Well I've not had a positive opk this month but its been very close to positive. Big achievement I've had some cramps today in my right side (pretty hopeful that they was ovulation cramps) Going to consider that I ovulated today. So the testing will start in a week or so Good luck Dr Gromps will be stalking to see what the outcome is Deffo trying the whole blood on hpt for myself.. X
Seeing double! Your my TWW buddy! DEf too early to BOAS... Lets try again at 7 dpo...so keep waiting..the waiting sucks though!!
Longingforno2...I was REALLY excited to get my pos OPK...mine never get that pos either! We o'ed on the same day! When are you going to BOAS??
I am going to do serum since i work in a lab with a centrifuge! Roll on monday!!