BD on day of positive OPK

Oh! So sorry! I went to add to my post from my phone last night instead of my computer - and I accidently deleted it - it just says 1!!! Oooops!! Anyway cut a long story short we BD last night after I ran around the kitchen naked (not in a sexy way more like in a protest kind of way but I guess it sort of worked). So I was pretty relieved and chill for a moment - I didn't get the chance to preseed before hand because I didn't expect it, but I did use a softcup afterwards -which i actually think was helpful this time.

Only problem is this morning NEGATIVE OPK!!!

So all that stressing for nothing! And now I have to try and time it all over again...and hope I get the +ve OPK tomorrow!

Zeri - if you BD now you are only CD8 - when do you usually O? Do the OPK's work when you take clomid or do they show +ve all the time?

Having timing anxiety is the worst! blah :(

lxb and xoxo - thanks for the encouragement last night :haha:

I wanna be in the TWW too, but it seems I am days from it!

xoxo - crosshairs!! Yayayay!!!

lxb - your temps are rising nicely :)
Urghh, darn that negative opk! It's so stressful when things don't line up the way you want them to! Anyway, hope you get in another BD soon.. at least for the next session the swimmers will be fresher and more motile. I was reading online that sperm are their best after a day or two of abstinence, in terms of motility and morphology.

I had a chuckle about you runnung around the kitchen naked... he he! :haha:

I'm still a ways off from O'ing - that probably won't happen till about CD18 and I'm only CD8 today. So a long wait! But I just want to ramp up the BD efforts so that I keep his testosterone levels up. Apparently regular sex helps with that. The last time we Bd'ed was a week ago. :-( We've both been busy and tired though.
:rofl: still laughing thinking about your description at you jumping around naked and being playful~! and also being chased to the bedroom to BD! Hallmark moment?? :haha: ah~ don't worry about the -opk this morning~ seems like your temp dropped? Perhaps poas in the evening time again~! Bet you'll get +opk latest by tmr! c'mon maca~ work your magic~! :dust:

zeri - i usually o around cd18 as well... but i guess i Oed 2 days earlier this cycle :shrug:
Fire ~ Many protest have been won due to naked women! :xmas13: Pouting naked for sex...I like it! Now for an encore performance when you get home! :bunny: Santa Baby soundtrack...this book has quickly turned into a movie! Who would you cast to play you? Hmmm...

Zeri ~ +/- 10 days to O time! We're like a shuttle launch around here! So much prepping! I too have heard BDing regularly increases testosterone levels, which increases libido...maybe you should put your LO to bed early and try Fire's technique? hehehe

Lxb ~ We were so close to cyber syncing! :drunk: I'll accept Oing a day or 2 late, while you accept Oing a day or 2 early (we've swapped!). This is going to be fun! Come on Santa Baby!

Think Pink! :friends:

:howdy: Ginger! Hope this finds you well!
DH and I went and picked out our Christmas tree! :xmas9: Of course he wanted the +9ft tree, but I quickly redirected him to a much fuller 6-7 footer! My allergies are already acting of the pains of having a real tree I suppose. It's starting to feel like Christmas!
xoxo - I agree! It's starting to feel like Christmas. I love that you got a real tree. They are the best.

Since being away and coming back home tonight the Christmas lights in our street have blossomed, it's gone from being a relatively dark road to being lit up like a Christmas tree - literally. I love it!!

I'm going overseas for 2 weeks and I told DH when I get back I want to be welcomed home with Christmas lights everywhere!!

I never knew that regular BD increases testosterone....good to know!! Not that I seem to have much control over when we BD or not at the moment.

lxb - are you having any symptoms? how are boobs?

Zeri - does testosterone have any impact on the sperm quality etc. or is it just to do with being motivated to actually BD? Don't stress too much about the ramp up - just time it with the eggy - I think that's most important :) and probably less stressful :)

AFM - help!!! I'm still super confused about when to BD. Should I try tonight? Tomorrow night?
Waaaaa.....I guess I'll try for tomorrow night just as you guys recommended yesterday... I thought I had everything so perfectly planned for this month...not so it seems.

I ran out of OPK's so I couldn't do POAS this evening when I got back :( and I realized I only have one more stick left for my monitor so if its not a peak tomorrow -then what the hell is going on with my cycle??? and I'll be all out of sticks from that batch so I'll have to to drive around to a bunch of different places because the two local CVS's don't stock the refills. Annoying!!!

I'm hoping MIL didn't chase the eggy away. Because I'm sure the eggy did get a bit scared by her.
xoxo - yay for getting christmas tree!! christmas is coming indeed~ :drunk: Santamber~!! here's to cyber syncing too :drunk:

fire - seems like you usually Oed on the cd12. Not sure if you'll get +opk if you peed in the evening yesterday :shrug: you temp seems to be rising a bit though. I would say go for it if you can~ work that magic~ :thumbup: fx the eggy is on its way!

afm, same usual symptoms. pinching feelings on belly area and sore boobs (which are normal). not feeling anything unusual yet :shrug:

think i pulled some muscle last night/this morning from my sleeping position. woke up with a sore left shoulder/neck :dohh:
Lxb ~ It amazes me that the Dr can tell me on CD12 when I can expect a +ve OPK, when I'll O and when to expect AF...but she cannot tell me this early on if I am preggers! Why does it have to be such a mystery? I am back to mashing on my boobs to see if they are sore yet, but they feel like they are going "flat," not as full as they were during O. Such a guessing game...I vow to leave my boobs alone this round. :haha: Fx for BFPs!

Fire ~ It's BD time! Better to have those fellas in there waiting for the eggy! And darn it for not having sticks for the monitor! You will get your peak symbol...just keep poas! Fx for your +ve and peak that will lead you to your BFP! (Off topic: Have you heard any negative information about flying early in pregnancy?)

Zeri & Ginger ~ Hope you ladies are well!

This thread made me giggle:
HI girls, just a quick drive-by...(on lunch). HOpe you get that peak tomorrow Fire! Have you ewcm yet? If not, they say travelling/stress 'can' cause delayed ovulation... hope that's not true in your case. And yes- testosterone does affect sperm count. Not sure about sperm quality, though.
xoxo - that thread is really funny!!! heheheheh and so true.

I think flying has to be terrible for ttc or being preggy :( it has to be terrible for implantation etc. too. I'm going to google it in a moment...I have a 15 hour flight in COACH coming up!!!

I forgot to get OPKs today. I was out and about and I even bought vitamins but I just drove home and then remembered I'd forgotten to get them :( so I guess I will just try to BD tonight. Not sure if I'll have any luck tho..... :(

lxb - Hopefully I'll see a temp rise tomorrow (?) or day after (?)... I feel naked with no sticks to pee is a really weird feeling like something BIG is missing in my life. So I'm gonna act according to your advice as if I O on CD 12 and just act accordingly...

Bummer about the pulled shoulder muscle - not fun at all :( can you get your DH to give you a shoulder massage?

I don't feel like checking CM, I just don't feel like it....:brat:oh what is wrong with me?!!


One other thing - I just looked at the results of my physical in August and I had TSH .71 (range .35-5.5) Free T4 .97 (.54-1.24) one of my girlfriends told me today that low TSH is bad if you are TTC...and my TSH while in range does seems to be on the lower end of the scale....anyway I started googling but my brain couldn't handle it, any of you guys had your levels checked?
Ok minor update I'm in bed after unsuccessfully trying to get DH to come around to BDing. Waaaaaa just had to vent because I'm feeling so bummed out :(
Oh, so sorry Fire...:-( Do you think you O'd yet, based on your other fertile signs? Depending on if you O'd, you might still have a chance. when was the last CD that you BD'ed? If you're still to O, then maybe you can get another chance at BD? I'm so sorry... I hate the stress/anxiety of trying to get the OH"s to BD on a fertile' so much pressure, and when they say no, it's the absolute worst. :-( He didn't know you were close to O'ing, though right?

TSH refers to the thyroid hormone, right? How does it affect TTC? I had a hormone test a few years ago and think my TSH was in the normal range.

xoxo and lxb - how's the TWW treating you guys so far? Any interesting symptoms to share?

AFM - My daughter is 3 years old today!!! Yayyy!! I dropped her off at school in a pretty dress with some balloons and a nice cake to share with her friends later. I hope she feels special today. She's so special to me and all our family - we all love her so much! <3

In other news,CD10 today, but don't think I'll O until CD18 or so, so will start opk testing from CD13. DH has been really busy so I don't know how this cycle is going to work out either. We'll see!
fire - I think you're okay~~ wwooo~~ nice high temp today!! did you take it at a dif time? havent' had my tsh done before so can't be much of a help there~

zeri - HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUR DAUGHTER!! it's such a cute age!! My niece is turning 3 end of dec! She asked me to make her a Tinkerbell cake and fruit tarts!! :haha: (she kept changing her mind. it was Dora months ago, Princess Bell ~3 months ago... then it was Ariel... weeks ago it was Tinkerbell -- still is tinkerbell as of last week!) boo to DH being busy~ just jump on him around your O time :haha:

xoxo - :wave: cyber synching buddy AND temp buddy! :haha: Next up! BFP Buddy!!
lxb - yeah I took it at 8.00 - I woke up because I didn't sleep great - I woke up in the middle of the night and stayed awake for a bit - I was angry with DH!! :brat: however even when I adjusted the time the temp was still high enough for it to show O.

You were right tho - I put in high temps for tomorrow and day after and they show that O happened on CD12. So that means I only got on BD in on 0-2days - not a great statistic.

Is there any point in BD on O+1? Should I even bother 'trying' tonight?

Zeri - no my DH doesn't know when my O day is - I guess I'd still prefer outright rejection over him having performance issues. He does know that I'm in a bad mood though and he does know why - although I think he thinks I'm angry we didn't BD because I'm leaving not because of Ov. He's just lucky I'll be gone for the TWW because I think I'm going to be annoyed with him for most of it.

Zeri - Happy Birthday to your daughter! 3 is such a fun age :) how fun!

TSH and other thyroid markers can affect fertility. According to my TSH level (.7) I am slightly on the side of hyperthyroidism -which according to that book "3 month fertility plan" is not good - the levels they recommend are between 1-2. I am under 1 so slightly hyperthyroid for ttc. Apparently it says if you are hyper (not hypo) there's a greater chance of getting preg (ah don't seem to be having that issue) but then also greater chance of having a mc. Also if you are extremely hyperthyroid then there can be issues with the cognitive development which happens in tri one...
However my free T4 level is normal - in the middle range, and sometimes doctors just look at this because its the available T4 - so I'm probably okay, but I'm guessing need to be aware of it...I have dry skin and a lot of hair comes out when I was it in the shower - which is one of the symptoms of hyperthyroidism so are light periods and sleeplessness (I don't usually have issues sleeping - only last night when I was having a tantrum) :brat:

I love you guys are cyber synced!!! :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:
fire - YES! Definitely bd tonight! I've read quite a lot of stories from ladies who has gotten bfp from BD at 1dpo!! egg's lifespan is 12-24 hours! so yes, BD!

afm, 6/7dpo, not much symptoms~ :shrug: only sore boobs! And a gazillion pimples~! :dohh:
So I went onto FF and checked charts to see if there were any/many preg charts that had a BD pattern of O-2 and O+1 and I found a few, not many but a few, most of them were younger...but maybe there is hope :(

lxb - can't believe I'm saying this (only in the ttc world) but pimples could be a good sign :)

Sending loads of :dust: to everyone!!!
Catching up, but wanted to put this out there...DEF BD tonight FIRE! That eggy is good for 24 hours!

Happy Birthday to Zeri's baby girl!! 3 years old! Yay! Fun times!

Lxb ~ no symptoms for me :brat: Bring on the sore boobs, the fatigue, the gas...ANYTHING TO SIGNAL a BFP! :haha: Pimples...def a good sign! Fx and heaps of :dust:
No BD for me last night, but it wasn't without trying. Even DH was trying to be a sport but it just...didn't work...waaaaa. Also my temps aren't super high this morning - and I temped much later because I woke up late so maybe my O wasn't very strong this month either. I just hope I did O....
Hi guys,
Feeling a bit meh lately, had several days of spotting before bleeding which lead to random thoughts of is this peri menopause? Plus have had achy boobs every day for weeks. Lead to same thoughts but now think from Dr Googles help, is likely the copious amounts of tea and coffee I have been drinking lately. I had an off month so was overdoing the caffeine, which is should not anyway because of endo.
I think my cycle changed recently as I think I was pretty close to you cycle wise Fire and am now in the midst of AF...dunno.
I hope to be stalking some pee sticks soon from you guys, as I hopefully gear up towards another cycle.

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