Hey ladies! So I had the IUI yesterday and he said it went really, really well! Dr said DH had lots of really good swimmers (didn't give me the exact #s, though). Laid there for 15 minutes and then laid in the car for the half hour ride home to be safe. haha
We didn't BD last night or this morning, though, so I'm a little bummed. I hope it doesn't ruin our chances. We did, however, BD April 13, 15, 16 (IUI on 18th) so I hope that's good enough. I'll see if I can get DH to

tonight, but I don't know if it'll be too late or not.
Also, I told my dr that I think I felt OV pains Thursday and Friday and was concerned that I already ovulated and that the procedure was too late. He still insisted that he felt that it was perfect timing. He said OV pains aren't a good indicator of when you'll be ovulating since it could be happening then or a day or so later. I really kinda hope both follies released because it'll be more of a chance to work.
So I'm officially in the 2ww. Just debating on if BDing tonight will make sense or not (opinions welcome). And I will start the progesterone suppositories on Wednesday. *fingers crossed* I am so nervous about it working or not working, but trying to stay positive! Man, it's difficult!