BD on day of positive OPK

xoxo- Yes! BD today for sure!!! So awesome your DH is on the team! :dust:

Zeri :wave: hope you are feeling better! :dust:

Ginger :wave: hi!!:dust:

lxb - yippppeee for solid crosshairs!!! Day 16 too :) I think you O on Day 16 almost every month. :dust:


The bed we are sleeping on because the in-laws took our bed is in a room with no air so I opened the window last night and DH couldn't stand the noise so he went and slept in the living room! So no wakey wakey BD for me but the in-laws are leaving right now and I am SO HAPPY!!

I need all the merchandising (the t-shirt, the cups, the backpacks) that say "I survived the in-laws" just to remind me never to put myself in this position again! This trip I've had time to think of YEARS of excuses why I can't stay for long :) DH told me once: my parents are like fish after 3 days they go bad. Not sure why he didn't remember that this trip....its been 7 LONG days.

My temps were higher this morning but I wonder if that's due to the annoyance/stress and also I took them pretty late this morning.

There's a faint line on the OPK and on the monitor - so hopefully tomorrow it will be stronger. I dropped two monitor sticks in the toilet this morning -oooops!

I'm definitely having timing anxiety at the moment and no BDs have been happening...yet.... today and tomorrow is my window. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkk
So excited for you Fire! You're gearing up for O! Your DH is funny...comparing visiting with his parents to fish! :haha: I like it! I have a general rule, I NEVER stay longer than 5 days with either side of the family. Short and sweet is key!

BTW, I put an unused CBFM stick in the monitor yesterday and it still read "peak." So it's a waste to use one the day after your 1st peak reading.
xoxo - thanks for the tip with the monitor - I won't waste another stick on the 2nd peak day :)

I agree with your 5 day rule!

Good luck with lunch today :serenade:
:haha: parents are like fish~ bad after 3 days! :rofl:

i wish MIL could stay with us for <~3 MONTHS and elsewhere the rest of the year! :dohh: Last year she was away 'til beginning of Feb 2012! Now she's away starting from beginning of Nov! 10 months!!! :dohh: She'll be back ~March 2013!

at least I have a few months break from her. Can I trade? I would take a full week w/ the in-laws if that means in-law-less for the rest of the year~ :haha:

I think I deserve a gold medal trophy!!

fire - yay for almost O!!!! :dust: :dust: :dust:
Lxb ~ You def deserve a medal and a title, "Princess Tolerant." You have the patience of a god! I think I missed part of the MIL story...she lives with you for months at a time?

Lunch BDing failed :brat: Jeez I'm selfish! DH saw the surgeon today, so he was telling me he has to have surgery on his shoulder 27 Dec. While I was sensitive to his story and I hate that he has hurt himself, in the back of my mind I was thinking, "is it rude to now ask him to hump me because I think I saw ewcm?" Can you imagine trying to sneak that proposal into our conversation?
xoxo - she stays with us PERMANENTLY! DH applied for her green card ~3 years ago and she has been here ever since. 3-4 months out of the year, she would visit her home country and her older son. her relationships are far too complicated (I could tell you ladies if you're interested). but anyways, she has 2 sons, one in that home country and one here (DH). they're half-brother.

she really has no where else to go as she's not independent financially and emotionally.

~6 months ago, DH and her had a fight (apparently, she thought I was selfish in breaking up a mother-son relationship) and FIL (they're not married - another complicated story) told me that her son and her daughter in law in the home country LOVE her to death and can't wait for her to go back! I was thinking... there's nothing stopping her from doing that ~

she is not a bad person at all. but her crave/need for attention and her constant comparison between her and me .. or her and other people just doesn't jive with me. certainly unable to take care of herself emotionally and certainly doesn't feel like she is a "mom"

xoxo - dh once told me that if i tell him when i'm ovulating... it could be a good thing because that means I'm all in for BD! :haha: and there I was.. thinking it could turn him off. perhaps it could work with your dh too?
Santa Baby~~ It has been stuck in my head~~ :haha:
Lxb ~~~ Loving Santa Baby! Thanks for posting it...we have an official theme song!

Re: MIL You are a good sport! I think a 6 month split between boys is fair! And a mother-son relationship has boundaries. Her living with the two of you is already a breach of those boundaries. Maybe she'll miss her home country so much, she'll stay put? Wishful thinking I'm sure Princess Tolerant! Start putting out some Assisted Living brochures :haha:
We have a soundtrack!! I LOVE it :) its such a sweet cute song to get in your head. Love it! I played it twice :)

xoxo - don't worry about no lunchtime BD - you already caught the eggie so no stress!!

"is it rude to now ask him to hump me because I think I saw ewcm?"
made me :rofl: LOL!!!

I just peed and got spotting mixed in with EWCM - I guess I'm about to O. Which is good but bad because I'm kind of still in a bad mood with DH. Does Oing cause bad moods? Because I definitely am in one right now :haha:

DH started telling me about how chill, great and low maintenance his parents are (ie. I'm the intolerant one) - I had to do everything to keep myself from screaming something really mean that I would regret later. I managed to do the emotionally mature thing and go for a quick walk on the beach instead of responding to his comments.

lxb - you are such a saint putting up with your MIL. Seriously. You deserve all the best karma in the world to flow your way for doing that. I just got word from the Patience Fairy that she is sending you a giant wish that you can use on anything you'd like in the whole world, she said it works especially well for :xmas6::baby:
So I'm having major timing anxiety right now, I think the increase in progesterone leading up to O also must make me anxious.

I am pretty sure I'll get a +ve OPK/mon tomorrow morning. So I should BD tomorrow night, not tonight? I could potentially seduce DH tonight, but then I'm worried he won't be up for it tomorrow night, but if we get back home tomorrow night and he's not up for it then and I've forgone tonight then the whole thing will be a waste and I'll be super sad....SO....what do I do?

I guess I should just chill my progesterone brain and be patient and intend BD tomorrow night instead of pushing for tonight....what you guys think?
Hmm... I think I would go for it tonight! That will ease your anxiety for tomorrow if he is up for it since you've already done it tonight's. spermies can live 2-3 days on average. So you can bd tonight and the day after tomorrow? :thumbup:
I agree with Lxb. However, if you only get ONE night and you're sure he'll cooperate tomorrow...
This is all so confusing! I meant to comment, this cycle I was quite grumpy with my DH leading up to O...never noticed it before, but I've heard others get it too. Must be the estrogen surge.

Zeri ~ You alright?

:wave: Ginger

Psst...I'll def be working on visualization this evening! DH caved to my subliminal messages...ok, ok truthfully, I was annoyingly playful with him and he finally conceded. I have a sneaky suspicion he did it just to get me away from him so he could do the daily crosswords :haha:

Daily dose of :dust: ladies! Next up to O is Fire! :xmas6: :baby:
Yeah I'm thinking based on previous cycles of behavior that I'll probably only get ONE go at it...I'm definitely feeling some kind of weird hormone surging through me at the moment that is making me kooky and anxious.

So I might be annoyingly playful tonight (xoxo - I like that description its so accurate) or be chill and let the egg pull him in (hehehe I just had this vision of an egg like a beacon of light) yeah right.

Or I might try and "book" tomorrow night with him...although he's kind of sensitive to when I'm being pushy - he seems to like being the one to instigate.

Urgh this whole thing is really annoying. I just wanna scream out I'm ovulating can we just BD every 12 hours and I will be so chill and happy if we do....that would be so easy...but that didn't work last time...

Thanks for listening to my venting!! Apologies for being SO self involved, I think that is what whatever the hormone does....its the mememememe hormone. How boring is that?!
Vent away Fire! It is one of the most frustrating things I have encountered! Seriously, ttc is not as easy as the textbooks say it is! So many things to factor in!

You should feed DH a healthy dose of black maca in the playfully annoying on the plane *wink wink...nudge nudge* then let him work his magic when you get in the door :bunny: Fx BDing works in your favor over the next 24 hours! (If your flight isn't too early, a morning quickie would work too!)
Vent away~~

Agree with xoxo. Make sure you give him that dose and be playful flirty... And it will work its magic :thumbup:
So what did you decide, Fire? When do you usually O after a positive opk? I think there are positives either way.. If you dtd last night you would still have a good chance, and at least you could 'safe' knowing you already got in at least one BD, although maybe not as close to O as you would have hoped?. If you wait till tonight, you might have an even better chance (closer to O), but then there's the risk of not getting to BD and losing your chance altogether. It's such a gamble either way! And it's so anxiety-provoking when you don't know if you'll get that crucial thing that you need to have to conceive! :)spermy:the spermies). Ugh! I've been in the those shoes many times. Hope you do get in at least BD though, either of these two days.

Can't believe MIL walked in on you guys! I would've been mortified! Was it strange looking at her in the face afterwards? Funny that your DH thinks they're 'cool' and low-maintenance. I guess as their son he'll always see them in a particular light.

xoxo and lxb - excited for you guys! :happydance:looks like you both covered all the bases this cycle! Woo hoo! Can't wait to see how your tww plays out! :dust:

Ginger - thinking of you! where are you in your cycle now?

CD8 for me. Last Clomid pill today (yayy!). I'm sure it's all going to be a waste, though, as no BD as been happening at all.....URGHHHHH.:wacko:
Eh?? What happened to your post fire?

I thought you had a good night~ Is everything okay?

xoxo - CROSSHAIR!!! :dust:

zeri & ginger~~ :wave:

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