BFP Ladies from MAY we all be blessed with baby! TTC May '13 and beyond[Closed Group]

@athena87 Happy 10 weeks!! :happydance: Wow! You got some good deals. :thumbup: How is everything? Do you have your next appointment yet?

@KatyW I'll look into the Ameda. It sounds like a good option. Does pumping increase the supply? I'm so happy to have you ladies to talk to about these things. :D I've heard really good things about the Avent bottles. Those are the ones we used mainly with my nieces and nephew.
I dont really know if there is a set time to wait to pump. It takes a few days for most women to get any milk in and you really want to stimulate it by babe only. If you add more pumping sessions then its signaling your body to make more milk. When the first few weeks you and babe are getting the hang of it and your body is starting to regulate so I guess id say not to pump unless you absolutely have to the first two weeks. Then again every situation is different, But those first few weeks I wouldnt say you dont have enough milk or too much. Some days your leaking like mad, other days baby seems to cry no matter how much they eat and you think you dont make enough when thats all normal.

I just boiled everything to clean. Never really used any special sanitizer?

Ill tell you what bottles NOT to use. Whatever ones come with the Medela pumps. I have an in home daycare and I had a baby for awhile that was breast fed and her mom brought those bottles..HATE. Bottles need to have different options for nipples, like slow flow, medium flow, fast flow. Not just one flow. If you hold it upside down and it steadily comes out its going to be too fast for baby. Especially a breast fed baby where its more work to get milk than out of a bottle. That babe was always struggling to not choke on that bottle! HATE.

With my boys we pretty much used Playtex Dropins. Only because it squeezes the air out and helps with reflux or gassy. I think breast fed babies should ALWAYS use latex nipples. If they can. The brown ones not the clear ones. Again the latex nipples are a little harder to get milk out of and mimic breast feeding more than the silicon ones. While boys were bf they got those, while bottle fed full time we just went to silicon no problem. Always slow flow. Playtex ventair are good too but a pain to clean.
@Hopeful, there are a few hands free options. I'll let you know if I find one I like.

We use the medela bottles with slow flow nipples with no problem. My flow is quite fast, so maybe that helps. The advice I got was to not buy more than a couple of anything until you've tried it to see what baby likes. Some babies are very picky. I started pumping at 3 weeks. It's been going really well for me. I have lumped once a day to get a bottles worth of backup each day. I've got about 40oz in the freezer. Now I'll be pumping while she's in care, but I still hope to do an extra each day.
Thanks for the note recommendations, daddies gift.

I also agree to try to use baby only to stimulate your body to make enough and not way too much milk. Pumping on top of normal feeding times increases supply, if you empty the breast that is. This can be good if you want to have a freezer stash like Melann does. I am not sure how much pumping I will do, since we are moving when our new baby is only two to three months old and I plan to stay home with her. We occasionally used some formula with our first even though she was mostly breastfed. It was fine for us and took some of the pressure. Just throwing this out there, that it is not all or nothing.
I just boiled also and put in the steriliser which is mainly boiled water. Avent worked best for my son, but he didn't really like bottles or breast so had to wean early due to him loosing weight. That fixed his problem and he's been 50% ever since.

Just got back from the midwife and a 2nd sweep. 2cm and she could feel the head. So something must of happened over the weekend. But I can have my waters broken rather than an elective section, so yay. So it can happen now, or in two weeks.
@daddiesgift Is formula the best option for the first few days/weeks or until the milk comes in fully or will baby get enough breast milk while waiting for it to come in? I really need to start looking into this more. I've tried to pace myself and focus on just what's next during the whole ttc and pregnancy process, but I need to start focusing on this next step. :haha:

@KatyW Happy 30 weeks!! :happydance: I'd definitely be interested in supplementing with pumped milk or formula so my husband can get more involved in the process. He is already talking about how he can't wait to feed her. Was your daughter fine with having both and accepting them both at the same time?

@mummy2o Oh! I'm so excited for you! Keep us updated!! :happydance:

Ladies, What are some of your favorite formula options?
Hopeful, it's definitely best to get baby to the breast in the first days even if your milk hasn't come in, the colostrum is super important for its immuniry properties and sense nutrients. It'll stimulate your milk to come in quicker and the more you practice a good latch the better your chances of success at home. That said sometimes you need to supplement or top up the really hungry babes. I had to with Royen being 9lbs 9 oz and due to the fact that we had to use a nipple shield for the first few days so she wasn't getting the most of it.
Yes do you research. Most people do not need to use formula. Don't forget, formula didn't always exist. Your body is made to do this. I read a couple books that gave me a lot of confidence. In the first few days your baby's stomach is only the size of a marble. The key is getting baby on the breast right away- in the delivery room if possible, and then frequently. At first nothing may come out. That's okay. The doctors and nurses said that babies really don't need to eat for 24hrs, but the more frequently you try, the faster your milk comes in. At first it will just be colostrum which is clearish yellow. Around day two, baby will cluster feed, wanting to go to breast as frequently as every twenty minutes. This is exhausting, but key to your milk coming in and it will ease after a day or so.
Arm yourself with resources. If your hospital isn't a breastfeeding advocate, out the phone number if a lactation helpline (check out le leche league onlibe) in your phone. I read "breastfeeding made simple" and" the ABC's of breastfeeding"
"Most" babies sleep so much those first couple of days even if you have no milk they won't notice as colostrum will be enough. I know some who didn't get milk till five days and still didn't need formula! So I wouldn't worry those first few days if baby is hungry. I think first time it was day two milk came in with second again about day 2-3. I never noticed them extremely hungry. That came later :haha:

I think if you plan to breast feed try your best to just stick with that. Don't worry about using formula unless doctor is concerned. I know for me and maybe because I had such a hard time breast feeding that once I went to the bottle it became easier and I preferred it. So it made it easier for me to want to stop bfing when times got tough because I knew I always had the bottle.

With my first at my baby shower I got lots of bottles and a friend gave me some formula she got from somewhere. So I remember being in that despair state of mind when baby was crying, I was exhausted and nipples were bleeding that I just dug that stuff out and made him a bottle. With my second I had kept bottles as I planned to pump for him if things got rough but as you can guess I sent OH to store to get formula. This time I have zero formula and zero bottles in the house. For me I don't need anything around for when I get down about bfing that I can fall back to.

So I'd say if you want to solely fb don't even have formula in your house. Just offer the breast.

Every woman's different, there's some that never have issues bfing, some that have a couple and overcome them, then there's some like me who have problem after problem. If you become that woman you don't want anything around to tempt you to stop your original goal of bfing.
@OurLilFlu Thanks! :) I knew the colostrum is super important. Is it enough at first? How is baby Royen?

@melann13 That's such good news. I didn't know about the stomach being so small in the first few days or that they didn't need much for 24 hours. That makes me feel a bit better. I worry a bit about being judged by the nurses. :winkwink: Does baby get some every twenty minutes on day two or is it still coming in slowly by then (usually)? I'll look into those books. :flower:

@daddiesgift It's good to know the colostrum seems to be enough. :thumbup: I <3 that I have you ladies to talk to about this because I would not like to talk about it with others. :haha: I'm so sorry that you had such a hard time with breastfeeding. Don't feel bad if you do have to go to formula for her! I know it's what I will do if it works out that way as well.

AFM I have my GD test on Wednesday. Ugh. I dread it a bit. I don't think I have a problem, but I really don't want to fail.
Yeah, what they said. I am not sure of the ideal time to introduce a bottle when you are breast feeding. We had a NICU stint at first, so we were unique in that we switched from bottle to breast that first month, not something I would suggest if you can avoid it, but for us it was of course unavoidable. My child got mad when I left her on rare occasions with a bottle, but it was infrequent so that may have had something to do with it. Nursing can be very hard at first, so getting help in advance will increase the likelihood of success.
We introduced a bottle after 3 weeks. Breastfeeding was going well at that point for us, but you really need to wait til it is for you and your baby. 4 or 5 weeks may be better as your supply will be better established by then, but with me going back to work today (ahhh!) I wanted to start a bit earlier to make sure she'd take it well. Once you introduce a bottle it's important to give them one every few days (it usually goes better if someone else gives it (like DH) so that it becomes routine. Just giving one and then assuming you'll be good in a couple weeks is a bad idea. They can forget.
Don't be afraid of being judged by the nurses. If they are anything but extremely supportive and positive while you're learning to BF, they really shouldn't be L&D nurses. The best possible thing you can do is educate yourself so that you're super confident. Everyone I know who has given up BF gave up because they thought they weren't doing it well when in reality they just needed to know that what they were experiencing was totally normal. We'll all be here to answer questions, but definitely find someone who will support you and make sure DH is on board too. BFing especially in the early days is very exhausting so it's important that he understand why it's important and how he can help.
Yay! Everyone is absolutely right about bf on here! I'm a nurse who works in postpartum and sometimes it's hard to convince ppl that it's normal that they feed so often or that their stomachs are so small and need refilling. It's all true and yes the first 24 hrs can be hit or miss some babies do feed well the first 24 hrs and some sleep it all away, it's still important to try to get them to the breast every 2-3 hours but its not the end of the world if they don't. With royens traumatic delivery, us being in separate hospitals for 6 hrs and having to use a nipple shield due to flat nipples it was just too much work for her and she just got hungrier and hungrier, so I think it was the second night that we filled her up on formula after each feed so she's be satisfied enough to sleep. But again, with healthy, term babies everything you girls have talked about is bang on, do some reading and just trust yourself!
@melann13 How was work? I hope it was an easy transition for you. I plan to research it all and be as prepared as possible. I think that will help in addition to being able to ask you all for advice. My husband is totally on board with BF and wants to do it. He's been such a sweetheart and so supportive this whole time. He is getting more and more excited now as my belly continues to grow. :cloud9:

@KatyW & @OurLilFlu Thanks! I appreciate all the encouragement and advice! :friends:
Yes! What they said, again. Ha.

Anyone else dealing with fatigue? Insomnia issues are the root of it, oh and a two yr old. Curious if you ladies have any energy boosting tips..on her than giving birth
KatyW- Im right there with you!!! I was soo tired in the beginning then I started to feel a tad normal then about two weeks ago started to extreme tiredness again! The last few days have been plagued with insomnia. Some times its because my mind is racing about so much thats going on with us other times my mind is blank but I just cant shut off to sleep! Last night I was so tired from about 7pm, laid down after training at about 9..still didnt really fall asleep till 1am! Then I kept waking up and having to force myself to fall back asleep. I dont remember ever having this issue before.

As far as energy bursting clue. I drink one cup of cold starbucks premade coffee in the morning to help me get to mid day and thats about it!
daddiesgift/katyW- me 3! i am so tired and fatigued these days that i have to to take naps. ugh i feel like those awful 1st tri symptoms are coming back. i hope not.
Right there with you ladies! Have been feeling so fatigued these last few days. Getting up to pee 5 times a night probably doesn't help lol. Have been feeling more pressure and pelvic pains today along with some light cramping. Hoping things are progressing a little...will be checked tomorrow!
Kksby9 you might go before me then. Nothing has happened yet, minus more insomnia than I can handle. Got the consultant tomorrow so hopefully can get an ETA of when baby will be here. Getting really envious of people in the March group all having their babies early!
Well, at least we have company in our tiredness....I know I could feel much worse but for someone who is usually busy, slowing down is tough. I think part of my issue is being a temporary single parent since December, thankfully the husband is going to be home soon from the desert.

Daddies gift, I know you are super busy taking care of more kids than me. I hope you can find some time to get some time to yourself to recharge. I did have a green tea that I put over ice and that helped, as did adding in more snacks. I know sometimes I do not notice it has been hours since I have eaten. Seriously ,having a newborn is tiring but not as exhausting as this stage. We are growing humans, it is a tough and honorable job. :)

Kksyb and Mummy, almost there ladies! Exciting!

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