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Maybe it is time to try that again?! ;)

Ugg! I feel like I have ages to go. At my doc appt today the doc said, "So you are 12 weeks..." I about flew off the table and smacked him, "NO! 13!!" :haha: He had better not take an entire week from me!!! :rofl:
Good morning ladies!

Hope you are all well. I was looking at double prams after reading about them in this thread. Oh my gosh, they are so expensive! I suppose at least we have pretty much everything else this time (except boy clothes, if it's a boy...). I used a baby sling with Katie until she was 7 months. The only reason I swapped is because she's now going the childminders who needs a buggy really, plus I suppose it will get uncomfortable once bump gets bigger! I was kind of planning on having Katie in her lightweight buggy, and wearing the sling for the new one. Do you think this would work or will I need to sucumb to double buggydom?

Gosh, how exciting your newest one is nearly here Shinning_Star! I'm with you TigerLady, I feel like it's going to be forever, by this point with Katie I hadn't even managed to get a MW appt yet! Actually I only half believe I'm pregnant, hopefully it'll be more real on the 20th when I have my scan!

I am sooo tired!!! Katie has never, ever, slept through the night, and the last 3 nights she has beome even worse. She wakes at 12:30am every night and cries until she is let into our bed. Then she snacks off boob through the whole night! I know it's my own fault for getting her into bad habits, but I don't know how to break it! I tried to get OH to settle her the other night thinking that might help, he went in, came back almost straight away and plonked her in our bed. When I asked him what he was doing he mumbled something about him getting up to her 3 times already (he was half asleep and making it up! I'd been in one already half and hour before and hadn't gone back to sleep yet). The next morning he asked me how Katie got in our bed again >.< I either get that, or him having a go in his half sleep state about waking him up. I can't do it any more!! Now I'm working full time, up at 6 anyway at the latest, dropping both the kids off.. and pregnant! I have no idea how I'm going to make it through today, he's got ju jitsu tonight so I've got to sort the kids on my own (as well as in the morning as he starts work at 6:30am) when I get back from work and the house is a mess and needs to be tidy for tomorrow as MIL is coming round. I can't even load up on coffee because of bump. Sorry for the rant girls, I needed to get it out somewhere xx
BB, I know how you feel on the sleep front. I don't think those a "bad" habits, though. Lots of babies prefer to co-sleep. We actually co-sleep. I had no intention of doing so, but Otter had other ideas. :roll: Eventually I got an Arms Reach. Now, I wouldn't change it! I love it and it is the only way I get even a wink of sleep. He has never slept through either. He has finally, in the last couple of weeks, started a pattern of sleep at 630 pm, wake at 1130 pm to eat, then sleep until 530/600am. That is a HUGE improvement! Before that he woke to eat at least every 2-3 hours!! :wacko:
I sympathise with you! Olivia has always slept through so I never came across this and I don't work eiether but still don't think I coudl of handled it.

You've prob tried everything anyone ever suggested, but is there anyway she can have a dream feed? Have you posted on bf boards as I'm sure they'd have an answer. Good Luck.

LOL kinda nearly here, still a way to go yet, but yes alot closer than when I was 12 weeks and man am I glad.

OH the sling front I don't see why it shldn't work, having katie in a buggy as long as she's cosey enough and lies back, eve though this not essential, i think it's nicer for them. As for expense I would trawl ebay. I got a lvoely double pram brand new for 360.00 which ok alot of money but not as much as alot of others. Other than than graco do a tandem in wilkinsons for 150.00 or go second hand! But if your used to a sling I don't see why that wouldn't work!
Well, I made it through the day :thumbup:

TigerLady *thankyou* for not calling them bad habits! I love co sleeping, I just wish she would actually sleep more :blush: I'd forgotten about the Arms Reach, I looked at it when Katie was born but decided against it... BUT now we are having another... It might just be worth investing in! It gives me a bit of hope your LO finally settled into that kind of pattern, I could handle that so much better.

Shinning_Star, thank you for the sympathy :) I only went back to work last week, so it's been a shock to the system. I had taken it for granted being able to nap when she did! Yup I dream feed every night, but she still wakes between 12:30-1:30 and cries until she's in with us :( She's defo not really hungry, just wants the comfort. I think it might have to be a case of tough love, but unless we crack it over one weekend (doubtful) it's going to be hard working at the same time. I'm definately making OH do night times Fri and Sat evening though to try to catch up my sleep!

I think I'll try the sling at first and then ebay it is! We picked up our first buggy with carseat for... £23! And are still using the seat though the buggy ended up being too bulky to be useful and I fell in love with the sling :)

Chloe said to me today that Katie is "Unsleepable". :rofl: She said that she thinks its a good nickname for her, and so she is going to call her that from now on until she starts sleeping at night at which point she will be allowed to be called Katie again. It must be bad, eh?! :dohh: Cheered me up though!
I highly recommend the Arm's Reach. I had to go back to work full time when Otter was only 13 weeks old (will have to do the same with the next one). That was WAY too young to hope he would be sleeping through. He was waking every 1-2 hours still at that point. Co-sleeping and the Arm's Reach is the only thing that allowed me enough sleep to function. I have all night duties as DH can't do them. :dohh:
*crashes in* OMG there are loads of us nutters on here!!

I can't believe I missed this thread! Will post properly tonight when liv isnt squirming all over my lap :haha: xx
Hey my lil one is Olivia too and she's my princess. Who is ONE in four days! OMG, this time last year I was in antenatel having pessary's. My waters broke with no contractions afterwards.

Can you believe and I'm gonna post this in main thread too, but today Olivia's buggy broke! I mean couldn't it of just waited five weeks until we could use the double! UNbelievable! Talk about murpy's law!
oh i need to catch up in the thread :haha:

update -ish.. next week i have my 28weeks MW appointment :thumbup: i havent seen her since 17 weeks!! so hoping all is well and i get to hear his heartbeat :D on the down side.. i have my anti-D injection..

Harriet got her first cruising shoes this week! she LOVES them and its helping her so much moving around. They were expensive but shes almost walking!! :D she attempts to step on her own and then decided against it :haha: she sometimes stands on her own though. i feel like i have a toddler not a baby anymore though :( x

hope your all okay x x
oh i need to catch up in the thread :haha:

update -ish.. next week i have my 28weeks MW appointment :thumbup: i havent seen her since 17 weeks!! so hoping all is well and i get to hear his heartbeat :D on the down side.. i have my anti-D injection..

Harriet got her first cruising shoes this week! she LOVES them and its helping her so much moving around. They were expensive but shes almost walking!! :D she attempts to step on her own and then decided against it :haha: she sometimes stands on her own though. i feel like i have a toddler not a baby anymore though :( x

hope your all okay x x

Betty does the same, loves to walk when she is being helped, and stands, but doesn't walk on her own. Soon enough, though.
And hey, you'll have a new baby soon enough. Enjoy her toddlerdom while you can.
Haha, yes Olivia does the same she has in her haste an excitement also ran from one sofa to the next without realising she's done it, she walks holding onto one hand, i think it's just a case of her realising what it's all about, then joy we'll have a walking bubs and a nursing one! OH LORD! BUT I'm at the point now where I'm ready, I'm psyched and looing forward to it! terrified this ones not gonna sleep as well as my other two but fingers crossed it will!

And hey guess what I have induction not date as yet, it will be confirmed after next scan but bubs should be here in 4 weeks ish! oh the end is nigh, and I cannot wait until this spd buggers off!
I know I haven't really popped back here for a while but I just wanted to tell someone about my proud mummy moment and I thought you guys might appreciate! All day yesterday, my boys have been laughing with each other. It has been so cute. It started when they were sitting in their respective car seats and the youngest just started giggling about Theo, who then thought he was hilarious. They must have spent at least half an hour in the car laughing at each other. Its the first real time that they seem to be having proper fun together and it was so lovely to watch. I love having them so close together. :)
Thank you, it was yesterday I just need to sort out a new ticker. She's been up docs today has a virus, lol what kind of explanation is that! LOL
I tried to get OH to settle her the other night thinking that might help, he went in, came back almost straight away and plonked her in our bed. When I asked him what he was doing he mumbled something about him getting up to her 3 times already (he was half asleep and making it up! I'd been in one already half and hour before and hadn't gone back to sleep yet). The next morning he asked me how Katie got in our bed again >.<

My OH does that ALL the time. "I've been up with Betty for 5 hours!" meanwhile its been about 30 minutes. So dramatic.
:hi: everyone

Emmajane that is the cutest thing ever! cant wait to see my two doing things like that together.

well today i have 9 weeks until my little madam turns 1! and 11 weeks until i become a mum of two :happydance:

it still hasnt hit me that im pregnant yet :rofl:

how is everyone doing? x
I tried to get OH to settle her the other night thinking that might help, he went in, came back almost straight away and plonked her in our bed. When I asked him what he was doing he mumbled something about him getting up to her 3 times already (he was half asleep and making it up! I'd been in one already half and hour before and hadn't gone back to sleep yet). The next morning he asked me how Katie got in our bed again >.<

My OH does that ALL the time. "I've been up with Betty for 5 hours!" meanwhile its been about 30 minutes. So dramatic.

I think it's a man thing!! Hubby was terrible for bringing Harry into bed with us, but he's now sleeping through most nights, so we don't tend to have that problem anymore...

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