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Back to Back Pregnancies!

Welcome kirsti and going crazy.. Hey this getting pregnant back to back is pretty popular eh?

I've got another question that's popped into my head for you girls who are further on/already done it. How did you manage with getting your LOs in and out of the cot while you have a bump. A random q I know but these things keep me awake at night!

I had Zaks cot heightened for getting him out BUT now there both in beds so its easier but if your keeping LO in cot i suggest just taking it easy.

Where about in North east are you from thats where i am to! xxxx
Kirsti- I'm a bit further down than you, south tyneside (if u have heard of it). And I'm a Kirsty with a Y! Lol.. xx
Yeah ive heard of it couldnt say where it is ruffly thou lol!
Aww really! every one spells my name with an "Y" but its actually Kirsti-Anne but i only use Kirsti xxx

wow this thread getting busy! lol.

Sarah I have to say Harriett is gorgeous, she looks tall for her age too!

The cot thing, sorry getting confused with the two k's. Small brain! I have trouble tbh df does it most of the time, but at weekend when he works, I have to kinda do it on the side, I don't have a lowering cot side either didn't think we'd need it! lol We brought a cot bed thinking it would be Olivia's first bed, well so much for that poor thing now gonna be in a bottom bunk by the time she's one!
accidently got pregnant when Harriet was about 14weeks old. ill be 38weeks on her first birthday! so a good chance i could have two UNDER ONE!!

My Lo's are 10 months apart. Its CRAZY!:dohh:

On that note...
NOt to scare anyone, but I am bloody exhausted. I can't even think straight right now. Betty is teething (still, again, call it what you will but either way its happening) and I think Vincent is starting to. Neither of them are sleeping, their dad is regressing to a childlike state and I haven't showered in 4 days.
I could really use some words of encouragement right about now.
Aw pb hun. Big big hugs to you!

You're doing fantastic just remember that. You'll come out of the other side of this... and then somewhere down the line us girls will be asking your expert advice on the same thing!

Wish I was close by, we could rally the troops to come and let you get showered and napped. And maybe arrange a quick kick up the bum for your OH too lol!

wow this thread getting busy! lol.

Sarah I have to say Harriett is gorgeous, she looks tall for her age too!

The cot thing, sorry getting confused with the two k's. Small brain! I have trouble tbh df does it most of the time, but at weekend when he works, I have to kinda do it on the side, I don't have a lowering cot side either didn't think we'd need it! lol We brought a cot bed thinking it would be Olivia's first bed, well so much for that poor thing now gonna be in a bottom bunk by the time she's one!

Thank you! Yes.. shes off the chart for height :haha: she doesnt get it off me.. im only 5ft3 :blush: but her daddys 6ft2!! x x
accidently got pregnant when Harriet was about 14weeks old. ill be 38weeks on her first birthday! so a good chance i could have two UNDER ONE!!

My Lo's are 10 months apart. Its CRAZY!:dohh:

On that note...
NOt to scare anyone, but I am bloody exhausted. I can't even think straight right now. Betty is teething (still, again, call it what you will but either way its happening) and I think Vincent is starting to. Neither of them are sleeping, their dad is regressing to a childlike state and I haven't showered in 4 days.
I could really use some words of encouragement right about now.

im like that and i only have 1 at the moment :blush:

sending biggg :hugs: your way, your doing a great job though!! x
What is classed as back to back?

We are planning on having our next soon and my SIL keeps telling me i am irresponsible for considering it. i personally think its jealousy as she got herself pregnant 4 weeks after Sam was born and now goes on that she has the baby in the family despite it the fact its still a 6 week old foetus ... anyway, is it stupid, i know its not easy, but but i am prepared for the worse and this baby is soooo easy... thus far.
Aww, PB, giant :hugs: The exhaustion is the worst. I am always looking forward, wondering when I will get 8 hours of sleep in a row?? The last time was about 13 months ago and I expect the next time will be 1-2 years from now! :shock: It seems an endless black abyss ahead.

So, you are not alone. And you are doing a wonderful job. This, too, shall pass. Eventually! And you'll be on the other side and it won't seem like it was so bad afterall.

Have you tried the Hylands teething tabs? I know loads of people that swear by them. They seem to help Otter some and are better for them then gel.

K, I worry about hauling Otter around with a big bump, too! I don't know how on Earth I will manage. :nope: He'll be 7 months (OMG :shock: ) in 4 days and weighs 25 lbs. He's been to the doc a lot lately (ear infections) and he is still consistently putting on one ounce per day!! :saywhat: If he keeps up at that rate, he'll be over 30 lbs by the time he is 10 months old and I will only be 6 months gone! :dohh: What am I going to do when he is 40 lbs and I am 35 weeks?!?!?! :help:
Aww your doing great tiger!!

i worry too, harriet 19lb6 and im struggling!! dread to think what it will be like...

then again she SHOULD be more active e.g walking etc when im bigger x
Hi ladies! Even thought I am WTT, I thought I could give some reassurance for anyone who was told it was a bad idea or bad for the kids. My sister and I are 11 months and 21 days apart. (Both oops babies):loopy: My mom always says it was the best decision because we were pretty much like twins. My sister and I couldn't be more different but we are both in are mid-twenties now and are close. I liked having someone so close in age (but I was the baby!) and now appreciate all of the hard work my parents had to do to juggle the two of us so close together. You ladies are awesome!:thumbup:
Hi ladies! Even thought I am WTT, I thought I could give some reassurance for anyone who was told it was a bad idea or bad for the kids. My sister and I are 11 months and 21 days apart. (Both oops babies):loopy: My mom always says it was the best decision because we were pretty much like twins. My sister and I couldn't be more different but we are both in are mid-twenties now and are close. I liked having someone so close in age (but I was the baby!) and now appreciate all of the hard work my parents had to do to juggle the two of us so close together. You ladies are awesome!:thumbup:

Thank you so much! i know im doing the right thing but oh it sure is nice to hear it lol xxx
Hey girls how is everyone? Its been a day of mixed emotions for me.. we had our 1st scan today. Such a relief to see our baby wiggling away with a good healthy heartbeat. Noah was with us at the scan and slept thru the whole thing!

However the sonographer mentioned that she could see the babys bowel outside of the tummy. She said this can happen as a matter of development between 10-11 weeks, and in this case then it corrects itself, and the scan just coincidentally happened at the time when this was going on. If that's what we have here then there's nothing to worry about. But if it is the bowels outside the abdomen then obviously my baby will need an operation shortly after he or she is born. I have to go for a scan in 2 weeks time to see what's happening.

Part of me wants to remain positive and not worry until I have to, the other part of me wants to know as much as I can to prepare myself. Plus if any of you uk mums have been watching 'one born every minute' then you'll have seen baby jack with that condition, so that's had me in tears tonight.

I'm frightened of my baby being in pain, being in special care, of not being able to cuddle and hold him or her. Of baby having to have an op. I'm also scared for noah because if I have a baby in special care, how can I possibly tear myself in two and be there for each of them all the time. I feel like I sound so selfish but its not me I'm worrying about just my babies.

I know I'm looking on the cloudy side a little bit here, I think I'm just processing everything. Because there's every chance of me going and them telling me the problem isn't there and everythings ok. And even if not, well then we'll just do what we need to do. I know people get far worse things to worry about than this and no matter what, the end result is that our baby will be fine either way. Think I jsut needed to get it all out to make sense of it.

Thanks if you managed to read all this girlies, and sorry if its bloody nonsense! And sorry if you think I'm being dramatic (and please tell me if I am!) But keep everything crossed for my little booboo x
K, hon, don't worry. EVERY baby goes through this stage and it is normal. Honest. It happens somewhere around 9-12 weeks. The chances are HUGE that it will all go where it is supposed to. :hugs:

Look here -- this says it is a 7.5 week embryo, which actually means 9.5 week as they base it on conception and not lmp on this site. But if you look at the picture you can see the bowels in the cord and look at the number 7 to the right.. it says it is normal.


Also look here: It says it is totally normal and the bowel will move back into the belly by 10 weeks post fertlization (which is 12 weeks from lmp).


Your little bean is fine! I promise!!! :hugs:
Wow thanks TL those links are great. I feel so much better reading that, you wouldn't believe. You're an absolute star x
:hugs: hope everything is okay hun!!

cant imagine how worried you must be, but i am glad little one is all good apart from that.

let us know how the next scan goes :hugs: x
Sorry I haven't been around much.
Thanks for all the love, ladies. Really. I was just having a bad week, and felt like screaming. Thanks for hearing it.
How is everyone? I guess I should read back a bit and see, hey?

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