Breastfeeding & pregnant Mammas

Well done Zephyr and Annabelle! Excellent weight gain. And well done for surviving your first day without OH.

I can't believe they're only just checking your ferritin now, M2C! At least you should get some answers tomorrow. Sorry you might not get your homebirth, though you could still insist if you're keen. Is the local midwifery-led birth unit nice? I'd have loved a homebirth this time if I'd had a normal delivery last time around.

It still feels like ages until I finish work! I'm working until 38+1/40 this time round having finished at 36/40 last time. I can absolutely cope with work, still, but it's difficult doing these last few weeks where I have little motivation as I finish so soon!
Great weight gain Zephyr!!!

M2c, I hope you get the birth you want, it doesn't have to be at home to be a beautiful empowering experience :) (maybe the next one ;) )
Congratulations on being term - hope to see a bump pic later :)

I hope the weeks pass quickly for you Canga! X

I am still feeling a bit down tbh, I ha a bad night again woken with stomach and back ache, decided to just lie in bed and try to get back to sleep but was getting woken from my doze by the pains. The thing is that the pain lasts several minutes and then goes so it's not really like cx and I don't think my stomach hardens fully although does go a little hard. Confusing and frustrating! My inner thighs and my lady parts are pretty sore as well so I guess it's just more downward movement. Hopefully the specialist will have some words of wisdom for me tomo! But if you ladies have had similar experiences I would love to know!! :)
Cangaroo I know! It's a bit rubbish my midwife didn't request that last week. My midwife is on holiday Monday so I'll see what my levels are and what this midwife has to say. My midwife unit is really nice. The midwife I also had deliver indie was amazing too so I've not had a bad experience there. Still would like a homebirth but I've got my head round midwife led if not.

I found when I was pregnant the last weeks hard as you know you've got time off coming up! Plus just being tired out from pregnancy doesn't help. Will dd still go to the childminder or will she now stay at home with you and baby?

Veronica maybe your body is just gearing up? I just get aches and pains so I'm no help with what's happening. Hopefully your consultant maybe able to give you some advice. Wonder if it is because you'll go early?! I'm getting excited this next wave if babies are on there way!

Vjean hope you and your little fella are doing ok. Been thinking of you!

Sorry you had another bad night Veronica. :hugs:

Glad the midwifery led unit is nice M2C. Veronica is so right that you don't have to be at home to have a beautiful, empowering birth.

DD will continue going to the childminder 2 days per week (instead of 3) when I'm off. This will cost us almost nothing due to her pre-school funding, which our childminder is eligible for, and keeps our place open for DD2 to start with the childminder next September when DD starts school and I go back to work. Perfect! We only have to pay fir a few extra hours per week and some extra days during holiday time which aren't funded. This will cost less than OH's childcare vouchers, so we'll even have vouchers saved up for when DD2 starts.
I would sway towards a water birth if I went to the midwife unit so it's not all bad.

Cangaroo that sounds great! Corban has 4 afternoons funded at playgroup which he loves

I got a call from the drs saying I had some different iron tablets waiting for me (because of last weeks results) she then said she could see a result on the screen from yesterday of my ferritin levels but no hb. So ferritin is apparently 11. Hb was 9.9 last week. Gonna call again tomorrow to see if those are the correct results still.

Veronicaco, those sound like contractions to me. When I was laying down, my uterus would sink towards my back so it wouldn't feel quite as firm during contractions as it did when I was standing. Plus, some of mine would last for a minute and a half. If it was happening in any sort of pattern, I doubt it was just baby moving downwards. I'm still going with my prediction of a 38 weeker for you. ;)

M2C, so sorry it's starting to look like you might not get your home birth. :( But like the others have said, the birth can be beautiful no matter the setting, so long as you get your sweet little baby at the end of it. :hugs:

Cangaroo, I remember how unmotivated I was at the end of my pregnancy with DD while I was still working. I was just counting down the days! Not much longer left to go, though! :flower:

Zephyr, that's some amazing weight gain! My DD didn't weigh that much until she was 3 months old! :haha:

Things are going okay here. I had a breakdown yesterday, though, and DH had to take the older two to the store so I could have some peace for a bit. I've had a killer headache for 6 days in a row now, and it's really getting me down being in this much pain and still having to deal with three little kids, especially when Liam is getting his molars in and is crying and whining for most of the day. Thankfully DH took the whole night with Asher last night and I was able to get 8 hours of sleep! It was amazing. Of course I'll have to take over tonight so he can catch up, but it was worth it.

We have Asher's two week check-up tomorrow, so I'm excited to see how much weight he's gained. :flower:
My goodness, so much going on with everyone. Sounds like we are all towards the end with these discomforts. :)

Spiffy, sorry about the headache. That sounds so awful to deal with that while recovering and being a mommy to three Littles.

Zephyr, great weight gain! My babies are always on the small side. Maybe not when they are born, but shortly after they always thin out.

M2C, I hope things turn around and you get what you are hoping for. Either way, you will get your sweet baby.

Veronicaco, sounds like your birth story will be next!

Cangaroo, I can't believe you are still working! I would be useless. Does it pass the time faster though?

As for me, nesting ended quick. Back to being tired and uncomfortable. 36 weeks today! DH has a business trip next week which was supposed to be his last since when he gets home I'll be term. But his work is demanding he go on another trip the following week clear to the other end of the country! And with travel time he would be gone a full week so I would be 38 1/2 weeks along by the time he got back! Needless to say we were both not very happy about it. I don't think I would go into labor on my own during that time anyway but you just never know what else could arise. What if there were an emergency? It's a full days travel just to get back. Fingers crossed there won't be any problems and baby will stay put until he is home.

Anyone heard from vjean? I hope she and baby are doing better.
I know your right ladies. I want a fourth baby so I'm hoping that will be a home birth. I'll be taking iron earlier on so I won't have this happen. I'm kinda set on the whole hospital thing now. I've got to think of the baby and myself plus if something happened I wouldn't want my minis panicking. Now I've kinda thought I'll be going to hospital I feel calmer about labour as I know where I'll be. Thanks for your kind words ladies. Xxx

Spiffy I'm sorry you had a bad day! I can only imagine how tired you are. It's great you got some sleep though. Any new pictures of that gorgeous boy of yours? Wonder how much his gained! Always exciting!

Luvymom happy 36 weeks lovely! Yay to that! Bit rubbish about your DH!!! Can't believe his work would ask him to do that so close to delivery. Do you have family close just encase?

Veronica I wonder if you are next! It's getting me a bit excited!

Thanks guys! It's great to have you all here for your knowledge and support :) thinking about last time I really struggled to identify the contractions and was watching the monitor to know when to guzzle the gas and air so maybe I'm just not very good at telling especially with him being back to back. Been trying to turn him today- lots of housework and hands and knees. Had a little burst of energy which has been lovely to get a few jobs done. 38 weeks doesn't sound all that bad to me lol :) hoping to get some positive info off the specialist tomorrow :)

Spiffy I'm sorry you've been feeling crap!! If your headache persists I'd be inclined to see the doctor and make sure it's not low iron levels or another pregnancy related cause.

Gosh luvymom that's really annoying! I'm glad dh's work are a bit more family friendly and he's able to have time off as he needs it!

Maybe it's a blessing in disguise m2c, you were having a few doubts so this essentially makes the decision for you :)

No word from V Jean! Hopefully she's really busy with her bubba at home :)
Veronica Goodluck with tomorrow let us know how it goes.

My sister said she has a tens machine I can have. Hopefully give it ago! Never used one before!

Veronica- hope all goes well with the specialist tomorrow.

M2C- hope you get some answers tomorrow.

Spiffy- glad you got some rest in the end, sorry you've been feeling so rotten. Hope your headache settles soon. At least you can take whatever painkillers you need to now! Hope Asher lets you get some sleep tonight.

VJean- hope things are ok. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Luvymom- I can't believe your DH's work are being so unreasonable! OH is away tonight, but this is the last business trip he's going on before baby, it's only 1 night and he's only 90 mins drive away.I would NOT be happy for him to go somewhere a flight distance away for a whole week at 38/40. That seems totally unfair to expect him to do that. Even though I'm fully expecting to go overdue, I will be making sure OH knows to keep his phone on him and charged up from this point.

Hope everyone else is well.

Ugh, work tomorrow! The childminder's son has been really unwell and in hospital this week, so she can't take DD tomorrow. He's a lot better, and she'll be open again on Friday after another day of rest tomorrow (reasonable since he was only discharged today), but it causes us problems for tomorrow. Luckily MIL is staying over tonight so I don't have to get DD up super early to take her to MIL's before work tomorrow. this is the big drawback of childminders! Thank goodness for helpful local family!
Sorry for the silence, ladies! It's amazing how exhausting sitting around in the NICU is!

Thank you so much for all the kind words and well wishes for Keegan. He has made huge progress over the past few days. His lungs were just a little immature due to my GD, even thou it was under control. They weren't producing surfactant on their own, so he wasn't able to breathe without the help of forced O2. He also has two small holes in his heart, which is normal in utero, but usually closes right after birth. His didn't close right away, but should soon on their own.

He started nursing yesterday, so they took his IV out today and they are also testing him without O2 right now. If he can go 24 hours without support then we can talk about going home!

Here are a few pics... Sorry if it is too many!


Today (I love his chins!)
Hey girls, i. Going to try my best on catching up, sorry I havent been on lately, I've been trying to keep myself busy.
Vjean glad to hear Keegan is doing better, glad to hear he's nursing well.
Luvymom so sorry to hear about your DHs work. I hope your in the clear while hes gone. Keeping everything crossed that all is well while he's gone.
Spiffy hope you feel better soon. Awesome you got a good nights sleep!
Veronicaco good luck tomorrow!
M2C hoping that everything wotks out well for you :hugs:

As for me...i had an appointment today and signed the papers for the c section and to have my tubes tied :( I still might back out of the whole tubes thing. Im not doing well with knowing that my childbearing years are going to be over :(
I also bought a pineapple today and im sitting down eating it as I type! ;) heard it induces labor andppossibly could cause waters to break!
I'll keep you girls updated! :)
V Jean thanks for the update- Keegan is gorgeous and I'm glad he's doing better :) xx
Vjean he is so cute! Glad to hear he is making great progress :)

Jess Good luck with the pineapple! I forgot to tell you ladies 2 days before I went into labour I ate one :p but I also took a homeopathic remedy and it was a full moon the day before so I'm not sure if it worked.

Spiffy did you have an epi? Could the headaches be from that? I remember being told about side effects after it and headaches were one of them.

Veronica good luck trying to get baby to turn, do you think baby has run out of room yet?

Well 3rd day of hubby at work and I'm pooped. The twins are playing up so badly. My normally well behaved toddlers have turned into little monkeys. I go to put one in time out and the other yells "quick run!" And then they both run away from me round the back of the couch where I can't get them uggh lol I can't wait till hubbys weekend.
Annabelle is constantly feeding too, every hour. I almost threw in the towel today and gave her formula but decided to try and stick it out since I'm managing to breastfeed with no issues. I just feel a bit stressed. My day goes well up until about 4pm then it goes downhill till hubby is home.
To make matters worse we have a house inspection next weekend and its a huge house to get spotless and keep spotless with 6 kids eeek
Vjean, so glad to see keegan is doing better :) The nicu is completely exhausting! I hope you're getting rest and taking care of yourself too :)

Jess, I can see why you'd have mixed feelings about tying your tubes :hugs: I hope you get a reassuring peaceful feeling that helps you feel ok :hugs:

M2c!!!! Happy 37 weeks hon!!!! Your bump looks lower to me!

Veronica, i am sending you labor dust :)

Zephyr, glad to hear Annabelle is gaining so well!!!! Sorry about the twins stressing you out :( I hope they settle down so you can get everything done :hugs:

Spiffy, i agree you should call if your headache doesn't go away! Hope you feel better soon :hugs:

Luvumom, I'm sorry your oh's work is being dumb :hugs:

Canga, how are you? Glad you're on the home stretch with work! :)

A quick update on me.... So yesterday my dr had me in to the office because i was having vision stuff with the headache that had lasted over a week. Once I was there she checked me over and then sent me over to l&d to be admitted for monitoring and tests. Everything is ok. On my pre e blood work my ldh was slightly elevated and my albumin was slightly low. My bp remained fine and no protein in my urine so I'm clear there for now. They think the severe headache was caused by my anemia So i may get a blood transfusion soon... we'll see. I was given some sort of narcotic for my head and i finally slept well for the first time in a few weeks and my headache is almost totally gone.
TTC, I'm glad that you BP is okay and there is no protein in your urine. I hope it stays that way! I'm the same as you with the headache. I finally took some Excedrin Migraine yesterday (I hesitate to take it too often because it's so strong you can't take anything else for 24 hours), and it killed off the headache for now, so that's a relief. And yes, I had an epidural, so I've already been wondering if it was caused by that. If so, I'm even more disappointed in my epidural than I was before, seeing as it didn't help with the pain during labor and then caused me pain afterwards. :(

VJean, I'm so glad to hear that Keegan is starting to do better and that he might be coming home soon! Keep us updated on his progress! :flower:

Veronicaco, hope you're feeling better today. :hugs:

M2C, I forgot to say that your bump is lovely! It's funny, I don't have a 37 week bump pic for any of my pregnancies, because I only got to 37 weeks with my DD, and since she was my first, I thought I'd be taking a 40 week bump shot, so I didn't take another one after my 36 week picture. :dohh:

Cangaroo, that's nice that your MIL is coming over to watch your DD for you. Hopefully your child-minder is open again tomorrow.

Zephyr, I feel for you. I got only 2.5 hours of sleep last night, so DH had to start work a little late so that I could get a bit more sleep this morning. And I swear, my main struggle right now is not Asher, it's my other two. Liam is teething horribly and is so fussy and Alia has decided to ramp up her torment of Liam, so it's constant screaming and crying, and very little of it is Asher. It's exhausting. :(
Ttc - glad there's no sign of the pre-e!! :) let's hope it stays that way :)

Jess, at least if it's booked you can cancel if you want!! But I can understand how hard that would be, I'm leaving the future prevention up to dh ;)

My appt went well with the specialist - she wasn't anything like as concerned and wants me to assume all is as normal! I'm still going to the main hospital just in case but there's nothing to suggest a specific greater risk. She's optimistic that I will have a better time this time :) so feeling a bit happier now and just waiting for it to happen lol :)

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