BD on day of positive OPK

AF still hasn't showed. I did another POAS and got another BFN. Not sure if the way I readjusted my chart in FF is correct - I forced it to show day 13 as Ov day, which means my luteal phase is 15 days long now. I'm feeling like I'm in total limbo :(

How is everyone else feeling?
That's interesting about not getting Af yet, Fire! How sure are you about the cd 13 O date? I think cd 12 or cd 14 /15 are also possibilities..
I think I really messed up charting this month so its impossible to tell what's going on :(

I do know that by CD18 I HAD ov'd because my progesterone blood was 22.... but that's about it...

I started temping again on CD19 so mid cycle I switched to doing vag temps using celcius converted to who knows what was lost in translation there....

The only thing I am sure of is based on my average cycles I should have got AF by now, but again that could have been messed up by the travel....

So I'm hanging out here in limbo....

Thinking about going and buying more peesticks, because the ones I've been using are these crappy ones that the woman who I bought my CBFM from gave to me - they aren't over the expiry date but who knows if they are any good.....

Also thinking that the myo inositol that I've been taking might have done something to my cycle....where the hell is AF?!

Zeri - where are you in your cycle now?
Lxb ~ I vote poas, it always makes me feel proactive. :haha: Are you using the internet cheapies from Amazon? They were recommended to me by my RE.

Fire ~ Still a BFN? What has happened to AF! :shrug: I've heard travel can have an impact on cycles. Hopefully you'll get your AMH results soon!

Zeri ~ :hi:

We're off to NY in the morning! 8 shopping days until Christmas!.

Think pink! :dust:
Hi guys,

What was your temp like today, Fire? Sorry about the uncertainty... hopefully you get AF soon so you can start your testing. Do you think there might be chance for a bfp? I agree that getting those other tests might be a good idea.

lxb and xoxo - hi!! Nothing much new with me today. I *think" I'm about 11 dpo (AF due on WEd/Thurs) but am not really keeping check since I"m not in the game anyway. I've spent most of the weekend feeling so heartbroken about the children/parents in Connecticut....what an awful awful awful thing!! It makes me so very sad. :-(
Zeri - so sorry you are feeling blah about your cycles. Just focus on the final outcome and believe in that and things will line up. I have been doing this funny visualization just imagining the egg being like this beacon and doing all the work attracting the sperm to her so I don't have to do all the work trying to force stuff to happen. This month definitely felt forced for me and it wasn't successful so maybe forcing stuff doesn't work :(

lxb - yes test!!!

xoxo - when do you get your next results? :) hooray for X'mas shopping in NY! I love NY in the Winter. So beautiful!!!

So I got a proper dip in temp today - so AF is finally going to arrive for sure. However that messes up my CD3 tests that are supposed to happen today. I'm wondering if I should get them done tomorrow morning right before I get on my 15 hour flight. But AF hasn't actually shown up yet. Eeeeekkkkk.

I readjusted my chart so that it shows Ov on Day 14 - who knows what was going on this month, my guess is the Myo Inositol has something to do with it as well as the travelling....BLAH!!!!

I have really bad TMJ and the dentist use to inject botox into it through the inside of my mouth- which would give me total relief- anyway because of TTC I decided not to do it for several months, or maybe never again but the TMJ has been majorly playing up this month and I've been tempted to go and get it again :( so I've been trying to research other muscle relaxants or exercises for TMJ that don't involve botox because from everything I've read botox is not good to do while TTC.

The school shooting thing was awful, just terrible, honestly as soon as I heard the gist of what happened I stayed as far away from any news/media as possible after the first thing I read made me cry for hours and it was making me feel so sick and sad and I decided I only wanted to put good feelings into the world. God I could not imagine what those parents were going through.
xoxo - Oo~ How long will you stay in NY?

zeri - Yeah~ I've been feeling depressed over the weekend too! There are some sick sick people out there. And I can't even imagine how the family/friends felt! sigh....

fire - Hmm... I really thought you've Oed on CD12 as you have a temp dip on CD11. Perhaps the traveling messed things up a bit? Longer LP is a good thing but it's frustrating since you usually have ~14LP! I've read that people got their BFP after a weird cycle! :shrug: maybe you will be another!! :hugs:

afm, ALMOST done with my christmas gifts! 2 more to go (planning to bake some goodies for those two).. so will probably bake it over the weekend~ :thumbup: Still have to pre-make some stuff for my niece's bday cake!! (fondant/buttercream/etc.) so will be starting today~~

I've also plan to make some christmas cards. But now feeling a little lazy! :haha:

:dust: :dust: :dust:
I'm going to get on my looooooong flight shortly. I was sure AF would show up today just to make my flight even more pleasant but she hasn't shown yet so whaaaat is that all about?! my temp dipped even more this morning so it's like she's here only she's not :(

Got my AMH result it is 19.5 of a range 14-30 so I'm within normal, normal lowish.

I'm so confused about my cycle but I ordered a bunch of digi opk's and softcups so this month I'm back on the wagon :)

Lxb - your baking is amazing! Can't wait to see a pic of your fondant flowers, I'd love to learn how to make those.

Xoxo - how is your prog levels? When do you get to do a scan?

Zeri - are you gonna start temping? I need another chart to stalk hehehe

ginger :wave:
Hope you have a good flight, Fire. I guess your AF will be here soon, by the looks of temps. HOpe she doesn't arrive during your flight though!

What does AMH measure again? Glad your result was within normal.

xoxo = how are you feeling girly?

lxb - making Christmas cards? are such a creative person! I'm sure your family will enjoy them and your baked goodies as well.

AFM - nothing much. This cycle seems to be dragging on forever.... Think I'm 12 dpo today. I notice I"m not getting the regular PMS symptoms like lightheadness, nausea yet...I think that's because my progesterone if more elevated on the Clomid than it would be usually. Bah...what a waste of good progesterone! Oh well. I used to temp but don't think it' woudn't work for me now because I don't usually 3 hours uninterrupted sleep before waking (usually get up to pee around 6ish..).
fire - hope if AF is going to show.. she should wait 'til after your flight and just show already~! Longer LP could be a good thing but definitely frustrating~ Great to hear your AMH result is within normal range~

Yay for OPK! :dance: Think PINK~! :hugs:

zeri - I'm w/ fire~ I need to stalk another chart!! Perhaps you should temp at ~6am everyday? temping is addicting so.. be warned! :haha: but it definitely gives a lot of information about our cycle! (it could be confusing at times too~ :haha: but we'll be addicts together :drunk:)

xoxo - You should keep that link to your BFP chart! So we can obsessed over it and compare our temp to yours! :haha: How are you feeling girly~~ :hugs:

afm, didn't get to make Christmas Cards yesterday as I couldn't find any envelopes!!! :dohh: I was SURE I had some! Let's see if I have time to go to the store today after work :shrug: I did make some marshmallow fondants for my niece's bday cake though~ :thumbup: Planning to make buttercream tonight and color the fondant~

Got -OPK today, which I'm not surprised~ CM is watery (not 'clear' watery though)... kinda cloudy-watery-looking. So.. almost fertile cm? Guess time will tell :coffee:
Hi ladies! Sorry I've not caught up...I heart NY. Loving that we've stayed in Time Square (the pic is our view). My DH is currently at the gym (I'm exhausted from walking!), so I thought I'd log in!

Fire ~ No AF, really?? I'm still stumped! :shrug:

Lxb ~ Your pastry skills are amazing! You can ship my pastry box overnight to me anytime! Haha! Keep poas!

Zeri ~ Give in to peer pressure and start reinforces what the OPKs tell you!

AFM ~ We landed in NY and the Dr called with Monday labs...HCG continues to double and progesterone is at 28.3, so things are still progressing! I took my FF chart down b/c I stopped temping, but I can put it back up :xmas4:


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xoxo - love your NYC view!! I love that about NYC you get SO much exercise just from walking about everywhere. I never realize how much I'm walking because everything is so fun but at the end of the day I figure it out when my feet ache!
I've never spent NYE in NYC but I want to sometime :)

AF finally arrived. On the plane. Thanks for that. As if a 15 hour flight in coach wasn't unpleasant enough already :) hehehehe. I guess travelling (and MILs) really do mess with cycles. I was pretty regular before MIL freaked it out in Florida :)

But I'm relieved to start a cycle again and I'm going to try my best not to get anxious about what days to BD - because now my cycle has been pushed out I might not Ov until 29/30/31, NYE baby maybe?

I've spent the whole day in bed - so nice to be in my own bed again. But we are flying out again tomorrow to Florida so I'm making the most of it while I can and trying not to think about getting on a plane AGAIN in 15 hours time.

zeri - temp temp temp! Try V-temps they are more accurate than oral temps even if you get up and down ones if you temp at 6am I think it will be fine even with 2 hours or so unbroken sleep. You'll be addicted I promise!!

lxb - I'm gonna go to your journal now and see if you've posted more pastry pics
xoxo - Oo~~ very nice view~~~ :thumbup: Great to hear how well things are progressing~! :hugs: How long will you be in NY for? Yeah~ I like to click on BFP charts and compare my temp to theirs~ :haha: :shy: Maybe you can put a link in the post instead of in your siggy?

fire - :growlmad: damn af! It's always nice to be in our own bed~ :growlmad: to MIL & traveling for messing with your cycle~! :hugs: sending pink sticky vibes through the screen for you~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Nah~ I haven't been able to bake up anything lately~ Been prepping for some stuff for making my niece's bday cake! Made some marshmallow fondant as well as some buttercream. Planning to color them tonight to the desire color~ If I have time, I'll pre-make some flowers too :)

zeri - yes! temp!! :happydance: I usually temp at ~6am~~

afm, got -OPK today, which is expected as it's only CD12. I feel like if I dont' have OPK/temp, i would've think I'm Oing already from the pinching on the belly~ I drank a glass of grapefruit juice last night and I did NOT shrivel, which is weird! :shy:
lxb - so interesting that you can handle grapefruit juice now :) I think it's a good sign :)

I'm going to get some grapefruits tonight. I left my EPO capsules at home so I guess this cycle I won't take them and hope that the EWCM does its thing.

Do you chart your CM as well? I haven't been consistent about doing that, but I guess it is probably another good indicator...the only time I notice anything is when I get EWCM but last month when I noticed spotting and EWCM it didn't correspond with Ov. Actually I'm super confused about my cycle last month it kind of bums me out because I thought I had a regular 12 day Ov day...

I'm thinking about getting the FSH, LH and estradiol tests done tomorrow - I might just go to one of those places where you go to the lab directly and order them instead of going through my Obyn back at home.

xoxo - yes I wanna see your BFP cycle FF chart too :) I am totally obsessed with overlying my chart onto other BFP charts :)

Zeri - how you feeling?
:hi: I'm too pooped to continue the madness that IS NYC! I do enjoy it here and DH is such a sport...I've had to pee quite a bit. Thankfully Sak's is our half way marker, so I can dip in there to potty! :haha:

I'll get you ladies the ff link in a jiffy! I'm still taking things one day at a time...Next week is my ultra sound and I pray things are still progressing as expected.

Lxb ~ Isn't it crazy how in tune we are with our bodies? Hurray for gearing up to O again...FX it's a Christmas Conception! (How'd the nieces cake turn out?)

Fire ~ Planes and periods...could it be more awkward?!? That tiny bathroom to tidy up *sigh* Not sure if you've decided, but it wouldn't hurt to have your FSH looked at...did you decide where to have your HSG done?

Zeri ~ How are you? Where are you in your cycle now? Are you all doing anything special for your daughter during the holiday? I bet a LO brings the magic/spirit of it all to life!

Ginger ~ Thinking of you.

I was going to get my CD3 tests done today - fsh, lh and estradiol but I slept all day! Jetlagging :( so I guess I'll have to wait until next cycle which if ff is correct will be January 16th. I found out we are travelling again next month. sigh :( but I guess that doesn't matter as long as we BD at the right time! And I don't think I can get HSG done this month as it might be Christmas although I did find a hospital here that does it so I will call tomorrow and see which days they are available over the would be good to get something done and to do something to progress this all forward. I'm feeling a bit limbo-y at the moment.

So I think my AMH was 2.73 on the US scale once I translate it (19.5) from the Australian scale.

xoxo do you have any idea about what is the range for AMH?

So excited for your scan :) I know you are going to be delighted. Do you get photos at that scan or is that later? yippeeee!

lxb sending you O vibes and loads and loads of pink stickies through the monitor :) have you got any supplements for your DH? I was about to order some more ubiquinol (Coq10) that stuff is pricy!

zeri - Hiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!! pink stickies to you too :) where you at today?
Fire ~ Your AMH is amazing!! They say anything over 2 (US) is very good! :yipee:

Happy Holidays Ladies! Wishing you the best now and always!

My FF link...hope this is of some help!

Merry Christmas Ladies...looks like you'll all be Oing shortly! Up first is Lxb! Come on 2013...bring us the pink sticky!
I love that chart!!!

I'm still confused with my AMH number because I've read that with the larger numbers 20-40 is a good on that scale I am under, the scale was 14-30 that my test was on so 19.5 is also slightly under for that...anyway its 'within' range I guess so that's the main thing. I might get it tested in the US again.

C'mon lxb - Christmas baby!!

zeri :wave:
Christmas :dust: Ladies!

Fire ~ My AMH is .87, RE said its on the low side of normal :shrug: I believe the jury is still out on its accuracy though...some Dr's will not use it as a measure of your ovarian reserve. FSH has been around longer, if you don't get your BFP this round (fx you do), then I'd have it looked at. I wonder if you can use this cycle to have cycle monitoring done...just a thought.

Yikes! Two shopping days until Christmas!

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