Beach Bump Graduates!

Hey how is everyone getting on?

SB, Love the pics, and cant believe how quick your pregnancy is going!

Hann, hope Henrys sleeping is improving over last couple of nights, has Annabelle been sleeping well, glad she is settling down into preschool! And sounds like you had a bum of a day the other day, hope you had a lovely weekend to make up for it.

Simmy, Also hope Sophia is settling down too, its exausting enough when you do get sleep! And in answer to your question about bath time, when Im on my own I either bath them one at a time, or usually, Il put Harrison in the bath, then put Lucas in with him for a little while, then get Lucas out and sorted whilst Harrison is still in the bath, Hes only next door so I talk to him all the time and hes pretty good just plays with his toys, its not ideal but what can you do. If hes not in a good mood though Il sort Lucas out first.

Caz, hope you are feeling a little better hun, and happy birthday to Neel are you doing anything nice this evening to celebrate?

AFM, We had a lovely week up in Scotland last week, the cottage we stayed in was lovely, the worst part was the drive up and back, with two young children and a cramped car Ive had better days lol. Was out 1st wedding anniversary too on the Friday and also Lucas was 6 months (Where did that go) me and Alan went out for dinner on out own and my parents put the boys to bed, I had the most wonderful steak i think ive ever eaten!
So the boys... well Harrison is just growing up every day, hes so articulate and is 2 going on 10, the things he comes out with makes us laugh out loud and he charms the pants off everyone he meets.
Lucas, hes still a little cherub, cant believe how lucky ive been with two easy ish babies so far, think they are going to punish me in the future. Saying that I think we are hitting teething now as we are having a few spates of grumpiness. As for his eating, seriously this boy is a complete piggy! Hes now having breakfast and dinner, and as from today Ive given him a little finger food (toast) He eats anything he can get his hands on ,his favourite being yoghurt, but hes happily lapping up all the savory stuff too. He is also really good with lumps and pieces, hes had small pieces of cheese and some small bits of wraps, he sucks and then just swallows like a pro!
Ive been making him purees and hes loving them all so far its so funny to watch him practically try and climb out his seat when he knows food is coming.

So Im still job hunting, I had an interview today and I so WANT this job! Its just part time merchandising but its flexible and seems perfect for my situation, I should find out in next day or so, I think it went well so fingers crossed!
My college course starts on Thurs so im really excited about starting that too and on Fri Im doing another cupcake course, this is a chocolate one, and will be working with all sorts of different chocolate and moulding and stuff so again that should be a good day.

Alans off work till sat and his shifts have changed a bit when he goes back, still earlies lates and nights but the way they will work will make it easier for all of us as he will only ever do 2 of any in a row whereas before he would do 5 lates in a row which was tough all round

Anyhow Im gonna try and be much improved on here now!
Belated Happy anniversary Mel! Do glad you had fun away! Have you heard about the job - hope you got it!

Simmy - I bathe them together. Put annabelle in and then Henry, was both, do hair, get Henry out and dry and nappy on then annabelle out. She just gets out and plays naked and uses the potty while I feed henry. Then put him to bed then sort her out.

I am still in wake up hell. He is sleeping a bit better in the day on some days but he's up a lot at night. Tonight it's 2am and second time he's been up. He will be up again around 5/6 too. It's so soul destroying. If I leave him when he wakes he just ends up screaming then is frantic when I get him. He acts like I've starved him. Today he only had 2 short naps so should be tired yet he is more awake than the precious nights. I am at the point of considering feeding him baby rice to see if that helps except that I don't want to feed him before 6 months really so in theory I've hot 6 more weeks of this. It's a killer! I've done 5 weeks already. So annoying when he was sleeping 13 hour straight. He's also not that bothered about a morning feed probably because he's been up all night feeding ffs!
And he's dropping in percentiles too.
Also gregs off with a bad back so he's been if no help to me. Only good thing had been that annabelle didn't cry when I left her today at nursery so she's really doing well.
Taking her to her biannual ear appointment tomorrow which will no doubt be fun as ever!!
Better go as he appears to be sleep again do I can get another 1.5 hours in before the next wake up!!!!!
So very happy! So tonight Il mostly be writing a resignation letter, yes Ive decided to resign rather than take a career break as they are really restrictive on what I can work as whilst on the break and also Im not meant to study (which of course I am doing)
So we are taking the plunge! Its scarey but very exciting, with the new job, my studies and my new career taking off!

Hann, sorry to hear Henry is still waking up loads. I dont know what to suggest, I GOT slammed on my April thread (fb page today) for giving my own experiences about bedtimes etc and basically got called a "selfish" mummy so Im gonna refrain from it now lol.
Sorry to hear about Gregs back as well, not what you need with two babies!
Alan has got the boys all day for the next two days, Id love to be a fly on the wall!, Gonna miss them all though, it will be very strange but also exciting, my first college day!

Glad Annabelle is doing so well at nursery, Harrison went today too, he seems to love it, we also had a massive breakthrough at his swmming lesson yesterday. They teach them to float with the noodles? Basically a long piece of foam which goes under both armpits and then they can kick their legs and get about, well H has always refused to go near it for some reason but we bought one the other day which he has had in his playroom and yesterday he was perfectly happy to use the noodle in the pool, It was amazing, Alan was in with him, I was watching and there he was paddling around the pool on his own. I welled up I was so proud of him! Hes growing up so fast :/
Well done to Harrison Mel :) He is so grown up. And congrats on the job! It's amazing, new study, new job so excited for you.

Still struggling a little here - trying to come down off my meds and trying to stay strong but struggling. Neel and I are going away for the weekend together - am dreading it as I am going to hate being away from Ajay but Neel really wants to...... x
Yay congratulations on the job Mel! That's great news! So glad H is liking nursery too, so nice when they are happy to go rather than having tears. Oh dear about the FB group :-(
People can get funny about things, I think its always useful to hear what people have done and what works even if you don't take the same route. At this point I'm close to desperation. I'm giving it until Tuesday as that's week 20, at which point it will be 6 weeks ish of no sleep. If he still isn't sleeping I'm trying formula. I really want to get to 26 weeks but I've never seen hunger like it and its exhausting me and making me snappy. It's so hard doing what I think is best sometimes :-(

Caz - I would feel the same as you about leaving him. In fact I have told Greg that next year we will go to New York for a long weekend and I'm nervous and scared to go but I feel like I kind if have to for our marriage. I'm guessing that's where you are too.

Well off to bed as I'm sure he'll be up again soon. :-(
Yup I know Ajay will be fine but I'm nervous and you're right Han, I'm doing it for Neel as I know he wants to so I hope it helps him too. Aggghhh!

Miss speaking to you all x
How are we all?
I need some present inspiuration for christmas when you have a minute!

What do I get Annabelle and what on earth am I going to get Henry who will be 7 months then? Annabelle had so much so we have lots of stuff already! I need boy ideas!
Hello all! Sorry i've been rubbish, sometimes life just overtakes!! I do miss our regular catch ups but i'm glad to still be on the thread.

Mel congrats on the job, yay i'm happy for you! And great to have started college and be doing all these exciting things! arrgghh re april thread - it's so mean of people to slate you just for stating what you're doing, everyone has their own methods and i find it really useful to see others' way of doing things! Thanks for info re bath routine, that's really helpful.

Hann aah you must feel so tired with all the wake ups. Don't feel bad if you decide to give henry formula, you've done really well to get to this stage. With Leo I had to give him 'hungry milk' for each night feed, it seemed to keep him going til 6-ish. Although dont assume formula will help - Sophia is FF, she drinks plenty of milk, and yet is a terrible sleeper! It's got a little better but some nights she will literally be awake say between 3am-6am, either crying or wanting to play... It's so tough and leaves me destroyed the next day.

Caz, sorry to hear you're struggling. Maybe a weekend away will do you good, where are you off to? I know of course you will miss ajay though...

Hann, present ideas, gosh well i haven't started thinking about it yet, but tbh for Leo's first Xmas we just mainly got him clothes! Any type of car/train/bus/helicopter/digger etc always goes down well with boys, and he can grow into those... Sorry not very helpful!

Well we've been ok here, as i mentioned sophia is still not sleeping great, but Leo's also becoming a problem, not sleeping but generally. He has been on hunger strike for a week, he wont eat anything, nursery have rung me up really worried as he doesn't eat all day there. And he cries over the silliest things (and I mean complete meltdowns) and just wont snap out of it. And he's waking in the night just crying but wont say what's wrong. It's really hard, we've tried everything, being loving, being strict, none of it seems to work. Nursery think it may be a delayed reaction to the baby coming - he's been so good with her so far, so maybe it's just hit him now, or he's noticing that he's not getting as much attention as he used to...
Simmy just a quick one as I'm hoping to go back to bed again soon but we had the same thing with annabelle, was awful for a good 8-10 weeks but she's now sleeping again (sometimes wakes 1-2 times a night) and her behaviour is much better. I'm sure it was due to Henry arriving despite the fact she loves him loads. You have my sympathises - soooo hard!
Thanks hann - amazingly we had a great night last night with both of them - Sophia slept 12-8 (with a little cry at 3am but we just have her a dummy and she went straight back off again) and Leo slept til 8am with not a peep! So Paul and I both feel more human today, yay! Not sure it'll last though...

Have a good weekend everyone! We're off to a birthday party this afternoon and then a food festival tomorrow. Hope Sophia behaves!
How's everyone doing? How was the weekend away Caz? And how's the sleep now Simmy?
On Sunday night out if the blue Henry slept just over 12.5 hours straight so I was over the moon, plus didn't have to resort to formula or food so very happy! He woke last night at 4 but then so did annabelle - we don't know who woke who!
I've got a sinus infection so feeling rubbish and on anti biotics so hard day today for me.
Having a few issues with the preschool annabelle is at too - she has had two poo accidents in the last 1.5 weeks and they told me yesterday that it was becoming a pattern and that I had to talk to her. Obviously its not that easy as she doesn't understand it really, plus with all the past bowell problems I'm reluctant to make a huge issue in case she starts holding it in again. The woman that spoke to me was the owner and I get the feeling she doesn't like me which I know sounds paranoid but she's always very curt and shirt with me. No warmth that you would expect from a nursery teacher. Her key worker is much better so spoke to her today. Guess we see how it goes. She says she likes it there. She never has an accident at home though so it must be her being unconfident with them to say.
Also gregs been around a bit lately and she now just wants him all the time. She pushes me away if he's there, calls for him in the night and cries when she doesn't see him. It's made me feel rubbish as we used to be close and she used to always want me but its the total opposite now. Getting me down :-(

It's gregs birthday on Monday - his 30th. I've got him a night away from me but need to get him a physical gift from us all. I thought about getting a floor lamp for the house, seen a really nice one but I told a friend and she told me I can't get a household item as his present so now I'm stuck as got no inspiration! I have to order whatever it will be tomorrow first thing and pay for next day delivery as we are at the inlaws fri- sun and then its his birthday. I have no clue what to do though!
Any ideas?! Help!!!
What doies he like Han - maybe a gift/experience type day - hot air balloon or racing car driving or something memorable for him?

Oh Han please don't worry about her going for Greg - maybe it's just a phase as I remember that she only wanted you before, maybe she is just getting more used to him? Try not to let it upset you but I know how it must make you feel.

I'm in Spain with work this week so flew out today and back Thursday. Neel started a new job yesterday so we have stayed at his parents this week as I'm away and he is now doing longer hours so we need their help in my absence. Missing Ajay like mad and I spoke to him on the phone and he told me all about his fireman sam sticker book :) so sweet.

All is sort of ok here - I'm struggling coming down off my meds but hanging on in there and trying to be strong - nearly 5 weeks now! x
I recomend a balloom flight, it was great! Sorry you are feeling rubbish Hann, and re Annabelle wanting Greg, i think several of us have mentioned on here similar before and I agree it makes you feel crap, big hugs to you over that hun, children are so fickle xx

Hang in there Caz ,you are doing great!

We are going away for the weekend to a haven holiday park, think Harrison will love it, we are going the same time as some "friends" we booked back in may but they have gone really weird and we hardly see them now so should be interesting, Im probably being paranoid but Rachel (one of them) keeps posting weird status updates on fb about friendship and people talking shit about her, well I certainly havent, I have a feeling some alcohol will be consumed at the weekend and things may come out. I cant be arsed with people who I keep having to chase, she has got obsessed with fitness and got herself a new group of friends and they run fun runs every weekend and its all about them. never mind the fact she has a 2 year old who gets dragged along all the time, hey ho x
Hello all,

Wow Hann greg's a young'un isn't he?? lol. Not even 30 yet! That makes me feel old...

Great sleep from henry, i'm so glad you broke out of the purgatory you were in. I guess maybe he was going through a growth spurt. I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to start weaning Sophia a little early (maybe like 5 months) as she's such a guzzler. Oh and I totally feel the same with leo sometimes, he's obsessed with paul and I just think Sophia needs me more than she needs paul... I guess we'll all get over it at some poibnt but it's hard in the meantime.

Wonder if you could sit down and have a proper chat with the pre school, they should always listen to the parent's concern. At least the key worker is nice, that's something.

Mel - oh no I hope there's not too many fireworks on your holiday, what a shame your 'friends' are being awkward! Let us know how it goes but I hope you manage to enjoy the holiday too...

Caz, wow you are so busy as ever, whereabouts are you in Spain as Paul is also there at the moment on a work thing, he's in a little town near Barcelona, sidges I think it's called. He's back Friday night but also flew out on Monday, how funny if you were on the same flight! Well done for 5 weeks off meds - that's amazing, keep going hun I know it must be difficult. Are you going cold turkey or reducing gradually?

We are good over here, as I mentioned paul is away so obviously i'm staying at my parents'. Had a play date today with two of the NCT girls who've just had babies too - it's so strange it's like the second generation! Not much else going on - Sophia is starting to sleep a bit better, most nights she manages a 6 hour sleep from 12-6 ish. So we don't feel as zombified as before. But goodness I don't think at this rate she'll EVER do 12 hours!! Maybe i'll have to wait til she's a teenager - arrggghhh! lol
Hi Simmy, I'm back now from Spain. I was in Madrid city centre but in a hotel conference the whole time so didn't see the city at all. But it's lovely to be home. Just can't wait for a weekend with Ajay now.

Glad Sophia is sleeping a bit better - 6 hours isn't bad, she is still tiny isn't she! x
Mel how was your weekend with the friends? Guessing you just had to get on with it but must have been awkward. I hate stuff like that. My answer would have been wine and a lot of it lol!

Simmy - hows the sleeping? Is Paul back now? Henry had a few good days, the regressed again, then last night only woke once which was blissful but doubt it will happen again!
I haven;t had a sleep in the day all week too as between him and Annabelle they haven't slept at the same time for more than 40 mins. argghh!

Caz - how are you doing? How are you feeling now? Have you started ttc?

I ended up getting greg a photo of the place we got engaged, framed. It was one that an official photgrapher took so very happy with it. He loved it.
We had an okay weekend - went back to his parents, probably drank too much wine with his dad on the fri night so felt a bit foggy on the sat, then spent the day shopping in the outlet centre for xmas stuff. Then sat night greg and I went out for dinner which was nice until he upset me (long story but he was mean). Got back from our dinner to find that the inlaws had got Annabelle up after we left as she woke and instead of trying to settle her in bed they got her out and gave her pizza and a juice and then she watched strictly with them, then she fell off a wicker chair onto her face and has an almighty bruise on it - worse than any ever - the nursery have been asking how she got it ffs! Anyway pretty annoyed as obviously they should have been able to settle her in bed. And of course MIL spent the weekend trying to stuff chocolate and cakes into annabelle. Oh and I had booked a hotel night for me and greg in Jan and told MIL but asked my mum to look after H&A and my MIL has ignored me and decided that shes coming instead and told greg that her and fil are coming in jan (for that date) before I had given him the hotel present so he was none the wiser and I couldn't say anything! Now I've got to sort it out and tell them that they aren't coming then because I'm not having them look after them - they hardly proved themselves last weekend and that was only a few hours.

And while I'm ranting, just had my nct group here, a few weeks ago one of the girls - Fi - organised a dinner for one of the others (gem) for her birthday but last week Fi didn't come to our meet up because she never comes (shes been to 5 out of 27 meet ups!), and gem decided to make the drinks girls only rather than couples and move it to the town in between us all. I text Fi and told her and she said she wouldn't come because she likes being with her husband on a fri night, so we moved it to the thurs which we could all do. Today another of the girls, Anne turns up and says she met Fi yesterday for lunch (no one else was invited) and Fi wasn't sure if she was coming even though we moved the date - I.e. she's in a mood about it changing, so gem has changed the plan back to the original one so now I can't go and nor can one of the others, but if it was the day before we all could have gone! I'm really pissed off because its being lead by Fi who never comes to any of the meet ups yet today everyone admitted that Fi texts them separately outside of our group ones (she does to me too) and that she is now arranging little private meet ups! I don't get some people! It's really annoyed me. We are all meant to be organising another night out for us all to go to but I can't be bothered to go now that all thats gone on. The fact that they changed it all to please this girl who is clearly sneaky and only wants to chum up with people on her own just puts me off. She reminds me of the kind of people that are really insecure so they want to see people on a one to one and be best buds with everyone and think that everyone likes them the most rather than meeting altogether where she might just be on an even keel with everyone. Anyway I've just told them I'm not meeting up next week - and I'm not responding to dates to meet up after. After all the stuff with my NCT group with annabelle I've learnt my lesson. I can see the warning signs this time and just not going down that route this time! Theres only one of them that I really like so I'll see her but mainly becaise she lives close by and I could bump into her around here so I reckon I should stay in contact with her just in case so I don't have any awkward moments in the future!

Anyway I've banged on for long enough now and so I shall leave you lol! Sorry for the general rant - helps to share though so thanks :)
sorry for my lack of posting(again!)!!!
Sounds like a busy time Hann, what a nightmare that Fi girl sounds! My friend that lives near me has had loads of probs with her NCT group too, I think they all parent quite differently and it's become a bit of an issue which is a shame.

How is everyone doing? Jill it can't be much longer 'till your little guy arrives!

How are you getting on Caz? I read that you came off your meds a while ago- how are you getting on?

How are Leo and Sophia doing Simmy?

Your balloon flight sounds great Mel! How did your weekend go? Were your friends OK in the end?

Naomi starts nursery at the beginning of November-eek! They said it's fine that she's not potty trained yet, I'll keep trying every few weeks or so but so far we can't quite manage it.
Just had a short 5 day stay at Center parcs which was nice, we took my parents, brother and cousin as well (mainly as a treat for my Dad after his heart op). It was good but my new meds aren't working and I've been in agony all week with my stomach so back to the docs on monday.

Hope everyone has a good weekend, I have tons of laundry to do -joy!!
Hey everyone!

My weekend was actually good, we all got on really well and the kids had a fab time except both came back with colds which they still have. Poor Lucas is quite bad bless him.
Our caravan was a bit grotty though, we are going to write a bit of a complaint letter about it.

Hann, sorry to hear that about your NCT group, why do some people act like they are still in a school playground for goodness sake.

Maria, glad you had a lovely time at Centre Parcs. We have just actually booked to go to their winter wonderland in Dec 2014. We cant afford it this year but its meant to be lovely at christmas, have you been? We are going to the Elvedon one, its 20 mins from my parents house.
In other news, not a lot really, I start my new job in two weeks, so looking forward to that, but its the worst possible time with regards to childcare, Im training the first week so the times are set, and Alans on day shifts , plus its half term,which means I have had to call on some friends for favours, I feel awful asking as its a lot to ask people to have the two even though its just for about 3-4 hours, they all have their own children too. Think ive got it sorted though.
Was at college yesterday, was really good, Im loving learning again, and the other students are lovely too.

Starting to think about xmas too, Hann, oh yeah you asked about boys presents, to be honest, we have bought similar over last couple of years for Harrison and Annabelle, so dont think il be much help. We are actually being a bit cheap and wrapping up a baby walker and Animal train which was Harrisons for Lucas, as there is so much in this house already! Plus money is very tight at the moment. We are probably going to get Lucas a toy story bullseye rocker thing we saw the other day, its a rocker but then can be converted to a ride along. A big smyths toyshop has just opened here which is great coz we are really lacking in toyshops here.
No plans for the weekend, Alan working and weather meant to be rubbish. Great!
Just 8 more weeks to go! Or only 62 days...holy cow, neither number is very high! lol! I can't wait for him to get here, but I'm starting to get those end of pregnancy jitters!

I've been keeping up with reading every day, but there hasn't been much new. Katie finally went to her 2 year doctor appointment, she's currently 25 lbs and 35 inches, which puts her at the 21% and 58% tiles for weight and height. She' such a dinker compared to what she was during her first year, she never dipped under the 95% tile but now she's SO active, this kid barely sits down but she eats loads!

I thought I was done with Christmas shopping back in August...and then last night I saw the Christmas toys out and I went shopping again! $90 later and I have both kids getting a few more toys. I was hoping early Christmas shopping would mean I'd just be done earlier...but instead it means I keep buying here and there!
SB I'm the same, keep buying stuff on offer so the stash of presents is growing! I am meant to be doing it on a budget! Exciting that you are getting closer to the big day! Katie sounds like she's doing great. Annabelles the same, never sits still - she's still not any heavier than 22 pounds, skinny little thing, 5th percentile!

Mel - so exiting about your job, child care sounds a pain though - shame we aren't closer as would have helped for sure. Holiday sounds good - so you are now back on track with the friend? Really nice if that's how it's turned out

Maria - love you CP photos, I want to go back!

Bit of an ordeal here this weekend. Annabelle got a bug and was so sick we had to take her to hospital - throwing up every 20 minutes for over 12 hours and didn't wee for 9 hours due to dehydration. She's improving now thankfully. Also Henry is getting tooth no2 (first arrived on fri) so he's distressed and up every 60-90 mins wanting feeding for comfort. To say I'm exhausted is an understatement. Very sad to see them both in pain and upset :-(

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