Back to Back Pregnancies!

I got pg with an oops pretty early. Meerkat was concieved 2 days after Otter turned 5 months old.
Saffron is 7 n a half months and we're trying for another,i LOVE being a mum and dont wanna be pigeon holed because of my age to how many children i have..
I HATED being pregnant(had bad ms) from 4+2 to 2 weeks post partum,although we are kinda actively trying|(i say kinda cos you know how it is when u already have a baby lol)
I am abit concerned about having a second pregnancy so soon and also how have you all coped with a pregnancy and having one so young already?
Another big concern is do you REALLY love all your children the same,honestley? I know so many people who say oh yeh ya do,BUT i can see so much favoritsm with some of them?
xx xx
Part of me wants to do this straight away and have a back to back pregnancy, but part of me thinks I need to wait and see what happens onthe job front (I'm not happy in my job and can't afford not to work so am considering childminding but also have a good opportunity offered to me to start at around xmas time but would mean I can't have another until 2012 earliest), lose some weight (definitely need to do this), let my emotions settle and enjoy Isabella as much as possible.

I know how tiring I found pregnancy and how sick I felt all the time up til 3rd tri, the insomnia and the raging SPD. I'm now experiencing sleepless nights (although compared to some she is an angel sleeper). I don't think I could do pregnancy and a small toddler/baby if I was as ill again next time as I am this. There's also the worry of childcare when I'm in hospital in labour. Then there's finances and time constraints as we can get no benefits at all. But I really really want another quite soon. If I wait a while then I can BF Isabella for the full 6 months I intended to, give her my full attention with weaning, first words, first stages of development etc. I think whatever happens I'm going to miss her first steps and first proper words as I will have to go back to work when she is 10 months old at the latest. Another pregnancy and a newborn baby will really hinder my ability to do all of that with her; also, it's better financially to wait a while as I will then get my full SMP/MA entitlement again, not just £80 a week.

It's painful knowing I have to wait, but then I feel daft as I have a baby NOW. I think I just miss that special feeling of being pregnant!
Hi all! Cant belive this group exsits! :happydance: I have a 9 month old and im 30 weeks pregnant :baby: Lo was just 8 weeks when we caught on again! Looking forward to her arrival was nervous at first as i had a c section (failure to progress) Tye :blue: was back to back and just didnt wanna come out! :growlmad: was sure i would have a section again but have decided to have VBAC, :wacko: Lola :pink: is due exactly a week brfore his 1st birthday! Anyone in the same boat??

Check out my tickers. 10 months apart. My second lo was born at 35 weeks, so he was a little early.
I'm still alive and kicking.
Hi all x
we are going to ttc oct/nov this year and wondred how everyone gets on with looking after lo with a newborn. caleb will be over 1 +half when baby #2 is here so im just a bit scared. I miss being pregnant and love having caleb to xx
We're back to back too! Our daughter was born last June and we're due again this July! I have a feeling we are going to have our hands full :)
Helle ladies! I haven't really been on BnB since november. I popped over to the sister site and kinda never came back :lol:

Well i had my baby, he is 6 weeks old tomorrow :) There is 11 month and 4 days between the little two.

Just to give some words of comfort to you preggo ladies..... Having 2 kids so young is hard work, challenging and tiring but it is so rewarding. My 1 year old loves the baby, he kisses his head every time he crawls past him. At first i thought i would never get through a day alone with the boys but after a couple of weeks i found a routine and things are getting better every day.

Penny, hows things going? xx
Wow you guys are all doing so well, i'm so glad this thread is here, its just what i needed, my first isn't 10months yet and i'm 21wks preggers with the second. Concerened about coping with two but more about the labour!
Second was planned because although i love being a mum i bloody seriously HATE being pregnant, and am completely Sh*tting myself about the labour again, i mean i am really worried about it, cant stop thinking about it and would really like a epidural this time. Only thing is the hospital near me only does gas and air and pethedine-(spelling?) for a epi i have to travel over a hour and a half!
Last time i had gas and air-did nothing at all, and a pethedine-did nothiing but made me sick i think, the pushing was of course terrible but was over quick but the contractions-OMG i really wanted to die, just went on and on, i started on tuesday night, very mild could cope no probs, went to hospital wednesday night, thought it was bad then but hell i didn't have a clue!
Had bubs thursday morning!
This is what worries me, they say the contractiona are more intense second time, but they are what killed me off first time, any more intense and i really would of just slipped away i think! I really dont think i can cope with that pain again, i hope to god no first timers are reading this.......if they are take no notice of me i'm a pussy!
Hello everyone
Erin Silver is 3 and Addyson June is 1 and i am pregnant with baby number 3 and i am 15 weeks 2 days.
Erin was not planned but Addyson was planned and the new little one in my tummy came as a big surprise,i just thought i was ill lol
Hi can i join? my lo's will be 17 months apart
Hi guys. :)

Great group. I'm just wondering if it would be counted as a back to back pregnancy if we TTC (and fell straight away again like we did with this one - unlikely given the hormonal turbulence of pregnancy and b/f) in December this year. My little girl will be 8 months old and would then end up being 17 months when baby arrived. I plan to continue to breastfeed up until 12 months at least (introduce solids at 6 months) so I don't expect to catch straight away anyway I guess. It sounds pretty back to back to me, but then I suppose comparitive to someone who has caught within weeks of the birth of their last baby, it really isn't?
just found out i am pregnant again and william is jsut over 6 months so there will be 14 months between them ahhh lol
Great group! Can I join?
I've just found out I'm pregnant with number 2 (about 4 weeks gone). Amy, our first, is almost 8.5 months old so there'll be roughly 17.5 months between them :D
I don't have back to back pregnancies myself, but like reading on here from time to time admiring how wonderful you all are!

Thought I'd share a little story of my sister. She had a little boy last july, planned, and then had a little surprise by falling pregnant again pretty soon after, but not only was she having one baby she was expecting twins! The twins were due in June, meaning an 11 month gap, but decided to appear 2 months early, meaning there's only 9 months between them!

With being close to my sister, I've seen it all from the beginning, and it has been a lot of hard work for her. But 2 months on, with an 11 month old (who's now walking!) and 2 2 month babies, she is loving every minute of it. I am actually quite jealous, I wish some of mine were close in age like that. I think it's just lovely that they will all go through the same stages of life together. Of course there will be squabbles between the kids, but there is with bigger age gaps, mine been a prime example lol! But at least you will get all the nappies and night feeds out of the way together, not having to keep revisit it every few years!

I know you might think what do I know as I've not been there and done it, but having recently just given birth to baby number 6, I know how hard parenting can be, without them being so close together! Those that are a bit worried it's only natural, but I'm sure you will be fine :) Just think you will have 2 (or more) gorgeous kids, and all the hard work will be worth it. Give it a few years and you will have forgotten all about surviving on 4 hours sleep!!

I just think you're all brill :D
Congratulations and welcome to all the new back to back mums.. wow there's a little rush on!

How's everyone getting on?
Heartburn has started to kick in for me, had it very very bad with first from the word go so i've done better than last time to last this long!
Still scared to death about giving birth again though!
I have a 5 week old son, and I am ready to start trying for number 2 already. I love my son more than I could ever imagine, and the plan is to have 2 close together and the last one when they both go off to school.
At the moment we are just using condoms but in october we will stop using protection completly. Its scary but totally what we want. I would love to fall pregnant before that but dont want to push it.
I thought I was totally mad but obviously there are alot of ladies who feel like me

i'm off to docs in july just to make sure i'm ok to ttc in december . Hopefuly it wont take too long to get pg and there will be a nice has between caleb and baby #2 x

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