Thank you so much for starting this group! I need support too
I started a thread in the FF section with my story, so I'll copy and paste what I wrote there:
"I formula feed my baby girl. Throughout my entire pregnancy, my plan was to exclusively breastfeed for the first 2 or 3 months, then combo feed. I have absolutely nothing against anyone who chooses to exclusively formula feed from the start, I think there's nothing wrong with it at all, I just wanted to breastfeed because it's free, and because of all the benefits of breast milk.
When my baby was born, she was jaundiced, pretty badly. She spent a full 24 hours under the lights before being discharged. When they diagnosed her with jaundice, they told me the best thing I could do was to give her formula on top of the breastfeeding, because she basically needed to poo and pee it out of her system. So I did. After a couple of days, she no longer wanted to take the breast. I would try, she would suck for maybe a second or two, then start screaming. She had gotten too used to the ease of eating from a bottle, and didn't have the patience to wait for the breast milk. I tried a few things, nipple shields, I tried pumping for a couple of minutes first, but she would just scream and scream. After 3 weeks, I couldn't handle the stress anymore (on top of that, I was dealing with my husband suffering from PND, which is a whole other story), she would scream and I would cry. So I stopped trying. I pumped for awhile, but I was getting less and less and less, so I stopped doing that too eventually. So she is now exclusively formula fed.
I have tremendous guilt over this. Even though I never thought there was anything bad about other people feeding their babies formula, I cannot stop feeling incredibly guilty about giving up the breastfeeding. I feel like I failed her. I can't think about it without crying. I can't explain the situation to people who ask without crying. And I feel like people (who don't know the situation) judge me for not breastfeeding."
I really regret giving her the formula in the hospital. At the time, I felt like I had no choice. Now I know I could have continued to exclusively breast feed her...but I was just so exhausted and stressed and overwhelmed at the time. But I guess now I know for next time. (My future children will likely be jaundiced as well apparently, has something to do with my blood type and my husband's blood type.)
Anyway, I feel like a complete and utter failure. It hurts me immensely just talking about it. And I've been lectured about breast being best when asked if I'm breastfeeding and said no, by both strangers and medical professionals, which just makes it worse.
I was ill prepared for the possibility of my daughter "rejecting" me, and was taken aback by how emotional the whole thing is. I feel like I'm not able to fully enjoy my beautiful baby because I'm so saddled with guilt and regret.