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Back to Back Pregnancies!

Hi! been busy busy busy, first week back at work last week :sad1: - but hey at least its not for long :happydance: !!

been for the 2nd scan today to check the situation with the baby's bowel development and pleased to say everything is fine. Just like u said it would be tigerlady!! we were only in about a minute they just checked what they wanted to and then that was it but we did get to see baby having a stretch out. and he /she has changed a lot in 2 weeks.

the tiredness seems to be subsiding which is great news and i feel like I'm giving a lot more time to DS again now so everythings settling nicely.

whats happening with everyone else?

Oh, ps i think a lady popped in here asking what was classed back to back and i dont think you got a reply off anyone hun (i might be wrong) but i dont know if theres a clear answer to that. my way of thinking is, 'having a baby while you still have a baby' but someone else may put it better than me! x
:yipee: for the great news Kiree!! I am glad everything is fine. I was just looking on that site today, reading that the bowel should be back in the belly now and I thought of you. :hugs:

Yeah, I don't know what back to back is either, really...? But I figure 13 months apart qualifies! :rofl:

I'm shattered right now. Otter had JUST started a better sleeping pattern last week and I was over the moon excited! He was sleeping for 7 hours straight! :shock: :shock: I actually slept 2x for about 5 hours each. It was heaven. Then it got all mucked up the last 2 nights. :( He has a super stuffy nose (teething or cold??) and wakes up screaming constantly because he can't breathe. I don't think I have had an hour straight in the last couple of days. It is wearing on me already.

Second tri tomorrow! :happydance: Next OB appt on Wednesday. I dunno if I will get a scan or not as I am seeing a new doc. :shrug:
Well, just found out on the 6th that I am pregnant again. I am freaking out a bit, as not sure I am completely ready. I have been so wore out that it is starting to scare me. Someone .. HELP! lol
Silaslove... congrats. All I can say is you will start to feel differently once the shock subsides. You just have to get it right in your head. Lovely news x
Oh hey tigerlady what's your due date btw? I've been put back a few days but not updated my ticker. I'm 13 weeks today so due 14 sept. Will you be the same (can't work out what time you posted about 'tomorrow' cos of the time difference its too early, yawn!)
Hi all,

Had a rather busy couple of weeks recently - Been told off by midwife for not taking it easy and doing too much etc, had Harry's last lot of jabs (MMR and Swine Flu), it was my 26th Birthday and just generally been hectic!!

Hope everyone is keeping well...

Harry's will be 15 months old on 15th March (next Monday) and we'll only have 6 weeks to go on the same day... It's feeling very real and very scary now :(

Anyway, had best dash as I'm about to pop to the park with Harry to play on the swings :)

Kim xx
Hi girls, I thought I'd introduce myself here. Do I count as a back to back pregnancy? I'm not sure what the gap needs to be to count, but mine will be fairly close together... My little girl (Katie) was born June 30th, and I'm around 11 weeks pg with my next one so there will be about 1yr 3months between them. I also have a 5 year old girl (Chloe). I only returned to work last week, and I'm knackered already! I'm not sure how I'm going to survive until my next Mat Leave. Doesn't help needing to catch 2 buses and walk an hour to get the kids in childcare/breakfast club and into work.

I don't have a scan until the 20th, so I'm not 100% sure of dates (I'm BFing still so only had one AF which I didn't note the date over, then one oopsie and no more for me for another 9 months!) though I know roughly, lol. But I *should* be due around Sept 22nd. On the plus side I have 30 1/2 days holiday to take in the 6 months I'm back at work!

Hope everyone is OK, and that I belong in this thread, let me know if I don't! xx
Silaslove... congrats. All I can say is you will start to feel differently once the shock subsides. You just have to get it right in your head. Lovely news x

Thank you. As the days go on I am starting to feel better about it all. I have been so exhausted that I think it is just wearing on me and so I cannot think completely straight. Trying my best.

I pray that reading through this entire thread will make me feel even better. :)
SilasLove, I agree with Kiree! It will settle better once you get over the shock. And I think there are advantages to having them close together, too!

BubbleBump, I would say you totally belong here! I would consider that back to back. That is a separation very similar to mine. Otter was born on July 20 and I am 13 weeks pg. I have to admit first tri is exhausing!! :wacko: Esp when you are bfing and working. I am doing the same and I am knackered! But as second tri moved closer, I found I am starting to feel the teeniest bit better. :hugs:

Kiree, we have the same due date! :happydance: I'm 13 weeks today. :thumbup: Second Tri for both of us!! :yipee: Even though my due date is the 14th, I will be having Meerkat at about 38-39 weeks via scheduled c section. :growlmad: Otter stayed breech and resulted in a section at 39 weeks (I wanted a natural, no drugs birth! :hissy: ). On the plus side to that... I know when she will come. Right now I am looking at Friday, Sept 3rd as a possible date. :mrgreen:
hi, can i join you guys? josh will be 13 months on my due date, but will prob have to be induced at 38 weeks coz of diabetes,making 12 and half months eeek!!!
Silas- I was exactly the same and tbh even up until 24 weeks pooey pants and abs terrified of being pregnant again, as well as this I have suffered am suffering with spd so I really resentes this pregnancy to begin with, but now the double pram has arrived I'm getting there and the more I think about it the more I see it as a good things albeit a bit hard initially. Good Luck and don't worry allownyourself time to have both the positive and negative feelings, I think it helps in end.
Silas- I was exactly the same and tbh even up until 24 weeks pooey pants and abs terrified of being pregnant again, as well as this I have suffered am suffering with spd so I really resentes this pregnancy to begin with, but now the double pram has arrived I'm getting there and the more I think about it the more I see it as a good things albeit a bit hard initially. Good Luck and don't worry allownyourself time to have both the positive and negative feelings, I think it helps in end.

Thank you. :)
I am rather excited about ordering my double stroller/pram, lol.
Well, just found out on the 6th that I am pregnant again. I am freaking out a bit, as not sure I am completely ready. I have been so wore out that it is starting to scare me. Someone .. HELP! lol

I was so mad when I found out I was pregnant with Vincent. Mad. But after awhile I warmed up to the idea, and now that he is here, I'm pretty happy. It has its hard days, but it gets easier.
So Mw reckons and fx she's right that i'll be getting a sweep at 37 weeks and a date for the week of 38 weeks. Really really hope she's right cos I'm in agony with this bloomin spd!

Wow this little one will be here soon, and I'm pretty sure it's a boy! LOL even mw said he. and sonographer turned away the screen pretty sharpish when she reached the bottom end so guessing might be cos was obvious! lol

DAre I say actually getting a bit excited about it all!
:yipee: SS! That's great news all around! A boy would be fantastic!
yeah I kinda thought boy from day one, but never 100% sure we cld still be surprised! hehe!

Here's to not long left and everything running smoothly. I just reaslised this time last year me and DF :sex: and the result was my waters breaking early hours morning. It's so weird!

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