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Breastfeeding & pregnant Mammas

Thanks for all your reassurances ladies :thumbup: with Sophia I was so unbelievably tired and full if nausea, but never sick from 6 to 9 weeks constantly. Then it went. This time apart from the odd day, it has been in waves and seems to be getting less and less, but I suppose I am near 9 weeks now. I am scared of a mmc, I have never had one, but have 2 friends that have. I guess with the scan I would prefer to know sooner rather than later but obviously get reassurance would be nicer! So if all is well, I will be definitely guessing I have a blue bump in there now!

Jess, when I was 6+3 I was measured at 5+6 but was told that very early scans are difficult to date and can be within a week.

With my dd I never heard the heart beat until 16 weeks with the mw. I had tried before, but I had an anterior placenta so was really hard to pick up.
Charlie, you very well could be cooking a boy this time! :winkwink: I have never really had MS, but I did have more queasiness and food aversions with DD than I did with DS.
Zephyr that must have been lovely hearing both little bubbas hearts! I was extremely worried with indies pregnancy because of the molar but I feel so much more relaxed this time so I don't think I'll get one.

Charlie I reckon it's just a different pregnancy and maybe a boy. It's alway hard not to worry! It's only natural but I'm sure all is well. What day is your scan?

I just did my last HPT (an IC). The line came up immediately and was darker than the control. It was definitely faster and darker than the last one I did on Tuesday, so I'm happy to stop testing. The spotting has stopped, too! I'm still exhausted, but was somewhat less queasy yesterday. I had a very busy day so perhaps I just didn't have time to notice.
Cangaroo that's mega! Sounds great to me! Also good that the spotting has stopped for you too!

:hugs: thanks girls
im on my way to the drs now for a second check
my internet is not hooked up yet, I guess there is something wrong with the line?? Idk but it better be fixed today. The tech is supposed to be out at 3 so hopefully ill be back on later today. Im sitting somewhere with free wifi right now, my drs appointment is in an hour. Fingers crossed for at least 8000. I asked the nurse if they are thinking twins as she was making it sound like 4650 was on the high side but she wouldnt give me a straight answer, she said we have to wait and see how the numbers rise. So 8000 would mean a singleton but if its up in the 15000 ish them maybe more than one.......craziness!!!!
Ill update as soon as I can, ill have the results by the end of the day today :)
Cangaroo, great news about no spotting and strong line :thumbup:

Jess, good luck at the docs!

M2C ooooh I hate dry heaving, when I was having more nausea I was dry heaving loads, horrible, the one time I actually vomited I felt much better afterwards! I know pregnancy is a scary time and my worry is natural especially in the first tri. I have a scan on 27th so in 1 week. I am glad I did book one as my 12 week scan at the hospital isn't until 24th April. I was originally given 1st May which would put me at 14+4, I thought that was really late. I had to change it as I want to get the NT test and the latest they can do that is 14+1. When is your next scan? Is it next week, sorry I can't remember.

Spiffy, it's great to not have any symptoms and know that that's normal for you. Mind you if you start throwing up you'll be wondering how many you have in there! I have heard boy pregnancies often have milder symptoms and that the hormone levels tend to be lower :shrug:

One symptom I am having is I am so irritable, it's horrible! I forgot how irritable I got last time. My OH can handle it, but I feel guilty as I keep on finding myself getting irritated by Sophia and she's only doing her thing like most 16 month olds do. Bad mum! :(
M2C, sorry you're MS is kicking in! :(

Cangaroo, I'm so glad your spotting it going away and that your tests are getting so dark. Sounds like your little bean is snuggled in tight. :flower:

Jess, I can't wait to hear your numbers! I'm sure they'll be great!

Charlie, I've been getting irritable as well. I do a pretty good job of holding it inside when I'm with my kids, but poor DH has to take the brunt of it after I've held it in all day. :( But if I remember right, it got a little better after the first tri last time. I think the constant tiredness just makes me more grumpy.

Well, tomorrow is finally moving day! Of course that means it's going to be hectic and crazy and frustrating, but it will be so nice once we're officially in our new place. :flower:
The numbers are in!!!! 8652!! :happydance: Just one baby in there!! :) By the numbers anyways lol I have an US on Wednesday (the 26th) Fingers crossed that we see a little flicker in there!!!

Spiffy I dont have any symptoms either lol except for irritability :rofl: and I think my DH is handling it quite well :) We are counting that as a symptom
Good luck with moving tomorrow, try and take it easy (i know easier said than done right)

Well I FINALLY have my internet back!! :happydance: lol idk how much longer I could have went without my BnB girls :)
Yay, great news on the blood results, Jess! I'm sure I only have one baby in there, too, because my tests were darker earlier with DS than they were this time, and he was just one baby. Looking forward to hearing how your scan goes on Wednesday! I wish I didn't have to wait 5 more weeks. :dohh:
Good luck with moving Spiffy!

Great numbers Jess!

I was so tired today and Isabella didn't nap. Thankfully she had a long cuddly feed in bed while I dozed! I'm back at work the week after next (I've had some time off due to a job change)- not sure how I'll cope! Isabella did her first settling in session with the childminder today and loved it. She asked to go back several times this afternoon! I'm so pleased she's happy there.
Great numbers jess! Good luck for your ultrasound.

The twins are sick with a cold and I think I'm getting it too so its been a rough couple of days here. First day was okay but today they are especially clingy so I am stuck to the couch giving cuddles and watching movies :p

im sleeping terribly :( Been having nightmares. Getting nervous for my scan on Monday. I'm sure everything is fine but can't stop worrying. Am looking forward to the chocolate gelato tho. It's in a part of town we never go to so im loading up on gelato when we go.
Thanks girls :)

Cangaroo my little one didnt nap either :( neesdless to say it was a long day, but it made for an early bed time, DS wasnt that far behind her.
On the bright side me and DH finally got some alone time tonight and we dtd for the first time since we conceived!! :) omg i cant believe its been that long!

Zephyr hope everyone feels better soon :( being sick stinks. But I do hear chocolate can remedy certain things, maybe a cold is one lol

spiffy 5 weeks seems so far away! Maybe the move to your new place will keep you busy! ;)

I cant wait for my scan! We want to tell everyone but we are waiting to until we know everything is ok lol there's so many people I want to tell!! Lol
Cangaroo, I'm glad your DD likes her new childminder! I bet that's a relief. :flower:

Zephyr, I'm sorry your twinnies are sick. Having sick kids is often worse than actually being sick, because unlike kids, we at least know how to deal with it. I hope they feel better, and I can't wait to hear about your scan! I'm sure everything will be fine. Plus, if you're worried, couldn't you always use your Doppler to check?

Jess, Your next scan will be here in no time! And speaking of new homes, are you all settled in yours?
Lol omg no, I haven't even packed my old place up yet (im slacking big time!)
But we have plans on moving a bunch of stuff this weekend though
Thanks ladies. Yeah I could use it but the other day when I did I couldnt find anything and I don't wanna freak myself out. Ill try later when hubby gets home so I can have a proper look without the babes trying to join in. Its hard to listen in when they both want a turn :p thats most likely why I couldn't find it.

Jess normally I love chocolate but I have completely gone off sweet foods including chocolate. Gone off nuts and meat also.
I am however really liking these spearmint lollies but I heard that mint oil can interfere with milk production. Does anyone know about this? Been trying to limit them.
Thought I would pop back and say I snuck away while hubby bathed the kids and found baby on the doppler :p took a while and I could hear lots of thuds and swoops which I think was movement but finally found the hb tucked away towards the right.
Jess great news on your numbers! Not to much longer till your scan! Great news your internet is back on too.

Spiffy Goodluck with moving. Take it easy as you can. Can't wait to here your in!

Cangaroo great your dd took to it so nicely. Are you back full time?

Zephyr sorry your twinnies are poorly! Gotta love snuggles on the sofa. Hope after your scan on Monday that your nightmares ease. I'm sure Monday will go fine. Super news you found bubs ticking away in there.


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