NG - I'm sooo jealous! How long did you wait on yours before you started going to see the doctor?
My cycles were never longer than 39 days....even though they were a little off I didnt think anything of it (29-39 days)
I cant remember exactly what day (I have it written down somewhere) but somewhere around CD 52ish I went to see the doctor. I told her I was TTC and mentioned my cycle length so far. She asked about all my other cycles how long AF was and the cycle (I had it all written down).
Because I was TTC along with this missed AF She decided to take some blood for a lot of tests. Thyroid, Diabetes, iron among a lot of others. She also mentioned to me that my cycles werent very regular yet and she didnt really like that (they were 29,39,32,39,33 before the long one)
She told me to keep track of my cycles and if I still didnt get AF to go back and see her. We also talked about after a year of TTC how we can look more into things if it doesnt happen by then (by this point it had been about 8 months)
I had a chemical and a very weird AF (at CD74) but I didnt think I needed to go to the doctor....then about a week after it ended I started bleeding every time we had sex very heavily.....and then was spotting most days so I went back to her. She decided to send me for an U/S to check for PCOS.
Pretty much I figure its my body and I know when something is not right and I wanted answers. I am glad she decided to help because many doctors I have heard will brush you off if it hasnt been a year. I was diagnosed after 10 months of TTC.