BD on day of positive OPK

I'm sorry you've been feeling down, Ginger. :-( Dealing with the spotting and achy boobs must've been annoying and maybe a bit anxiety-provoking too. I"ve had the thoughts or peri-menopause as well, with some spotting I had in my last cycle and some other things. Hopefully we're both still too young for that, and it's other things that are causing the weirdness, like caffeine, and in my case - mild PCOS. Will you be ttc again this cycle? Thinking good thoughts for you! I"m CD12 today, so I think we're probably the closest - cycle-wise?, now. I don't expect to O until CD18 or so.

Fire - so sorry about the lack of BD! How frustrating!! Do you think your OH had a sense you were Oing? hence the performance issues? Are you still giving him the black maca, or is it that he's not responding to it as well as he was before? Also, are you sure you O'd, with the somewhat lower temps? Anyway, I feel for you either way, but you still have a chance with O-2, although it would've been better with BD on O day too, but there's still hope!!

lxb and xoxo - following your temps closely! Both looking good.. lxb - yours is especially high! Can't wait to see what the next few days bring!

Thanks for the bday wishes for my DD! I think she had a good day... :) I had a twinge of sadness when I remembered that I had hoped I would be preggo for her 3rd bday, but...hey...what can you do? Cd12 today.

Hi ladies! Just wanted to send you some :dust: I'll do a proper catch up when I get off my long flight

Loads of pink sticky :dust:
Zeri ~ 13dpo...have you started poas yet? Catch that +ve OPK. I've always wondered if Clomid rendered them useless...good to know they'll still catch the surge!

Fire ~ Safe travels...crosshairs! You could be baking your LO while on your trip! Fx!

Ginger ~ My regular OB/GYN had me cut out caffeine years ago because I'd get very tender breast for weeks on end AND I'd have the most painful cramps during AF. Glad Dr Google was of assistance! Fx this next cycle you get a sticky bean!

Lxb ~ Sooo...How was your weekend? When do you plan on testing?

AFM ~ I threw a temp out and my crosshairs shifted :shrug: Who knows exactly what DPO I am, I don't mind the day difference though. The symptoms I have are AF ambiguous (Uncle Pimple and Sister Heavy Boobs are in the house!)...I would like for AF and her family to BACK OFF and give me a fair shot! :haha:

Anyway...happy Monday! :dust:

Christmas BFPs For...

Thanks :xmas6: :baby:!

:dust: :xmas9: :dust: :xmas9: :dust:
xoxo - how are you? :hugs:

fire - crosshair!!! at cd12!! FX that those spermies are waiting to attack that eggy! :haha:

:dust: :dust:

zeri - few more days 'til O time~~ :thumbup:

ginger - :hugs: yea.. too much caffeine is not good for our body. also, our cycle will change after each pregnancy regardless of the outcome. hope your body is just taking its time to adjust.
xoxo, anytime is test time!!! So I say :test: ! How about tomorrow morning with fmu, hmmmmmmm?

lxb - if you're 9 dpo I think you could probably test right now! :test:

Living vicariously through you guys for a while... :)

Fire - so if you O'd on CD12, and Bd'ed on CD10 with ewcm then you definitely have a chance! Looking forward to your update. Hope you have a good flight home too.

AFM - peed on an opk just now and it's clear as day. Not even a hint of a line. About Clomid and opks - yes, you can use opks normally when using Clomid, but only after taking the 5 pills. If you pee on an opk while taking the pills it'll give you a false reading.
:haha: we must've posted at the same time! didn't see your post until now~!!

I almost tested this morning... but figure it might be too early? I have 2 FRERs left~ I also read that if af is going to show... your urine will be darker? (instead of the yellow-ish color :shrug:) and my FMU was on the darker side this morning.

it's just like any other day~ would think I would feel something 'different' if there's a little bean baking in there.... :shrug:

xoxo - not sure what's up with ff~! I'm thinking you oed on cd15/16~!
I think FF is off too. I added the discarded temp back. I too am not feeling any different than I normally would before AF. I went through my DPO journal to see if I had any signs, but it's the same ole same here too! We need to activate our cyber wonder twin powers! :drunk:

Darker urine signals AF? :shrug: Mine is always brighter due to the prenatals I take at night :haha: I'll have to pay attention to it tomorrow. Now I've progressed from POAS to analyzing my wee in the toilet! :haha:

Zeri ~ You're the best cheerleader :happydance: Cannot wait for you to be in the TWW! Come on +ve OPK! Glad you can track your LH surge on Clomid...come on O for Zeri!
zeri - :haha: we posted at the same time too~! C'mon O~~ :happydance:

xoxo - that's what i read from some threads. :shrug: maybe it's just one of those cases where it's different for everyone :shrug: :haha: Ahh... come join my club at analyzing wee~

Cyber wonder twin powers.. ACTIVATED~!
NICE! Cyber wonder twin power...make me a pregnant lady! :haha:

A new chapter for our book "A Wee Analysis" as interpreted by Lxb.

Love the wonder bunny!

Edit: My restock of OPKs arrived today from this a sign? I hope I get to pass these on to a friend. Fx! said it's a sign~~
Hahaha! :thumbup: I hope our dancing bunny is like a magic 8 ball! Bring on the BFPs!

is so CUTE!!!

I'm jetlaggin really bad but trying to stay awake for a bit longer.

Going to get a chickenpox immune test done because I just got here and my dad has SHINGLES! And if I'm not immune to chickenpox then :xmas6::baby: could be put at risk. blah!

I can't believe it but I forgot my thermometer at home!!! I'm too sleepy to go and get one from the store so no temping today or tomorrow :( what's the fun in that?!

lxb and xoxo :test: !!! I'm SO excited for you guys. I just feel it this month :)

Zeri how many days til BD? Is it now?

The only thing I brought with me was a bunch of preggy test peesticks, even tho I'm not sure that my one BD on day 10 even counts....but appreciate the encouragement :) coz I guess you never know :)

So I am the only one on this thread that's never had a BFP!! On the months that you guys got your BFPs what did you notice that was different to other months?

Okay gonna sleep now! Will do a proper post tomorrow I know I've missed a bunch of things!
Hi Fire! So are you at your dad's house for the holidays? Good idea about getting checked out. My father had shingles a few years ago and he said it was pretty painful.

lxb and xoxo -so when are you guys going to test???? Temps looking good!

Fire - on my BFP cycles I didn't really notice anything too different... maybe boobs were a bit less sore than normal, and some lightheadedness, but that happens on and off on different cycles anyway.

CD14 today. NO ewcm yet. NO BD happening yet either. Last time was 2 weeks ago... Sigh. I tried to interest DH in BDing last night but he wasn't in the mood (roll eyes). I told him I don't want us to become eunuchs/roommates and he suggested he try the Maca again. Not sure if he will. I"m sure it would help though. Right now I just hate the feeling of begging him for some action... makes me feel like a pathetic rejected loser wife. Lol. But it's true. I mean, is it too much to ask for BD 2 - just TWO times leading up to O???? Sheesh...At this point I'm feeling like cycle is going to be a bust because I think O might happen this weekend and he's really busy and has to be out Fri, Sat and Sun night.... :-(. There's a slight chance of something happening during the day but I"m not counting on it really. :-( This is just too hard sometimes. Sigh!

Ginger - thinking of you!
Lxb ~ Holy temps Batman! Up, up and away! (I just used Batman and Superman within 7 characters...sorry, I grew up with older brothers!) Have you caved and poas? Enquiring minds want to know! :haha:

Fire ~ No thermometer! What!?! It's like forgetting to pack your toothbrush only worse! :haha: Guess it isn't going to hurt to miss a couple of days now that O has been confirmed :xmas4: Sorry about your Dad having shingles...fx you're immune! And dtd 2 days before O certainly puts you in the running for a BFP! Fx you find out while you're away on holiday! Enjoy your visit!

Zeri ~ No O yet? Well, if DH is going to be out at night this weekend, you'll just have to hit him up in the morning! :bunny: I know getting shot down is the pits, but you have to keep trying. He is being a sport by saying he'll try the maca again. I wonder if they really understand how much we put into ttc! Fx for O Zeri!

:wave: Ginger
fire - AHHH!!! for forgetting your thermometer!! well.. I guess pregger sticks will do! :haha: maybe it's a sign?! a fellow bnb buddy just posted her bfp chart and she bd'ed 2 days before O.. and no more bd afterward. and got her bfp!! So you're in~! fx u'r not at risk for shingles~ as for symptoms with bfp cycle... I didn't feel any different and was convinced that af was coming! Think I tested on 12dpo that cycle and got a clear bfn... got af-type cramps shortly after! It was ~3 days after AF was due that I got a bfp. :shrug:

zeri - i bet watery/ewcm is on its way! men! they need to understand we can't make baby alone! we would if we could! :haha: hopefully you'll get some action before dh leave~~~ fx! work that magic~ :haha:

xoxo - loving your temp too~!! twin power must've been activated!! :happydance:

afm, i caved!!! POAS and got a clear BFN! :dohh: Now I only have one FRER left! :dohh: Save the best for last? Hopefully it will show 2 pretty pink lines :xmas2:

uncle pimples are definitely here as well~ I'm convinced that my high temp this morning was due to my achy shoulder/neck! it has gotten better few days ago... not sure what happened that it suddenly felt worst this morning :(
Lxb ~ sorry about your neck...I imagine it cannot be comfortable for sleeping. And friggin BFN! Knowing now you don't get +ves until AF is late you should wait to test until Saturday with me! We'll put our wonder twin powers, dancing bunny, Santa Baby theme song and cyber temps to the test! Come on Santa! Stay away AF! :grr:

Think Pink!
:thumbup: deal~! I shall test on Saturday with you~!! (assuming AF is a no show!)

Sending pink vibes~~~~~~~~

:dust: :dust: :dust:
:dust: :dust: :dust:
Back at ya! :dust: :dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust:

Is it Saturday yet?

Oh and yes, this is assuming AF pulls her minions!
Zeri - maybe you could appeal to your DH's male need to make you happy and tell him that when you BD it makes you happy. My DH knows whenever we BD afterwards I am much happier (even slightly exaggerated on my behalf). But im trying to reinforce a positive action with a positive outcome. (puppy training?)The begging thing sux but believe me I know what it's like!

C'mon Saturday already!!!!

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