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Breastfeeding & pregnant Mammas

Oooo yes that's a good idea!!
Agter lunch I will do it! :)
Ok its done :)

Couldnt find answers for where a few ladies stand.

If im missing anyone sorry, just let me know
Vjean, I'm glad you found something that works for your nausea!

Jess, I'm sure your scan will go great! I can't wait to hear about it! Thanks for making that list!

As for me, it's weird and a little unnerving, because I don't feel pregnant at all. I mean, almost zero symptoms. I'm not the least bit sick, I don't feel tired, nothing. I swear, I've felt more pregnant when I actually wasn't! I just hope little bean is doing okay in there...
Spiffy there are many women that would kill to be in your shoes :) in more than one way!
:hugs: im sure your little bean is doing good in there.

With DD my symptoms didnt really kick in until 8 weeks. I actually started a thread because I was so worried that my lack of symptoms were a cause for concern.
I still dont have much symptoms either. The nausea comes and goes, mostly if I dont eat. And ive been really surprised with the amount of energy Ive had lately. But my boobs dont hurt and my tummy doesnt feel prego at all.

When is your scan again? In April right?
Yeah, it's April 24th, which feels like forever! With DD and DS I had tiredness and queasiness if I went too long without eating, starting soon after I got a positive test, so it's kind of strange to not have that right now, especially since I felt more pregnant a week ago then I do now. I just wish I knew for sure that the baby was okay, and then I could more fully enjoy my symptomless pregnancy! I guess what scares me the most is having a missed miscarriage. I've never had one, so I don't know, do your symptoms go away, or do you still feel pregnant right up until you actually miscarry/get a D&C?
Spiffy I hear you, I have days where I think I felt more pregnant last week and then the next day and I am just so bloated and tired, I'm like Ah here it is again! I am too scared of a mmc, I think some people loose their symptoms suddenly, but often people still have symptoms as the placenta continues to develop which is why hormones continue to rise, but the baby doesn't grow. So basically there is no clue to it, it's just a horrible thing to happen. My 12 weeks scan is also on the 24th April, but I will actually be 13+4. So my scan in 2 days is a private one as I just cannot wait that long!
Vjean I used sea bands this time too and they helped. I got the b6 cos my mum came to stay a few weeks right in the midst of my morning sickness and I knew she would get suspicious if she saw me wearing them so I wound up only using them if I forgot to take my b6. It definitely took the edge off.

Also my daughter used them when we went on a day trip recently and she always gets so sick but didn't this time.
Thanks, Charlie, hopefully I'll get a few symptoms soon just to put my mind at ease. I'm not super worried, but whenever I think too much about it, I tend to start thinking the worst. That's cool that we both have scans on the 24th, though. :flower:
We're probably not going to stay team yellow; I think we'll find out at 20 weeks. Mostly so we can sort out clothes and get Isabella used to the idea if it's a boy as she's convinced she's getting a sister!
Spiffy I had a mmc before DS. Its been almost 9 years since it happened so I dont remember much. I honestly have been pretty lucky with symptoms in my pregnancies as they havent been bad at all, so I dont remember much symptom wise.
What I do remember is I had an ultrasound and everything was fine, I was about 6-7 weeks. I went back in for another one around 10 weeks (I think) and thats when they found the baby had no heartbeat anymore and they said they baby passed around the 8 week mark :( I was in complete shock. I never had any clue. They did a DNC :( I had been ttc for about 2 years at that point. Then 7 months later I got pregnant with DS.
It was terribly heartbreaking and scarey knowing that something like that can happen at any moment but honestly I really didnt think about it that much during any of my other pregnancies :shrug: idk why. All my worrying starts in the end of my pregnancies. I worry way too much about the cord in the last few weeks.

Do you have anymore tests you could take? Prehaps a digi?
Cangaroo, one of my good friends just found out she's having a girl, and her 5 year old daughter is still convinced that it's a boy and they just couldn't find his "pee-pee". :haha:

Jess, I'm the opposite. I worry more in the early days when I have no "evidence" of my baby yet. Once I can feel movement, then I'm fine, because I have a reminder every day that baby is alright. Although I did just read a blog post by a mother whose baby's heart stopped beating at 37 weeks and was stillborn. I was bawling through the whole post. :cry: It's amazing that such a little person can cause us so much worry and fear!
:cry: oh thats terrible :( Stillborn is my biggest fear. I become obsessed with kick counting, it drives DH crazy because I always want to go to the hospital every time I dont feel baby kicking or moving. But I would much rather be safe then sorry.

So I had my ultrasound today! and there is a little baby in there for sure :) hear rate at 120 :) So happy and now I can relax lol kinda.
hummm now to think of a pregnancy announcement :) I have a few thoughts in mind
Jess, that's fantastic! What was your little bean measuring this time?

And you should share your announcement ideas! Maybe we can help you decide. :flower:
Well the numbers on the ultrasound picture said 7w2d but I think she said I was measuring 6w4d lol just about what my ticker says :)

Right now I cant decide on telling everyone on April fools or closer to Easter
I had a friend who got engaged on April Fools (but forgot that it was that day), and when she told everyone, no one believed her at first. In fact, one friend still didn't believe her a week later! :haha:

I'm kind of bummed that I won't be doing a fun facebook announcement, because both our families already know, along with pretty much all my good friends, and so I feel like it would be an announcement just for people I never talk to in real life anymore, which seems kind of silly. I think next time I want to try and keep my pregnancy under wraps for longer and then do a fun facebook announcement. I think I want to do one like this. :flower:

Jess, your scan sounds great!

I've had a super busy day today as I babysat for my friend's 9 month old (their first whole day apart) and had a friend and her 8 month over for lunch. It went really well (thanks to my trusty sling which kept the baby happy) and I even managed to end the day with a tidy house! It felt like a bit of a trial run for having two, though there's clearly no comparison with a newborn! I'm really tired now, though.

I have my booking appointment with the midwife tomorrow. It seems very early to me, but I did tell them my dates when I booked it so it must be ok! At least I feel better than I did at my booking appointment last time which was at about 10 weeks when I was suffering with MS and had the flu! I'm hoping I'll be able to book my 12 week scan after this appointment so I at least have something to count down to.
Spiffy that is too cute!!!!! I love it!!

Cangaroo that sounds like you had a very busy day! Good job on getting the house clean too! :thumbup:

I was thinking about doing a chalkboard held over my belly with a pretty Easter egg colored on it and writing "Due to hatch Nov 2014"
Thats my favorite idea so far but I would have to wait until at least the 2nd week in April for that I think
Spiffy that is so cute!

I got 5 photos from my scan printed and hubby wanted to wait till April fools and upload them all labelled baby a baby b, c, d and e as a joke as everyone seems to think we would have multiples again.

Although i saw the funny side to it i wasn't keen on the idea and instead I announced this morning. I just uploaded a few scan pics along with the announcement.

So everyone knows now hehe.

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