BFP Ladies from MAY we all be blessed with baby! TTC May '13 and beyond[Closed Group]

Kwaggy, I bet you will hit a growth spurt in the third trimester. Hoping that your appetite kicks in. I'm sure it's tough to still be feeling sick at times well into the second trimester.

Hmm, as for me, I just took the Chinese gender prediction test and it predicts a boy. I'm stuck on the couch again after a very sick weekend and my daughter is down for the night. Very fun to take these tests and trying to imagine whether it will be a boy or girl. The nerd in me needed to look up some things online, and I realize that soon, at 9 weeks or so, sex characteristics will start to be distinguished on the baby.

I'm curious, ladies, at what point did you tell people about your pregnancy? I'm in a tricky place, as my two best friends are both at a weird point for me to tell them. One had a miscarriage only 4 weeks ago, and the other underwent really extensive surgery that is probably going to make it nearly impossible to have another baby (last week). To say this is a bad time for them to hear this news in an understatement, but I also don't want to withhold from them either. Anyone dealt with something similar?

i did a pee on baking soda test? i don't remember who told me about it, and i can't remember what meant what. all i know is that whatever it did meant girl and that's what i had.

i told my best friend the day of the test, my boss at 4 weeks (for work reasons), my mom at 6 weeks and everyone else at 8 weeks.

I had one girl i had to tell that i worked with because they wanted me to tell everyone there since they had to help me with some duties. The one girl had been trying for a year and was going to a specialist and was told she had unexplained infertility and she was about to start iui.

I waited til it was just us. and i told her. she said she was happy for me, but she didn't look as happy.

she fell pregnant after 3 failed iuis and one successful ivf, but she never ever was thrilled with the idea. She dealt with me she hung out with me after we had our babies like two or three times then she never could make it again. whatever happened she never could deal with me the same way agian. HOWEVER she wasn't a good friend, we were more co-workers, but i was always kind of sad on how that turned out. :/

my advice, honestly, is tell sooner rather than later. if they are having a rough time, sit down and talk to them about it, tell them you were really worried about hurting them and make it special that they are the only ones that know. Waiting til your further along might make them think you were pitying them or keeping something from them, and it stirs up all kinds of other things.
We wanted to wait to tell people more fear of the judgement of having so many babies close together. I ended up telling a close friend as she posted something on my Facebook how I was lucky to not be pregnant right now :dohh: she was so happy and excited it made me excited and say screw what everyone else thinks! If I'm happy I hope others would be too. And for the most part it's been positive. Although my sister has said NOTHING to me about it :nope:

I think keeping it away from friends struggling can be good but I also think it could backfire and they could feel hurt. No one wants to be seen as the "cripple"woman who can't get pregnant or loses her babies. It will hurt them to even see strangers pregnant but a good friend they'll feel happy as well as sorrow. I'd tell them as soon as I chose to tell everyone else. I wouldn't make a huge deal or make it seem like you're scared of their reaction. It took us two years and taking clomid to conceive #1 and I always felt like when my friends got pregnant I was last to know because they didnt want to hurt my feelings. When feeling sorry for me hurt me more than anything. I'm blessed to have fallen pregnant easily with our next two but with our first it was so different.
@mommyxofxone I've always been so paranoid that my sister-in-law would use one of our names. I never told her what they are, but I would always wait nervously until she announced her names. I really hope you get your BFP this time!

@Ameli My main symptoms are fatigue and being hungry so far! I've been so hungry, but I wonder if it will taper off if I start to get more nausea.

@mummy2o I'm definitely eating more. I find that I'm hungry even after eating something that would normally be enough/too much.

@Kwaggy My sister-in-law didn't gain as much weight until the third trimester with her last pregnancy. I would really like to get a Doppler at some point. It would be comforting.

@melann13 Thanks! I may try to get blood draws at the confirmation appointment. I want the scan, but just knowing everything seems to be progressing will make me feel better.

@daddiesgift Will you come up with a girl and boy name just in case since you're not finding out the gender?

@KatyW That is a hard decision. I don't plan to tell anyone until the second trimester except our parents, but we're still waiting to tell them for a little while. I'd feel bad and want to be sensitive to their situations, but then they may also feel uncomfortable about it when they do find out. I'm sure they will be there for you. When did you tell them last time? Perhaps you could get away with waiting another month or so and just tell them it's because you were waiting to tell everyone. However, if you do tell others that they talk to you may want to tell them because they may feel uncomfortable if they hear it from someone else.

@RaeChay My plan is to wait to tell until mid-December. That could be tricky with Thanksgiving and the holidays, but I'll avoid if I have to or wear loose clothing too.

@Mummy to HP I love to hear it all too! I imagine feeling baby is one of the best things ever.
We will come up with two names, boy and girl. Maybe more than that to see what baby looks like at birth!
We actually told our older children and both are sets of family tonight and I am 10 weeks today. I wanted to wait until 12 weeks but hubby was very instant that we wait no longer. I had an ultrasound at 8 weeks and saw a nice strong heartbeat so just keeping fingers crossed. Haven't announced on fb yet... But I literally just got a notification that a friend wrote on my wall so I guess it's out now!!
Thanks, ladies, for the advice. Last time I told people very late - into the second trimester, even these two ladies I'm talking about. I felt very cautious since I had had a loss right before that pregnancy.

This time I told my family at about 7 weeks, and like some of you ladies have brought up, I want to be open with close friends this time around a little sooner, because sometimes it's better to have it out in the open. I'd also like to share the news with friends locally so they know why I'm MIA from things lately (due to morning sickness).

Anyway, not a huge deal, but I did think it was an interesting thing to think about.
my symptoms during early pregnancy:

weeks 4/5/6- sore boobs and nips, bloating, cramping, dry itchy throat, nasal congestion, food aversions, loss of appetite, extreme fatigue, loss of energy.

week 7- same as weeks 4-6 but nasal congestion, dry itchy throat, and cramping is gone. new symptoms dizziness and nausea that got worse at night.

week 8- same as weeks 4-7 but nausea and dizziness are so intense now that i am actually throwing up.

weeks 9/10- were the most intense. all my symptoms from weeks 4-8 intensified and i was throwing up on a consistent basis.

week 11: started eating more and overall feeling much better. at night still a bit nauseous, dizzy, and fatigued.

currently in week 12 and so far so good :)
so far i have told my parents and hubby's at 5 weeks, and told hubby's family at 10 weeks. i have not told my family because i wanna tell my sister first but im too afraid to.

@hopeful- i do not know if the Chinese prediction test worked yet as i have not found out the gender. but i want to know so i'll find out as soon as i can! :)
We actually started telling people the day after we found out at 4 weeks. We wanted to wait until after our first appointment but that wasn't going to be until 10 weeks. In the middle of that wait we had a trip back to visit our family and there was no way we would be able to not tell them! So we told our best friends at 4 weeks, our immediate family all by 7 weeks, extended family and work at 10, and Facebook after that.
We told my parents right away as they knew about our previous loss. I told my best friend and DH's parents after our early ultrasound at 8.5 weeks. We told a few others around 10 weeks after hearing the HB with the Doppler and gradually spilled the beans from there. We didn't go FB wide until about 17 weeks. My BFF and her DH have been trying for a little bit, but I wanted to make sure she heard it straight from me and not through the grapevine. I do think that if someone has had a loss it's a lot better if they hear it from you directly as they don't have to have a big fake reaction in front of other people. We still don't put much on FB as I know so many people who are trying/had losses. It's not like it's a secret, but it's not something they need to see everytime they look at their newsfeed.

I agree with trying to keep FB on the low side. It seemed that my FB was full of announcements between the miscarriage and getting pregnant again. Someone literally wrote a week by week up date and gave birth before I got pregnant again. I ended up ignoring her posts for a while and it was good for me. So far I have posted on scan picture telling everyone I'm pregnant at 12 weeks. Then once I find out gender I'll post again, then finally a baby. If anyone wants to ask me privately on FB then of course I'll have a good old lengthy chat with them :)

I told my cousin shortly after I found out. Mum around 7 weeks, my other cousin at 9 weeks as she posted she was pregnant so wanted to do some baby chatting, then everyone else at 12 weeks. Before we posted on FB though we told OH in private before he found out from his brother or something like that.
We actually told our older children and both are sets of family tonight and I am 10 weeks today. I wanted to wait until 12 weeks but hubby was very instant that we wait no longer. I had an ultrasound at 8 weeks and saw a nice strong heartbeat so just keeping fingers crossed. Haven't announced on fb yet... But I literally just got a notification that a friend wrote on my wall so I guess it's out now!!

Wow! I kind of find that a little insensitive - a friend posting on fb before you've said anything publicly on there!? Am I being overly sensitive?? I have a tendency to do that :wacko: Then again, I'm so closed on fb, it is ridiculous! I don't even have my birthday notification up!! Ok, maybe I'm being a little over the top :flower:
Since we live a thousand plus miles away from any of our close friends and family facebook and texts were the only way we announced it! Facebook to me is a way to keep in touch with all my family and friends. I dont want to send mass texts of pictures of our children growing up, or our big news, trips ect. Id rather just do it that way. :shrug:
As I said earlier, we announced on FB at 17 weeks, just a picture of me in front of Niagara Falls which DH captioned "wife and baby at Niagara Falls. easiest family vacation ever."
Since then I haven't said much of anything on FB other than the casual comment on someone else's status about their kids etc. We can't announce gender on FB as it's a secret from my dad (he really wants it to be a surprise- everyone else knows, but we've made it more than a month since finding out without letting it slip to him!)
Once a month I send my three best friends (none of which live nearby) a belly shot. BnB really serves to get my pregnancy chatter out so I don't need to bombard others. My former lab mate who I see about once a week is also pregnant (8 weeks ahead of me), so I get to chat with her.
She got diagnosed with GD, which has been a disaster as her reading was only 1 pt over the threshold and yet they insist she comes in twice a week and checks blood sugar, takes insulin etc. I have my test on Friday. She told me to drink extra water and eat high protein, low carb for the few days before to get better results. Anyone else heard this?
I've never heard of anyone do that - is it the 1 hour test? For some reason my last OB had standardized 3 hour tests (I was in Germany) so I had to fast the day of. I didn't change my diet before and passed just fine. I think I made sure my meal the night before was very clean and didn't have dessert. It was fine, I remember dreading it, but it really was not a big deal. I'm sure a high protein diet prior to it is not going to hurt you, though (doesn't the Bradley Method emphasize a high protein diet during pregnancy), so I wouldn't think it would be a bad idea to do.
I never heard of it :shrug: with my first I was in Germany and I didnt have to fast, I actually drank a mezzo mix and ate two nutella crossiants in the waiting room :haha: Nothing came back high. Then with my second in America I was told to not eat or drink anything morning of besides water. They want to see how fast sugar is processed in the hour or three you have to wait. Although Gestational Diabetes is not a huge worry if you know you have it you can help prevent complications, but if you eat differently than you normally do just to get a good result, I dont know if I think thats a good idea. But I guess Im not a doctor either!
This is just a one- hour test, and they told me I don't have to fast, but I would imagine that eating a big sugary breakfast immediately before wouldn't be a good idea. The appts at 9:30, so I plan to just eat cereal or eggs or whatever at 7 or so. That way the sugar from my breakfast shouldn't play a role. The friend that now has to take her blood sugar reading all the time was told to take it 2 hours after eating, so I'm using that as my guideline of eating breakfast about 2 hours before I drink their drink so that it's not a cumulative effect.
I ran into the bedroom and told OH as soon as I got the BFP. Then I told my sister that day since she knows I have had losses before and I needed the support.

My mom actually showed up at my house unexpectedly at 5 weeks to ask if I was pregnant. :growlmad: We really wanted to keep it between OH, my sister and I for at least a few more weeks, after my first scan, then make a surprise announcement. We couldn't very well lie about it, so she found out. She swore not to tell anyone, not even her husband (very important to us because we haven't told OH's parents, also this is a high risk pregnancy) but found out that she actually told him as soon as she got home, because she just "had" to tell someone. :dohh: :growlmad:

I told my grandma at 5.5 weeks, after my mom found out, because we are close and I know that she won't tell anyone. She actually took me for a bra fitting and some early clothes shopping to help me keep my secret for a while longer. It was fantastic. :thumbup:

I would like to wait until 12 weeks or at least after my first scan to tell anyone else, but it might be difficult because I'm hosting Thanksgiving next weekend. I also can't be surprised if my mom tells other people, unfortunately. :nope:
i took my first gd test and failed. it was an hour. My amazing mw told me to just eat a normal breakfast- which i listed the items i usually have- and she said oh yes you can eat that and go right after! i said ok!


i had to take the three hour test, because my ORANGE JUICE WHICH I TOLD HER I WAS GOING TO HAVE did it. the lab tech was like 'seriously you had oj' and i said yes she told me i could! and she just shook her head and said to call them next time.

i did fine on my 3 hour test thank god
@melann13 A month is a good amount of not letting it slip from you or from others! That will be such a surprise!

@Tangerine Oh no! How did your mom find out? Was it just a coincidence that she showed up and asked? I know I will swear my husband's parents to secrecy once we do tell them, although I still worry his mom might tell my sister-in-law. I want to wait until after the first trimester to tell anyone else or at least close to the end of it.

I'll be so happy to have you all for advice on tests and everything!

AFM I'm 19 dpo, 4 weeks and 5 days, and probably a week or close to a week late. I took my last FRER this morning with fmu. I kept reading about the variant hook effect and was worried it would get to a point where it would start to be lighter and that would only make me worry so I decided to take the last FRER today instead of later in the week in case that happened. I have been waiting to test again so my test line would have time to go darker than my control line and it did! It's actually a bit darker now than it is in the photo. :happydance: I'm still nervous, but I hope baby is sticky!! My plan is to take the last digital when we plan to announce to show and for more pictures.

I'm adding the picture of my first tests and the test from today. Tests on left: top-13 dpo, smu / middle-14 dpo, fmu / bottom-15 dpo, fmu. Test on right: 19 dpo, fmu


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