Breastfeeding & pregnant Mammas

I second that Jess! I need someone to have a baby soon- I'm getting to that nervous excited star and need some distractions ;) xxx
Haha making the cake shortly just in case :p

have you guys not had the full moon yet??
The eclipse was 11:55 pm last night for us.
its 10am thursday morning now so its definitely passed :p
Wow time the differences always sound so weird.

Im making my sons cake, I want to eat it so bad lol.
Its 9:30 here now.
I think we had the eclipse early this morning, so that makes the full moon tonight, right?

So i looked back at the calendar and I found that when my water broke with my son the full moon was 2 days before. I was surprised to see that it was close to when my water broke!
And there is an complete full moon on Nov 6th! The day that my c section is scheduled for!
Wonder if my water will break again?

With Charlotte there was no full moon, not even close!
Thinking maybe that might have something to do with me not going into labor or being close at all!

Only time will tell! :)
Im not sure! I thought the full moon was the same night as the eclipse?
my waters broke a few days out from a full moon with my son.
My daughter was born on a full moon. I find it so fascinating!

well Im not ready to call it just yet because of all the false starts ive been having but ive been contracting 5-7 minutes apart for the last 4 hours. Im sitting at about 5-6 minutes apart now and they do hurt alot, starting to have to breathe a bit through them.
I dont want to get excited in case it all stops again!
Hubbys home from work in 2 hours so ill see how I feel then before I start believing its the real thing.

My cousin who I think was due tomorrow had her baby 2 hours ago. Just saw the pics and she is so cute!
Zypher, I secretly have my hopes up for you! This is so exciting!! :baby:
Zephyr, it's sounding like this may be the real thing for you! So excited to hear how you get on! :happydance: And they say labor is more likely during a full moon phase, which means the day before, during, and after the full moon, so it still might be working it's magic for you! ;)
Gosh I hope so! Still contracting 5-6 minutes and they are getting more painful. Hubby is home soon thank goodness! I got a good feeling about this.
Yay! I'm so glad, Zephyr! This definitely sounds like the real deal to me! I can't wait to hear about your lovely home birth!

As for me, I think the full moon might be having an effect on me as well. I've been contracting regularly for the past few hours, and now they're 2 minutes apart and are starting to get uncomfortable. I don't think I'll actually go into labor tonight, but these are the most uncomfortable contractions I've had so far this pregnancy, so I can only imagine that they're causing more dilation.
Oh my zephyr! That sounds promising! I'm hoping we hear from you soon with the first bubba of the thread. Sending labour dust your way!!!! Come on baby!

Spiffy how strange your contractions have ramped up too! Wonder if they've done anything more..... Have you checked? Wonder if your next?

Ooh, Zephyr! Fingers crossed! Hope all goes well- looking forward to updates.

Hope things settle for you, Spiffy.
Zephyr, I hope labor is going well for you!

As for me, it may be a false alarm, but DH and I are heading to the hospital right now just in case. The contractions aren't really getting worse, but they aren't going away either, and when I checked myself, it felt like I was much more effaced and dilated. Because I'm still early, we decided its better to be safe than sorry and just go get checked out.
Well, they just checked me and I'm now 3.5cm dilated and 70% effaced. They're going to recheck me in an hour to see if I've progressed or not, but based on the fact that I was 1.5cm a week ago, the nurse thinks this is most likely the beginning of labor. The contractions are starting to get a little more intense, so I suppose she may be right. It was so obvious that I was in labor the last two times, so I'm not used to feeling so unsure!

I'll keep you ladies updated!
I hope its just a false alarm Spiffy good luck.

As for me its labour I'm sure. Having bits of my bloody show Now and contractions are down to 4.5 -5 apart almost a minute long.
Midwife said to ring her when i feel like I need her here. Im picking that will be very soon They hurt a fair bit and the tens machine is not helping as much as it was when I first put it on.

twins are playing up so bad and won't go to sleep tonight. They must know somethings up. Hubbys spent over an hour trying to get Aria to sleep and max is refusing to sleep too. Going to have to get the sitter round soon if we can't get them down.
Spiffy I agree it's better to be safe. At least your in the right place. Wonder if this is it? Did you say they would let you go from 35 weeks? Keep us updated lovely. Thinking of you!

Zephyr this all sounds so promising! Oooooo I so hope this is it! Hopefully the twins settle down so you don't have to much of a distraction! Looking forward to your next update!

Its definitely labor! My contractions started to get pretty painful, so I called the nurse back in after 45 minutes and I was more than 4cm dilated, so they moved me to a delivery room and I now have my wonderful epidural.

So Zephyr, I'm now wondering who will be the first delivered mama on this thread! :haha:

But on a more serious note, please pray for little Asher because its still so early! :(

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