Bargain or not!


BnB Co-Founder ~ Retired
Aug 31, 2006
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I spotted this auction & it ended with no bids!!

I emailed the guy who said he would take £30 & £10!

The picture is small but apparantly its new! Is this a bargain I should snap up?

We don't have the room here lol BUT we are going for a house with a dining room - Its a bit of a must so if I can grab a *new* bargain BEFORE I go then bonus??

What do you think guys?
if you have teh room to store it then yes go for it! looks really nice hun!! bargain at £40!!
Just found it in Argos for £99
That is the dining table we've got.

Definately a good bargain!!
haha i better watch my mouth ill be renamed weestarII LMAO :rofl:
Pretty simular to mine but mine was i kea and i only paid £35 for the table and chairs tis a fab table!!!

Nope they still have it in store ....

Brought it when i was with vicky or lauz ....

best of it is tis raw pine so you can varnish or staine depending on your other furniture!

Think I'd prefer less of the hassle LMAO Stu isn't DIY minded (even varnishing) so its another thing for me to do!! :lol:

Probably hit the same price mind even if I could get to ikea wit the set & the varnish! :D

Think we're snapping this one up - Goes with my desk which will be in my dining room! Hence dining room is a must ... shove Stu in his own room :twisted:
yeah thats nice, i brought mine for £20 on ebay sold it 3 weeks later for £50 :lol:
Wobbles. That looks nice. I would say that is a bargain........GO FOR IT! :lol:
Wobbles said:
TryingAgain said:
That is the dining table we've got.

Definately a good bargain!!
Nice & sturdy? :D

Yes, it is really good, my little boy climbs all over the chairs & they are sturdy, he hasn't wobbled off or anything, lol.

The one really good thing is that it has no sharp corners, all the edges are really rounded & smooth. I'm glad i got it, wish i'd got it for a bargain though, i only got it just before Christmas. :roll:
Definatly go for it, thats lovely, I like that it has upholstered seats too, its worth £99 so defiantly a bargin xx
YAY My table arrived & now I'm off for the day.

Hope you are cooking a full Sunday roast to put on that new table!

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