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Breastfeeding & pregnant Mammas

Isabella goes to bed late and gets up late. She always has done. So while I don't get evenings to myself, I've never had to deal with early morning wake ups!
She's got a lot of issues and is very bipolar, so who knows what's going on in her head. :wacko:

So the other night I had a dream that I went in to get an ultrasound, and as soon as the tech placed the wand, they said, "Well, there's definitely more than one in there." And then as they moved it around, I saw three babies, and then four! Then the tech told me that the fourth was pretty small, and I said, "I already know it won't make it, because I had a bunch of dreams about triplets, so I know I'll just have the three." (I had about 9 or 10 dreams about triplets when I was pregnant with DS.) I then started worrying about having to tell DH, because I knew he would freak out. :haha: The dream felt so real, that as I was waking up, I actually felt sad for a moment that I didn't have those babies. :dohh:

when do you have a scan?
I know multiple dreams are common when pregnant. This pregnancy I dreamt two babies concieved but only one made it, in my dream I was sad cos the quad pushchair was too heavy to push up our hill :p
BUT with my twins the dreams were different.
I was dreaming of actually going to my scan too. First I dreamt I saw twin id girls in a pushchair then two nights before my scan I dreamt they found triplets but one didnt make it.

was freaky when at my real life scan it was the same as my dream only I said "oh my! I dreamt I was having triplets the other night please look for another" but they only found two :p
Awwww spiffy! Hugs! Wonder how many are there?!

Soooooo I feel yuk!!!!!!! Not liking this!

Zephyr how much b6 did you take?

the one I took is blackmores morning sickness formula.
im not sure if you can get it where you are but your pharmacy should have a morning sickness supplement that is similar.

It was x1 tablet every 8 hours. So ×3 tablets a day.
Each tablet has 25mg vit b6 and 400mg ginger root powder.

If you do look for one I hope it helps!
Had my scan today! Measurements were good baby was kicking away. Got a few couple of seconds long videos and Lots of photos

Zephyr what a lovely scan! A proper little bubba! I will definately be on the case of b6!!!!!

Zephr. Great scan picture, lovely to see bubs kicking around x
Thanks everyone

Hehe me too.
I have thought it was a boy all along but we will be staying team yellow :p

I also thought my second daughter was a boy all along and stayed team yellow with her and she wound up a girl so I could be wrong again!

What does everyone think they are having?
I think I'm having a boy. If fact, it will be a shock if it's actually a girl! (I'm staying team yellow also :flower:)
Hehe that's so cool! I think a lot in this thread are staying team yellow huh? That's going to be exciting. Hubby thinks I'll change my mind and find out cos he wants to know but I'm not going to. We were going to stay team yellow with the twins but before my first scan we made all these silly agreements "if its twins we will name one each" kinda agreements and one just happened to be if its twins we will find out sex's later on. So this time im sticking to my guns lol
Zephyr I reckon boy too!

I'm team yellow.... I'm not so sure about sex?!? Hmmmm!

Whoo hooo for team yellow! My feeling so far is boy for me, just because this first tri has been so different to my last. My last pregnancy I knew we were having a girl, but only really after the scan, she just looked like a girl!

Now I am sooooo bloated I have had to get my stretchy pants out and my big knickers!
Ladies..... Who has scans coming up?


I had one schedule for this Friday but DH ended up going out of town for work. Boo. So now it has been pushed to Monday, the 31st. I can't really complain thou, as this will be scan #3. :haha:
VJean, that must be nice to see your little bubs so often! So you and Mummy2Corban will both have a scan on Monday. How fun! I wish mine wasn't so far away.
I don't even have a scan date yet! All being well, it'll be 12 weeks ish, so not until May!
Yeah, being old and having a history of M/C does have its perks when it comes to extra scans. I had 9 with my 1 y/o!

I think I'm having a girl, based on BDing 2 days before O, and the old wives-tale about being sick as a dog with girls. :winkwink: I know there probably isn't much truth to it, but in my case with 2 boys and 2 girls I was definitely sickest with my girls.

I am NOT staying team yellow because I am completely nuts and need to have everything planned out to a T. Room done, clothes bought, washed, put away, etc. I would feel so unprepared if I had to wait until baby was here to do all thought. I ac very envious of you ladies that have that kind of patience and can wait! Such a neat experience! I'll actually find out the sex in a few more weeks. :happydance:

Has anyone used sea bands before? I just got some, and OMG! Why did I not use these sooner? They are miracle workers for me! I can actually function again!
Hello ladies :hi: Sorry I havent been on in a few days, things have been crazy around here with moving and all. Plus DH hurt his wrist at work and had to have a cast put on yesterday :( not going to be fun moving this weekend as we are both pretty much useless right now.

I have a scan tomorrow!! Fingers crossed that everything is ok!!
I think it is but I still cant help but worry. I just want to tell everyone and I cant until the scan. Ugh I am no good at keeping secrets lol so this is killing me

I am most def finding out gender! I have a felling this little bean is a little boy.
So far ive been right with my other 2 :) So we shall see if I can go 3 for 3!! lol
Vjean I have heard of bands to wear for nausea but i didnt know they were called sea bands. I should look into buying some as my MS seems to be getting worse and worse. Never to the point of actually throwing up but it just stinks feeling like this all the time :(
I had those bands and they done nothing for my two or the molar so I dunno if I'll bother trying them again! I'm defo gonna give this vitamin b6 thing a try! Jess could you do a thing on the first post about whose team yellow and whose not?? Pleeeaaaassssseeeee!!!


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