BD on day of positive OPK

Thanks xoxo!
Your two pink lines are very inspiring :)
When do you go get blood test done?
Zeri - I got +opk on cd14, Bded cd14-18. So definitely gave the egg the best chance to be caught. Guess I wasn't in the 20% chance this cycle. :( think I was too anxious..... U're certainly not alone at afraid of being the one left behind. :hugs:

Xoxo - hi twin buddy!! Soooo glad the power worked for you :drunk: I know a buddy here is definitely a third time charmer here and you shall be another!! :hugs: soooo happy and very excited for you!!! Wished I could've be your twin bump buddy as well... But o well... We shall all be bump buddies with a few weeks apart :)

Fire - yes! You are still in it! A bnb buddy of mine tried to use charting as birth control method this cycle as she's going through some hard times. She Bded 2 days before she got a +opk and stopped bd! Turned out, she Oed the day she got +opk! And got her BFP that cycle as well. So never stop believing :)

Afm, this cycle was particular hard as this should be official cycle#12 of ttc. It's just one of those days that I thought about the could've should've. If I conceived the very first cycle of ttc... Would've have a 5 month old already!! (Crazy just thinking about it). As my sis's due date is approaching (she was supposed only ~4 weeks ahead of my edd for my mmc) and the fact that she just started her maternity leave just hit me like a brick. Also, I know 2 other people (a bnb buddy here and a friend irl) with the exact same due date as my angel bean (feb 3rd) and saw their progression... Couldn't help but to feel envy.

Definitely there myself a pity party yesterday with food... Junk food... Movies... And karaoke! :haha: think I was still in a bit of denial even though af showed with a light flow that maybe it's just old blood. :dohh: but definitely came to accept it this morning and felt sooo much better!

Don't remember if this has been mentioned, are you guys OHs taking any supplement? Thinking of starting mine with one. A buddy here recommended zinc.
Fire ~ I have Betas run tomorrow....should have the results in the same day. Anxious about it.

Lxb ~ :hugs: The would've been EDDs and thinking about where we are supposed to be already on this journey is quite the downer. I am happy for others, but heartbroken at the same time. You deserved a pity party! Now we'll keep Fx for you to ring in The New Year with a BFP!

:hi: Zeri and Ginger
Just a quick post as I'm about to leave the house but wanted to ask lxb are you thinking of getting the hsg test this month? If you've benn ttc for 12 months your obgyn can order it for you and just a tip if your insurance doesn't cover it properly you can call around testing centers at hospitals for a 'cash' price which I discover is significantly less $1600 vs $280 (!) than billing through insurance :)
Hi girls,
lxb - sorry to hear that this cycle was an especially tough one. :-( I think it's totally normal to feel that way, though, especially after hitting the 12 month ttc mark and having suffered a mc before too. It sounds like you covered your bases well this last cycle, so I would've been hopeful about getting a bfp too. And I hear you about the EDD due dates... :-( Yesterday I was looking at my daughter playing alone and I thought, 'if I didn't mc last year, my baby would've been 6 months now and they would've been playing together..:-( It made me sad, especially since I had hoped to be pregnant again by the time she hit her 3rd birthday. Oh well, I guess we can't completely control how things go, we just have to keep on trying the best we know how and hope and pray that things go well.

Speaking of trying our best, in terms of supplements - yes, zinc is a good supplement for men ttc - it helps to build testosterone and ensure healthy sperm. I bought one for DH a few months ago (in addition to the maca) but it doesn't take it regularly, so I'm really not sure how much of an effect it's having. But is should work. Are you concerned about your DH's swimmers? I'm thinking about amping up my supplement efforts and trying DH on some Horny Goat Weed. :haha:I've been reading that it helps a lot with libido - which is my main obstacle now. I'm also thinking of trying some CoQ10 for egg health.

xoxo - hope you get good beta results! So excited for you! I hope you'll stick around with us a bit longer....I would be sad to see you go! Anyway, hopefully we'll all be joining you soon on the Preggy boards.

Fire - are you still planning to do the hsg too? How are you feeling at this point in your cycle?

AFM - not a darn thing. Just waiting out this cycle I guess. I dont' even know what DPO I'm on and it really doesn't matter anyway. Just looking forward to ramping things up for next cycle, hopefully, and enjoying my daughter/husband and all the positive things in my life in the meantime.
Thank you Zeri! Your plan for next cycle sounds great! Oh and I was hoping I'd get to hang around and watch you ladies get BFPs, if that's alright with everyone. (I understand if not though)

I had labs drawn and the nurse said they are having a short day, so I might not get results until tomorrow! Are they kidding me? She also said, "we'll run Betas Wed and Fri too to make sure it isn't Chemical." I am a bit shocked by the blunt approach, but I suppose that is the harsh reality and I need to be realistic :pop:

Hope you all are doing well. Lxb, AF letting up? Fire, anything new with your TWW?

Hi Ginger.

fire - thanks~ will be looking into that too~~ :thumbup: your temp is looking good!! hoping you and xoxo can be bump buddies~!! zeri, ginger, and I will join you guys shortly~! :thumbup:

zeri - :hugs: all the "could've" are just a big downer huh? it's certainly an unforgettable chapter of our lives. you don't temp right?

dh seems to be concern about his swimmers. so i'm looking into some supplements. perhaps I should schedule SA first. don't think our insurance cover that though.

xoxo - of course we would love for you to hang around~~ preggo dusts could be contagious~ :) let the bfp :rain: begin~! :hugs:

:growlmad: @ that nurse! people need to be more sensitive! :dohh:

ginger - :wave:

afm, af and her whole crew are here.. hitting hard! Her uncle pimples are still hanging around... cousin cramps are certainly here as well. And mama Moodiness is here.... and best friend bloat is here as well! :dohh:

I got the pleasure of doing absolutely nothing over the weekend (even though I had tons of errands that need to be done). :shy:
Fire, I agree your temps are looking good! Thought I had posted that earlier, but I guess the post didn't go through. How are you feeling?

lxb - sorry about AF and her crew. So rude!!

xoxo - yes, please stick around!! :)

Was just researching Royal Jelly for egg health. Anybody ever try it or hear anything about it? I think Ginger had mentioned taking it. Does anyone know which is better - CoQ10 or RJ? I'm trying to decide which one to get.
Zeri ~ I used Royal Jelly! I would take a heaping teaspoon in the morning and chase it with water.

Lxb ~ Nice to rebel and to take a weekend and do nothing! As for AF :gun: :bodyb: :trouble: we need to initiate a showdown: emoticons vs AF and her wicked familia!

Oh Fire your temps are looking fab! Fx! I asked my Dr about flying and she said its safe. To just stay hydrated and walk around often if flights are over 4 hours.

Update: Dr called and my levels are looking great! My progesterone was so much higher this time, she asked if I taking supplements! She sounded really positive and hopeful. So we'll monitor HCG over the next 48 hours and hope/pray everything doubles.
Oh, that's awesome news, xoxo!! :) Yayyy!! Do you think the Royal Jelly helped you conceive? Any differences you noted while on it? I was just reading that it can increase estrogen... not sure if I really want that effect, but if it can help with conception...:shrug:
Xoxo that's wonderful news! fX it doubles! So cool the way they test and know this stuff, i love hearing all the ins and outs and details of this stuff :)

I just poas and got a BFN! Hopefully I'll be able to get a BD in on the day of the +ve opk this month :) also I'm thinking about finding somewhere in Florida to get the hsg test done this month instead of waiting to be home in Jan.

Lxb my OH is taking loads of supplements: l-carnitine, l-glutimine, tribulus, coq10 and rainbow light men's daily not to mention black Maca when I can get away with putting that in his shake :)

zeri - I think coq10 is pretty good, I'm also taking myo inisitol and while I have no idea what it's doing for my eggs I like it for how it makes me feel - happy!
xoxo - so glad to hear it's great news~! fx those hcg doubles~!! :thumbup: how are you feeling?

Showdown~! Yes!! : "GO AWAY AF!"

zeri - I was reading up on some supplements and came across CoQ10.
The journal Fertility and Sterility found that men who regularly took the supplement CoQ10 increased their chance of spontaneous conception by 13.6% due to improved sperm motility, or the ability of your swimmers to move vigorously. One capsule a day also optimises the release of energy from your food, so you'll have plenty left in the tank to test your mettle.

fire - :haha: I was looking at your charts.. seems like you always have open circle for 12dpo! A very nice high temp~!! 12dpo could still be too early~!

I've also read about honey + cinnamon?? Hmm...
Lxb that AF go away character is hilarious!

I wonder how much coq10 they were taking in that study, we take 300mg of ubiquinol a day each even thoughi get the Puritan pride brand it still ends up being quite pricy.

My mother woke me up at 6am this morning so I temped pretty early plus my temps are way high because I've been V temping!

Honey and cinnamon for what?

Xoxo are you gonna keep taking vits? What is your supplement plan for baby time? :)
Lxb I love that you noticed I have circles on day 12s! I'm gonna have to go back and look at why so weird! I must get anxious by day 12 and temp higher or maybe lower. One day I'll get the decipline to temp at the same day everyday!

Fire your temps look great! :dance: Come on BFP! Last week I switched over to Rainbow Light because remembering to take the MegaFood 4x a day was difficult. Are there any additional supplements I should be taking?

Zeri ~ Royal Jelly never had an impact on my cycles. I went to my RE on CD12 for the past 3 months for cycle monitoring and my estrogen was always "within normal limits." :shrug: I only took it to help with egg quality and had to stop taking it each month after my +ve OPK. Once AF showed, I'd start taking it again. Fx I now have a good eggy!

Lxb ~ :xmas1: Let's hope AF officially got the message!

Throwing buckets of sticky, think pink, :dust: at each of you!

AFM ~ I have occasional heartburn already and a stuffy nose. I asked and the Dr said its the elevated progesterone causing it. I thought I was imagining these symptoms! Oh and my ta ta's are def becoming more sore! I am trying to keep busy today...I need tomorrow to be here already so I can see if things are progressing. Fxed!

:wave: Ginger
Thanks for the input on Royal Jelly and CoQ10. I did pick up some CoQ10 today and some HGW for DH. HOpe he's willing to take it!

xoxo, glad to hear about the symptoms! Grow, baby, grow!

Fire - sorry about the bfn. But it ain't over till AF shows!
Argh! My post just got deleted. I'll type it up again :(

:wave: ginger!!! sending you :dust:

xoxo - the rainbow light vits are better than the megafoods vits - are you gonna continue taking a fish oil?

lxb - that's awesome your DH is willing to get a SA! I wish mine was.

zeri- what is HGW?

AFM - got my progesterone level back it was 22 at 7DPO - not sure if this is 'good' or not - the doctor here is very vague (a GP not a RE) the range is 3-33.

Also I'm not immune to chicken pox - which really sucks because my Dad has shingles at the moment but if I was exposed to the virus it's too late to get vaccinated. And if I am preggo now (probably not because I got another BFN this morning) then contracting chicken pox could be bad. But also getting the vaccine is crappy too because you are not supposed to ttc for 10-12 weeks after...blah!!!

And also I'm in a really grouchy mood - my mother is hijacking all my time (in a bad way) and I'm in a really bad mood with my DH who never seems to have time for anything except his work.
Xoxo - is it tomorrow yet????

Zeri - hopefully Dh will be a team player!!

Fire - I am not convinced on that bfn. Look at your 13dpo temp!! It is still at 98.6!! (Your precious cycles.. It dropped at 13dpo!) fx you won't get affected by chicken pox as its certainly no fun!
Fire, I agree your 13 dpo looks really good. Do you think it's the V temping? But even with the v temps, shouldn't it have dropped by now? Hmmm..... Still holding out hope for you!

That sucks about possibly being exposed to chicken pox and not being able to do about it! :-( Sounds like you're between a rock and a hard place there. No matter how you turn it...having to hold off on ttc for 3 months really isn't ideal, but neither is getting shingles... :-( Ugh!!

Are you and your DH at your parents' house for the rest of the holiday season, or are you travelling between homes? Is your DH especially busy at work right now, or just making time for that over everything else?

HGW is Horny Goat Weed. I picked up some and some CoQ10 yesterday. DH initiated BD last night, which was quite nice. :) Before that, we were hanging out with the DD on the bed watching TV, and he suggested that we sneak off to the spare room and do a quickie BD, so we left her with the Ipod (to watch children's songs) and snuck off. She came knocking on the door about 10 mins later (BD was done) crying because she couldn't find Elmo, and probably wondering why where we had disappeared to. He hee... So that was nice and spontaneous. No guarantee that it'll continue like that, but it makes me hopeful. I also introduced him to the HGW and he seemed willing to take it. So yayyy!!! :) I'm going to see how that works first, before delving into more ttc talks right now. I keep reading horror stories on this board about OH's having performance issues when ttc due to anxiety/pressure - not sure if I want to risk that just yet, although on the flip side it could have a benefit too. Anyway, will see how things go for now!

Hi xoxo, lxb and Ginger!
Zeri ~ Things seem to be looking up for you! Glad your DH is willing to give the supplements a go!

Fire ~ are in quite the pickle. Fxed you do not contract the c pox! Progesterone looks good! I'm not sure where you are, but by US standards that is great! To sustain a pregnancy they like to see above 10! Sorry your Mom is being so demanding of your time...:hugs: One day you'll get to be the same way toward your children! :haha:

Lxb ~ Buh bye AF! We're leaving you behind with 2012! Ready for Christmas?

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