Breastfeeding & pregnant Mammas

Mo2P, I'm sorry yesterday was a sad day for you. :( But congrats on hitting the big 12 week mark! :hugs:
Spiffy I guess these things make you wonder! It must get exhausting contracting and looking after mini peeps! Be interesting to see if anything has changed. Did you loose your plug before labour with your others? When is your next app??

Mo2p thinking of you. Always a hard day when the due date comes around. Mile stones for the molar and mc still get me. Think it's a lovely idea to make a cake. Good news on the ms starting to lift though! Great news you'll be in 2nd tri soon! Eek!

Mo2p im sorry for yesterday! Its hard getting to that date :(
Im really happy that you have reached 12 weeks and your morning sickness is lifting!

Spiffy isn't it funny how our bodies keep making us second guess ourselves or think really funny stuff!
Sorry your contractions have returned though you aren't too far away from term! I hope you get close to term or longer :)

2 more hours till my appointment.
I was paying for my groceries at 10pm last night got to sleep close to midnight and slept solid till 430am.
I laid in bed till 6am wide awake so I decided to get up clean my kitchen cupboards out and now im tired :/ I just cant win on the sleep front!
Hopefully this is my last bump photo! Last week compared to today 40+2 on the right.


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Zephyr, your bump looks fabulous! But like you said, hopefully it's the last picture. ;) I can't wait to hear how your appointment goes. I guess if you're getting a sweep, you'll also get to find out how dilated you are!

M2C, I never really lost a huge chunk of mucous plug in either of my previous pregnancies (or at least not until I was already in the hospital). I just noticed more of it when I wiped during the two weeks leading up to labor, and then I got some pink discharge the day of labor with my DD, and some brown discharge the day before labor with DS.

I tried to check my cervix today to see if the contractions caused any change, and I couldn't quite reach inside because baby's head was pushing it farther back. However, I can tell that I've effaced a little more because it definitely feels thinner. I'd guess that it's now 70-75% effaced, based on how it felt when I was 60% last week. I wish I didn't have to wait until next Monday for my next appointment! (Patience is a virtue I clearly lack :haha:)
I feel like its still really high! But then at times I feel like its so low. It doesnt go up right under my ribs much anymore tho and is more forward which is kinda good :p

okay so I freaked out and didnt get one done.
Baby is still posterior and is still high only 1/5. Id like baby to turn before getting a sweep or anything, I just wish baby would turn round!
Bp is totally normal still.
She left me with a tens machine for when labour starts and so I just wait now.....

I hope I made the right choice! I'll be kicking myself if I'm sitting here in a week crying about a possible induction
MO2P so sorry :hugs:
The cake sounds like a lovely idea though. And glad to hear your ms has lightened up.

Zephyr awesome your bp was good and everything went great. Im sure you made the right choice with not getting the sweep. I hope your lo decides its his/her time before and induction is thought of.
Your bump looks great!

Spiffy fingers crossed you make it to term :hugs: thats always best
I was wondering how can you tell the difference between regular discharge and your plug? :shrug: idk if i really could tell the difference if it was me. Maybe because I dont think I have ever lost my plug. My water broke with DS, would I have had to loose it prior to that? I have never dilated with any of my kids really so maybe I never have lost it?

Patience is a virtue I think we are all starting to lack this far along lol
Jess, you'll definitely know that's what it was! Regular discharge might get a little thicker, but it's still creamy. Your plug will be anywhere from clear to light yellow/brown and can be tinged with blood. It is like thick, gooey jelly / snot! No mistaking it! Not everyone looses it before labor, so you might not notice it. I've lost it during labor, while using the bathroom, and then I've lost it days before labor at home. It isn't a good indication that labor is close, but it does mean that your body is gearing up.

I lost quite a bit of plug over the weekend, but don't feel like I'm close to labor at all!
Thanks VJean :) That was a bit help full
I shall be on the look out now lol
Zephyr lovely bump. I think you need to do what your comfortable with. I'm sure they will offer you another sweep before they even talk induction? Great news on the bp.

Spiffy check you for knowing what your feeling! I daren't have a pole about! Hehe! Worried what I might find! Hehe! Hurry up Monday to see what's going on!

Jess I lost a bit of pink jelly stuff the day before I went into labour with Corban but nothing with indigo.

Thanks :)
I can upload a profile pic but not a pic to a post, idk how to do it from my computer.
Does anyone know how?
Im going to try from my tablet
Nice pic Jess :)

Hope things are progressing zephyr!

I am starting to get that pressure feeling down pretty low now, almost like I want to put my hand there to hold it all in (tmi)!!!
I pushed dd up to her class this morning and the knife in the cervix pain is definitely worse.
Also getting achy inner thighs and lots of discomfort when sitting!! As ds was breech til 37 last time I didn't have any of this discomfort until quite late on but I'm guessing it's pretty normal at this stage.
Anyone else feeling like they want to go to bed and stay there? Lol! I also feel like I don't want to go out anywhere eek, so the 'nesting' begins :)
Veronica yes I get the wanting to hold my lady bits! Mostly if I've been on my feet for a while. Also get those shooting pains! Hehe! Lightening crotch isn't it?!? Hehe! Think baby lays on my nerve at times as all of a sudden I get shooting paid down my legs too! Little monkeys! Get nesting my lovely!

:rofl: you girls crack me up!
Yes I have had the same feeling that everything is about to fall out! Like a foot or hand is about to come popping out! lol I cant help but put my hand down there and DH looks at me like I am crazy lol
Yep, I get the lightning crotch occasionally as well, along with the feeling that everything is about to come tumbling out. Oh, the joys of pregnancy. ;)

Zephyr, I have to say, I was kind of hoping to pop in here today and see that you'd had a sweep and were in labor! But seeing as baby is still posterior, I understand why you put it off. I hope that baby turns for you soon! When is your next appointment with your midwife?

Jess, if you want to post a picture, you go to the screen where you're typing out your reply, and if you scroll down, you'll see a button that says "Manage Attachments", and from there you can upload pictures. :flower:

As for the mucous plug question, this is how my OB put it, "It looks like you sneezed and it came out the wrong end." :haha: But that's exactly how it looks to me, kind of thick, gooey, and yellowish, just like you have a cold and blew your nose. On the flip side, my normal discharge is usually creamier and clear/white.
Oh, the mucous plug topic totally reminded me of the dream I had last night. It felt pretty real, too. I was going to the bathroom and saw a little blood on my underwear, and then when I wiped, I saw my bloody show, followed by a giant ball of mucous plug (even in my dream, I was disgusted :haha:) Then I stood up and my waters broke. I told DH we had to call his mom to come watch the kids so we could go to the hospital, and when he called her, she said she was about to board a plane for Calcutta (random, I know!). So I was running around freaking out about everything and getting mad at my DH, because he wouldn't get dressed, and wondering who was going to watch our kids. Finally MIL showed up and we were heading to the hospital when I woke up. Crazy, huh?

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