jolene - don't worry, ff has done that to me. i am a slow riser and it usually takes them 3-4 days to pick up on ov. but when they do they place it in the right spot and all moves forward
Brooke - ??? some thing has to be going on with you hun. fx'd that it is a bean trying to get a good hold!
I tested this morning and bfn.

i am at 14dpo (14 is the longest lp i have ever had) i don't know what to think. i know that our timing was not good this month and i am not supposed to be obsessing over this, but there is something hormonal going on in my body. i guess the question is what... i have tried really hard to not obsess over symptoms, but it has been really hard the past 2 days. every time something happens i first things "ehh, this sucks", then "wait, that's a good symptom!", then "am i making this happen to myself?" yesterday some of my symptoms included pms type symptoms, si i am not sure if this is the real deal or another crazy period :crazy: and of course the bfn has sent me reeling. i am truly starting to believe that i will never see i bfp

well, here are my symptoms: nausea/vomiting (sensitivity to smells), very hungry despite nausea, fatigue, low back ache, fullness/bloating in tummy, tender breasts (throbbing would be a more appropriate word), high/firm/closed cp, creamy cm, late? period, very very very emotional (started yesterday and afraid that it is pms)
will some body please tell me that i am not crazy?!?