Good evening ladies

. I've been trying to catch up with all the posts and figured I'd finish up after I wrote this. To get everyone caught up, I'm proud to say that I'm a happily married woman now

. No

yet for us but we've been working on it. Possibly not as much as we should since it's been really friggen hot. I've also been trying to temp but there's been some mornings where my alarm goes off and I don't even hear it. Still taking my vitamins though. Plus my mother in law has given us the stuff that my neice doesn't use anymore. Such as the diapers she never used and different bottles/bottle liners.
On another note, my stupid brother in law's girlfriend moved back up here with the baby because she said that she and her parents got into a fight. All the while, she was going on facebook saying that after the night he hit her, she would never be with him again and all that crap. As soon as something isn't going her way though, she thinks that she can just move back up here.Total crap if you ask me. Since she's been back up here, my mother in law and I have been taking care of my neice WAY more than we should. Don't get me wrong though, I love my beautiful neice. She didn't ask to be born but on the other hand, how fair is it to my mother in law and myself that her own parents barely even take care of her. Heck, 90% of the time I go over there, the baby's father is either downstairs doing absolutely nothing or out on his quad with his stupid friends. Same with the mother when she's not working. Anymore, the baby gets more happy to see me and her grandmother than she does with her own parents. The baby's mother even admit point blank that they were trying to have a baby. All the while, at the time they were trying, they were both living with HER parents,not supporting themselves. And now, they live up here with my in laws and STILL don't support themselves. They spend more money on crap they don't need rather than getting things for the baby. The only person who really pays for the baby is my mother in law. It just REALLY irritates me.
On another note, any suggestions on how to get an XBOX 360 away from an addicted 12yr old???? She spends all day in her room on it, only coming out for food now and then. Plus since she's on it all day, she's let her room go to crap. It looks like a tornado has gone through it. Not to mention, like I said, she's only 12 and she curses worse than a sailor when she's on it.
P.S. Even though we haven't gotten a

yet, we've been getting things here and there for the baby when I do become pregnant. Today, he told me to buy a winnie the pooh play yard from