Strawberry, part of me wanted to believe the urologist, but the sensible part of me said 'don't be silly, everyone is different!'.
Traskey, 1lb is great. Glad the CD21 bloods went well for you (as I said before I don't mind needles injecting into me, I just hate them trying to take stuff out of my body, especially from a tiny little vein!!!
Emmy, well done for making that tough decision. Exercise for Life sounds like a great idea - have a great time! Although you might not be 'trying' you can certainly have some fun in the meantime!!!
Well done
Twinkle - 1.5lbs is great
. Well done with the needles - I HATE it!
Welcome to our thread
Bagpuss &
NGRidley! You'll love it here; everyone is in the same boat and are very supportive of each other. Some weeks we do well, others not so
, but we're getting there.
Bagpuss, I had a CBFM and used it for a year but nothing. Got peaks virtually every cycle but all BFNs
. I've stopped using it as I'm on clomid which can affect the readings (lots of highs). Well done on the 19lbs! I think what the doctors say about weight affecting our fertility is unfair. Yeah sure, the more regular your cycles the better chance you have of ovulating, but they give anyone overweight the reason for the problem as being too fat! But what about all those skinny beans and slim girls who have problems, eh?! They are told it's 'unexplained'! I really don't buy into the whole weight thing as being the ONLY reason we're not getting PG (lots of curvy girls fall PG all the time!).
NGRidley, well done on the weight loss so far. I know what you mean about body shape. I don't feel 'fat'. I have quite a small waist in comparison to my hips and bust so feel in proportion. I genuinely think I have heavy bones(!) and a large frame which will never allow me to have a BMI below 25 (BMI 25-30 is still considered overweight!)
Lovie, 2lbs is great - it's not easy to keep losing 1/2 stone every wekk unless you are on The Biggest Loser! And they are usually over 300/400lbs to start with and exercise all day long with personal trainers. It's not realistic so 2lbs is perfect! As for Valentine's me and DH are going to get a takeaway as we don't do that very often and I hate eating out on occasions like that. I have a 'recipe' for paprika pork which is meant to be low fat (depends how you cook it I guess!) which is a realy deep red colour and you serve with soured cream (low fat or L/F fromage frais) with boiled rice. Let me know if you want details.
BranDivah!! Tee hee, only joking hun. We all have times where we just don't want to/can't do it, but it's picking yourself back up which is the hardest and that's what you've done.
Zowiey, STS is better than gaining chick! Sorting through your clothes will definitely help get 2 wardrobes into 1!!!
BIG HELLO to everyone else on here! I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
AFM, my mum has been and gone. We cleared out 12 black bags of my old clothes (including a couple from DH, and lots of shoes)!!! I did pop out to the shops with her and bought a new pair of jeans from M&S, and then discovered several pairs that now fit me again
And I think I'm out of the race for a BFP this month
- my temp dipped on Friday morning big time and TMI ALERT my CM is light brown (normally happens a few days before AF shows up, I'm due on 17 Feb). I also had a fresh batch of spots appear (I feel like a teenager again and I hate it) especially when I have DRY skin that goes flakey so can't use anything that strips oil away from the surface (not that they are oily spots, they are hormonal spots - either way I HATE THEM!!!). Soooo, I know what the result will be tomorrow morning...BFN. I'll do it just to confirm though (not much of a POAS'aholic, but I like to know for sure).
Have the rest of the day to chill out now. Was thinking of going to the gym for a swim, but don't know if I can be arsed! We'll see. Scrambled eggs on toast for lunch me thinks, and something nice for dinner.