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Breastfeeding & pregnant Mammas

Zephyr- glad you found the heart beat! How exciting. Hope you all feel better soon.

I'm going back to work 3 long days per week with the odd meeting on my days off. Should be in, and only 7 months until mat leave, all being well!
Cangaroo that sounds great.

So having more waves of nausea! As much as I hate it surely it means my hcg is rising meaning more than likely bean is growing?! Well I hope so!

Hi all, I've been watching but not had chance to update for a couple of days :)

I'm good, ms is manageable and I'm pretty tired and irritable lol!!

Blood test results due back Monday and I've finally got a scan date for 9th April!! Woo! I'm going to be 9 weeks and 1 day so it feels a long way off yet but it will be nice to have the reassurance :)

How's everyone else?
Jess great news about your hcg, now to keep yourself busy until the scan :happydance:

Zephyr, yey for finding the heart beat, it's amazing listening to it isn't it? Hope everyone starts to feel better soon.

Cangaroo, I work long days too, well shifts, what hours will you be working? I am hoping only 6 months before annual leave, then mat leave :happydance:

I have my scan next week on Thursday. Still very nervous about it, but I know that's normal! About my symptoms, yesterday they all came back, tired, nausea, dry wretching, light headed, today I feel fine, not even irritable :haha:
My nausea is stepping up a gear but it's manageable right now.

Veronica awesome news about your scan.... A few weeks to wait but I'm sure all will be fine and dandy.

Jess and Charlie have scans next week, anyone else? Mine is the following Monday!

Zephyr thats great for finding your LO heartbeat!! :) Thats always exciting!!

I have found that every other day I feel worse. i have a feeling it has something to do with how the hcg rises. I think my body takes a day to get used to the rise and once I adjust the hcg rises again then I feel like crap until my body gets used to it lol then they rise again. Like today, Im doing great but yesterday was bad. I have a feeling that tomorrow will be another crappy feeling day.
I'm excited to hear about everyone's scans! I think I have the longest to wait, since mine is April 24th. :(

Zephyr, that's great that you hear baby wiggling around in there! :flower:

M2C, sorry that your nausea is getting worse, but like you said, it's a good sign that your HCG is rising like it should!

Well, today is moving day, and OF COURSE my DD and my niece are both being horrible today! :growlmad: It's been fighting and crying all morning so far. So I have a feeling it will be a looooong day. :nope:
Oh dear, sorry the move is stressful! I hope they both settle down this afternoon. Moving is so disruptive for small people.

I'll be working 8.30 to 6.30-7 depending how long it takes me to get everything done and stay on top of workload. Not too bad!

I don't even have a date for my scan yet! I'll probably be able to phone and book after seeing the MW for my booking appointment next Thursday.
I can't wait to get my pregnancy notes! Eek.... Feels more official when you have notes.

Spiffy hope your day isn't to bad..... Moving is stressful! Babies playing up is tiring so it must be double crazy for you right now.

Jess wonder if you will feel icky tomorrow?

Cangaroo will be good to get a scan date.... Always good to look forward to!

Anyone who is feeling sick b6 and ginger supplement made for morning sickness helped me get through those weeks. I also used sea bands along with it but I think the b6 helped the most.

My scan is on Monday, I'm in NZ so im probably ahead of all you ladies (its saturday morning here atm)

The babes are better, still runny noses but not as grumpy as yesterday yay!

Spiffy good luck with the move today. Kids always pick the best of times to play up :p

we recently moved islands with our lot and we had the twins and the Middle two on the plane which was complete madness since I am deathly afraid of flying and it just happened to be the smallest plane ever, the older two kept saying are we there yet, then one got terrible air sickness, I was having panic attacks but trying to keep calm for the kids and the twins were screaming too ugggh poor hubby. then when we arrived we had a nearly empty house for 5 days till the moving truck showed up haha
LOL I hope I dont feel crappy tomorrow but I kinda over did it today so I think I will lol we are doing a bunch of moving tomorrow. I spent a few hours packing up our front room, or out "storage room" as its mostly been all the years we have lived here lol it was supposed to be my craft room. I got the ENTIRE thing packed and ready to go. I want to do another room SOOOOO bad because I feel GREAT today but I started getting cramps and pains on my right side so I decided to finally sit down and take a break (prob for the best) UGH I hate having limitations lol

Spiffy I hope everything has settled down for you now and you guys have smooth rest of the day for your move. I can only imagine how rough it is trying to move with 3 little ones! Its been rough with trying to pack with just one baby!
Just keep focusing on the end (thats what I keep doing) :)

Cangaroo that sounds like a long day but I think any work for me would be a long day lol I havent worked in almost 2 years!
Where does LO go when you are at work?
Childcare here in the states is SO expensive that if I ever went back to work I would basically be working to pay for childcare, totally not worth it at all.

M2C I cant wait for my pregnancy "papers" as well. I dont think we get actual papers but its not official until we see something on the scan. Then ill get an official due date.
As soon as I know everything is ok im going to do a pregnancy announcement and make it facebook official lol on April fools day!! :)

When is (or has) everyone done the big announcement??
Spiffy, hope the move went ok with all that playing up! I have yet to experience moving house with children, no plans to move for a few years but it sounds stressful!

Zephyr, you move sounds awful! Small planes are pretty terrifying but with 4 children! You are a brave woman!

Jess mu symptoms were the same, one bad day, one mild day then oK, I also thought it must be the way hcg rises too. Hope your cramps settled down and you got some rest.

M2C hope your ms stays manageable and doesn't get too awful!

Anyway off to bed as need an early night, Sophia has exhausted me and I am working tomorrow:nope:
Zephyr, glad your babies are starting to feel better. :flower:

Jess, take it easy! :winkwink:

So it's back to two kids pretty soon. My brother's ex-wife just called this morning and said that she was coming to pick up my niece tomorrow, and was very icy towards me, as if we were holding my niece hostage. I know she never wanted her staying with us to begin with (it was my brothers turn with her, and he preferred she stay with us, while he was unable to watch her), but this was still weird and abrupt. :shrug:
Spiffy why would she be so cold to you when you are the one caring for her little girl? Some people just dont know/understand how to talk to people. Those are the people that you are extra nice to ;) they hate that lol
She's got a lot of issues and is very bipolar, so who knows what's going on in her head. :wacko:

So the other night I had a dream that I went in to get an ultrasound, and as soon as the tech placed the wand, they said, "Well, there's definitely more than one in there." And then as they moved it around, I saw three babies, and then four! Then the tech told me that the fourth was pretty small, and I said, "I already know it won't make it, because I had a bunch of dreams about triplets, so I know I'll just have the three." (I had about 9 or 10 dreams about triplets when I was pregnant with DS.) I then started worrying about having to tell DH, because I knew he would freak out. :haha: The dream felt so real, that as I was waking up, I actually felt sad for a moment that I didn't have those babies. :dohh:
Awwww spiffy! Hugs! Wonder how many are there?!

Soooooo I feel yuk!!!!!!! Not liking this!

Zephyr how much b6 did you take?
I've felt less queasy this weekend. I'm super tired but have been waking at 6.30am which is totally unheard of for me! What's that about??
M2C, I'm sorry you're feeling so sick! It actually makes me feel a little guilty that I don't get MS, because I feel so bad for all the ladies that do. :hugs:

As for me, I'm sure I just have one baby. I have even less queasiness and food aversions in this pregnancy than the others. And remember, the multiples dreams happened last time around, and DS was definitely a singleton! :haha: But it does make me wonder if maybe it's foreshadowing and someday I will have twins or something.

Cangaroo, my little guy has me up between 5-6am every morning, so I sympathize. :sleep:
Spiffy wow what a crazy dream, I wish I remembered my dreams, I never do though!

M2C sorry you 're feeling so awful, is it constant or is it coming and going? Hope you have a better day tomorrow.

Cangaroo, i hate waking up for no reason and so early too. Sophia is waking up at 6am every morning at the moment and she normally loves a lie in! I am hoping this will change with the clocks next weekend!

I am feeling ok on the whole. I hit a brick wall of tiredness this afternoon and had to sleep,when I woke up was feeling pretty rubbish, but now feel fine. Feeling nervous about my scan on Thursday. My OH is taking a half day from work so will come too, which i am happy about.

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