Nanninoo, well done on loosing 5 stone! That's amazing! What diet have you been following?
That's rubbish about the walls emmy, it will look so lovely when it's all done though
Lisa!! Hello

Are the boys 1 tomorrow, I think I little birdie said on facebook, goodness, feels like last week we were cooing over embryo pics!
We went for a walk in the snow today, god i'm unfit! When I was working I used to walk lots in the days so even though i was overweight i was still pretty active but now just a few kms of walking makes me ache! I hope to build it up over time so I can gain some fitness level back.
We have decided to buy a scratch card for every kg we loose, I like to have a little treat when I loose weight but I think it's best to avoid food treats so scratch cards are nice

weight watchers, mini twister icecreams are only 1 point!