Breastfeeding & pregnant Mammas

Cangaroo good job your mil is about! Must be handy having family close.

Vjean what a little beauty! So pleased to hear his been feeding? How did he go without his O2? Hoping your talking about go home! Sending hugs!

Jess how did the pineapple thing go? Hehe! Exciting the c-section is all sorted. Not long now lovely. I think I would find that hard too. I guess you can change your mind? Do what you feel is best. I'd also leave it up to DH.

Oh zephyr! I had to giggle about what your twins have been doing! I know when your tired and the minis are playing up it's hardwork! Hope they give you a bit of a break. Annabelle sounds like a hungry girl! Hoping you get a bit of time ready for your inspection.

Spiffy thank you! I do love my bump! I know I'm gonna miss it when it's replaced with a jelly belly! Hehe! Hopefully Liam's teeth pop out soon giving him some relief! I know that feeling of tormenting.... Corban is being a bit if a monkey with indigo! She just screams! Oh dear! Glad to hear your headache has eased. My sister suffered with headaches and still does after her epi. Hope that's not the case for you!

Ttc glad to hear it's not pre e. I've been having headaches most days too. Yuk! When are they thinking of a transfusion? Hope it makes you feel better.

Veronica so pleased all went well. Have you had anymore tightenings?

So I didn't see the dr. All they said was my ferritin is 11 my hb is 9.9 (from last weeks bloods) and the dr has prescribed me the highest dose of iron tablets. I'm only managing one of my current tablets and some floradix. I'll give these new ones a go but if not I'll go back to my old tablets. I'm throwing up in the evening so I don't fancy throwing up because of the tablets.

VJean- gorgeous pictures! Glad he's doing better. Hope you're all home where you belong very soon.

Spiffy & Zephyr- sorry the siblings are being difficult!:hugs:

Veronica- glad appt was ok.

M2C- hope the new iron tablets suit you better.

Jess- how exciting about your c section date! The sterilisation decision is very difficult. I'd say don't do it unless you're 100% certain. Reversal is not easy...

DD was very unsettled last night. I now think she was probably cold as she refused her pyjamas. Monkey. She woke several times. Just what you want before a busy day at work. She had a lovely day with MIL, though. OH is back, and since he got 11 hours sleep last night in the hotel, he'll be dealing with any wake ups tonight!
Happy 36 weeks Cangaroo! I'm sorry DD kept you up a lot last night. :( I hope you get some great sleep tonight.

M2C, I hope the new dose of iron tablets don't make you sick. :hugs:

Veronicaco, I'm glad you're feeling more optimistic now. :flower:

So we had Asher's 2 week appointment and he now weighs 5lbs 12oz, so he's above his birth weight, which is great. We have to go back in next Thursday for his circumcision, which I'm not looking forward to. They did Liam's at the hospital, so I wasn't there when they did it. I hate to see them in pain, especially when they're so little. :(

Well, here's a picture of Asher, taken today.


And here's my 37 week bump-less shot. :haha: I can comfortably fit in my pre-pregnancy jeans now, which is an amazing feeling, because I was only comfortable wearing maternity pants for at least 5 months after having my first two. I'm telling you, I can't recommend this Bellefit corset enough! :flower:

Wow you both look great spiffy :)

Had a good nights sleep! Not woken by any pains and his head has disengaged again!! I guess that's going to happen a lot. Specialist thinks posterier positioning is because of my BU so I may just have to cope with a drawn out early labour again if he wants to turn. But at least I know a bit more about what's happening this time. Midwife next Tuesday and then that's it until 41 weeks!!! If I last that long :)
Thanks, ladies. :flower:

Veronicaco, I hope he turns and engages so it won't be too drawn out for you. But I still don't think you'll be making it to that 41 week appointment. ;)
I am hoping you're right Spiffy!! :)

Just had a tiny bit of red spotting! Really tiny but bright red. Anyone experience this?
I might call the mw veronica! Unless you think you might be losing your plug???
I had a teeny bit of spotting over those last couple of weeks but my midwife didnt seem worried about it. Be worth a mention.

Ugh last night annabelle was so unsettled. She cried for a good hour and didn't want to lay down with me Or anything! Usually she enjoys the cuddles. She kept fussing at the boob and spilling acidic smelling spills.
in the end I gave her some gaviscon and she ended up sleeping.

Really hoping I don't have another refluxer :/ and that it was just a one off. I think something im eating isnt agreeing with her.
It was such a small amount I'm not concerned, if I see anymore I will call the 24hr number just to check :) I'm hoping it's my cervix softening a bit :)
I hope it's just a passing thing Zephyr- when they are so small it's hard to be sure what the cause is!! Xxx
So the pineapple thing didnt, it was worth a try, it tasted yummy though!

Well I went into the drs today due to some bad pain I've been having around my belly button. I have been seen before but the nurse just said it was a pulled muscle. Well this time my belly button seems to be poppjng out (which isnt normal for me) turns out its an umbilical hernia :( ugh it hurts SO bad. And there's nothing they can do about it. I just have to wait until a few months after and see if it goes away.
Also the nurse said there was a tiny trace of blood in my urine. She asked if i think i might have a uti and i said no so she was thinking maybe im dilating. She proceeds to check my cervix and cant reach it :( it was horrible! She said either im really dilated or shes still not finding it. So she leaves and fibds someone else to check. She comes back with a midwife who then pushes and digs to fi d my cervix :( she finally finds it and its thick and tightly closed (figures) she said baby is head down but not engaged :(
LO will most likely never engage, my pelvis is too narrow (hence the c sections) which means ill never dilate which means theres no chance im going to go into labor on my own :( unless by some devine intervention my water breaks (doubt it)
Im so disappointed right now :cry: its not fair, I want to feel like I have some control over something. I dont want to go to my c section date and have this scheduled surgery. I want to go into labor, or have my waters breakm something anything to feel like a "normal" woman.
And now because of this hernia idk if ill even be able to make it more tgan a block or 2 trick or treating with the older kids :( and no chance of a Halloween baby now

sorry for the long post and rant :( i need to vent
Jess! :hugs:

I'm so sorry :( It completely stinks when you want things to go somewhat normally just ONCE and they aren't :( I'll put you on my prayer list for your water to break and maybe you can at least have baby on Halloween when you hoped to :hugs:

Hang in there! I am sure it seems totally devastating right now, but you only have a couple of weeks left either way and when you hold your sweet girl all of this disappointment and stress will be a faint memory.
Also, I'm so sorry for the hernia! My ds had one at birth! I hope yours goes away on its own!
:hugs: thanks so much.
Im not the type of person to just sit around and now i have to and its killing me lol that might be whats bugging me the most.
Jess- I'm so sorry :( and there's nothing worse that having to sit around and do nothing when you're pissed off about something. Sending you big hugs. I hope the hernia isn't too painful. If it helps I was sure all the way through that dd would come on halloween, I even said as much on fb in early October and she certainly did :) it's not over yet :) pressure on your cervix isn't the only thing that will make you labour!! Dd's head wasn't on mine as she was back to back and I still went naturally.
I hope you get to enjoy halloween with the kiddies either way :) xxx
Veronicaco, I had a tiny bit of red spotting exactly one week before I went into labor. It was so little that I didn't bother mentioning it at the time (especially seeing as I was only 33+6 weeks!) but I guess it was a sign that things were happening!

Jess, I'm sorry that you're feeling so frustrated a depressed. :( But like the others have said, you don't have too much longer left to wait, either way. :hugs:

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