Breastfeeding & pregnant Mammas

I finally have an appointment on Monday- first appt since 28 weeks! Feels like ages ago. There is a strike on Monday- I called to check and the strike is in the morning so my afternoon appointment is still on.
Oh goodness! Hope the strike doesn't affect you ladies at all! :)

Canga, wow!!! Such a long time between appointments! In a way it's nice to not worry about it every month or so :)

M2c, hoping your level is well above 10.5 so you'll feel very comfortable with a homebirth :)
Cangaroo mine is at 4pm so I'm guessing mine should be ok. Think I'll still call ahead just encase.

Ttc I have my fingers crossed! I just wanna know what they are. I'm feeling a little unsettled as I'm not sure where I'll give birth. Fingers crossed all is ok and homebirth is still my option!

The strike is only affecting outpatient appointments etc, not emergency care, so it may be a little inconvenient, but no one will be at risk.
Okay, I finally have my laptop so I can post pictures! (For those of you who aren't facebook friends with me) :flower:
Zephyr are you pleased you birthed at home? Was it as messy as people say? Must have been lush getting into your own bed!


Yes! So happy with how it all went minus the speed of it. I think I was begging hubby to ring an ambulance the few contractions before she arrived then in between I was like no no don't ring cos I knew I'd be transferred.
If the midwife was any longer I'm not sure what I would of done. But that was the only scary part was trying to hold baby in.

The actual birthing part I didn't even think about where I was tbh but leading up to and after the birth it was really good and I very felt comfortable.
It was nice to have the kids right there and wake up to them at home this morning instead of the nurses doing their rounds :p

She seems to think my waters went at some point because there was barely any. I kept feeling very light trickles the past few days but when I checked I was never wet enough to consider my waters had gone.

It wasnt that messy at all. I did poop tho :( and baby pooped as she came out but a large tarp covered in towels and a thick large blanket on the lounge floor was definitely enough.

I never thought about where I would sit after while waiting for the placenta and delivery of it etc and just sat on the floor against the couch and it did get quite uncomfortable. A tarp and towels on the couch would of been perfect and more comfortable I think!
Gorgeous, Spiffy! He, and you, look great! Have your other two met their new brother yet?

Glad you got your home birth Zephyr. How's feeding going? How have your others reacted to their new little sister?
The twins steered clear of me and max refused to give me cuddles :( but they are happy with the new baby and he finally came and gave me a big cuddle just before.
The older kids were happy especially Nathan. He was over the moon that baby came on his birthday.

feeding is going well so far. She takes a while to latch but tries really hard to and once she gets on she feeds well.
It's such a big thing for them to take in. Glad you got cuddles from Max in the end and feeding is off to a good start. :)
Congrats on the new arrivals!!! :) How exciting that you both had them at the same time! ;) think the full moon had something to do with it!
Glad to hear everyone is doing good, cant wait to see more pics!

I might not be too far behind from you girls if these contractions dont let up! They have been terrible today :( I may have over done it a bit though

VJean the 17th isnt too far away now!
Who wants to guess what I'm having?


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Zephyr, I'm glad things are going well so far and I'm glad that your son was so happy to share his birthday with her. :flower:

So even though I had an epidural, it all went to one leg and left me feeling tons of pain at the end! So it was almost like a natural birth after all, because I could feel everything, even the "ring of fire" that I've heard ladies mention. But thankfully he was out with two contractions.

Well, they've released him from the NICU already! He was having a little trouble with remembering to breathe while he ate, but seems to be learning. We were so blessed that he's as healthy as he is. :cloud9:

Mo2P, I'm gonna guess boy based on the skull shape. I'm happy that everything is looking good! :flower:

Jess, hopefully you don't go too soon! Take it from me, it's a lot more nerve-wracking having a premature baby!
Mo2p, i was going to guess girl...but I'm normally wrong :) Just the feeling i get from the scan pic!!! Adorable by the way :)

Spiffy, wow! You're so amazingly lucky he's already out of nicu! It seriously baffles me how some early babies are perfectly fine but then my 36 weeker stays in the nicu with all sorts of issues! So so glad you won't have to go through that!
Sorry your epidural wasn't great!!!! :( Makes me nervous as I LOVED my epidural last time...though i felt that ring of fire too since they turned it off for pushing!
Do you have clothes little enough for Asher? With Kade we were caught off guard and had to go buy some newborn clothes and preemie pampers :)
Anyway, congratulations! He is beautiful :)

Jess, I'm hoping you can hang on a couple of weeks, but at the same time i hope you go a little early to have baby on Halloween :)
Mo2p im guessing girl as well ! :)

Spiffy so glad hes doing well. I would be a nervous wreck with having baby early. It's a blessing that hes healthy and happy, and such a good weight!

Thanks again girls :hugs: i hope she stays in a bit longer too :) but not too long.
For some reason the 19th keeps popping out in my head. And funny thing...i went to take my prenatal and noticed that there weren't many left. So i thought to myself "wonder if theres enoughto last until Samantha arrives?" So i count them up then count on the calendar and wouldn't you know, they'll last until the 19th!! Lol weird!!
Ya never know Jess, I couldn't get the idea of having baby on the 10th out of my head in particular at night on the 10th and look what happened :p I didn't think it would but I couldnt shake the feeling.

I also did the same with the twins picked May 1st from early on and when my induction was scheduled for the day before (found out a week before the induction) I never expected it to take two days so I ended up having them on the 1st as I wanted.
Even though it was so early, I wondered if I'd have Asher on the 9th since way early in this pregnancy, since I looked up when the full moons were around my due date (since it happened that way for DD). I knew I'd go into labor at night and have baby the following day, since that's how my births before had gone, so I knew that if the full moon triggered it, the birthday would be the next day. And what do you know! That's exactly how it happened.

TTC, I'm sorry you had to deal with a longer NICU stay for your son. After only having a 6 hour stay for my son, I can imagine how hard that must have been. At the same time, though, I was almost nervous when they released him to the care of the regular nursery staff, and I even asked the NiCU nurse, "Will they know how to feed him correctly?" :dohh: I've heard the expression "Never trust a 35 weeker" because they can be very deceiving as far as looking like they're doing really well, and then suddenly having issues, so even though Asher seems to be doing so well, I'm going to be extra cautious with him for the next few weeks, just in case. In fact, we had planned to go out to dinner with DH's family this Saturday night, and my DH asked me yesterday, "We could still go, right? Asher would just sleep in his car seat." And I said no way. I'm not taking my 5 week premature baby to a busy restaurant three days after he's born!

Well, DH is getting the kids ready to come over to the hospital so they can meet Asher! I'm excited to see them. It's weird going a day without them around. :flower:
Spiffy I wouldnt take him out either so soon, esp with all the sicknesses going around lately.
Are the kids excited?! I cant wait to hear and see pics of them with their new baby brother :)

I keep thinking about how difficult it will be to be away from Charlotte when Samantha is born. We are both going to have a hard time dealing with being away from each other, DH more than anyone.

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