies please :D
never found this group until now

ill give you some info.. im Sarah (obviously :haha:) im 17 :blush: mummy to Harriet and Max-bump :D

accidently got pregnant when Harriet was about 14weeks old. ill be 38weeks on her first birthday! so a good chance i could have two UNDER ONE!!

so far im not feeling the strain so im trying to make the most of it before im huge haha i think ill have another big baby because Harriet was 8lb14.5!!

anyway thats us :D ill just upload a picture for you all

hope everythings well :hugs:
i kinda feel odd that im the only one posting pics haha but oh well :)

just want to introduce us all ;)

this is my gorgeous daughter and my bump! 23+1 bump to be presice :haha:

please excuse the mess and stretchmarks from Harriet lol xx


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Pregnancy has been so so got SPD now so its sucking abit more! blood pressure was scarily high but lowered its self! :D
Sarah your LO is beautiful! and your bump :D is ace!! :D xxx
Pregnancy has been so so got SPD now so its sucking abit more! blood pressure was scarily high but lowered its self! :D
Sarah your LO is beautiful! and your bump :D is ace!! :D xxx

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