Breastfeeding & pregnant Mammas

Hello everyone!

I have the midwife today, too. I think we're going through my birth plan. DD is having her pre-school vaccinations just before my midwife appointment, so I dread to think what my BP will be doing!
Hope her boosters don't go to bad! Be nice to go through your birth plan with the midwife. I've put some notes down in my pack. Exciting!

Hope all goes well at the midwife today ladies! Cangaroo I hope dd's jabs go as well as possible :)

Midwife for me tomorrow! Having another grumpy day today - everyone keeps telling me when it's convenient for them for me to have this baby. Just makes me want to punch them. Particularly my parents who have absolutely no time constraints at all, they just don't want to come back until they feel like it. Well it's tough if the baby comes before they come back, I'm at the point where I want him to come sooner just to point out to everyone that what they want doesn't matter!! Bah! And we've all got vile colds coming on that's to hubby's friend who popped over the other night to tell us how ill he has been. Cheers for that!! Lol. Poor dd having to put up with me all day!!
I'm feeling for you! So annoying when people say stuff like that! It's like I don't care when it's good for you!!!!!!! Argh! People! Indigo has been super grumpy and she's a bit snotty today so it's either the 4 teeth that are popping out or the cold from my sister.

Poor Indie! Teething is tough :( hope it's teeth and she gets through it quickly :) x
M2C, I hope it's just teeth so the rest of you stay healthy but even still teething is rough! Hope whatever it is makes its way through quickly.

Veronicaco, I understand your frustration. Its my husband that wants me to schedule an induction so we can plan everything out. Makes me so frustrated because I DON'T want to be induced unless it's medically necessary. I'm holding my ground on this one. I mean hello! It's my body that has to go through all this!

Cangaroo, good for you for being so on top of things and having your birth plan ready to discuss. I need to talk to my Dr about all that too.

Fun all of these appointments! Mine is tomorrow too! Getting the gsb test and probably get checked at the same time. I'm sure I'll be a big fat nothing as far as dilation and effacement, but one can always hope. ;) and yay, dh's trip next week got canceled so his trip this week is the last one until after the baby. I'm so relieved and now I can start playing around with all the tricks to get things moving. Even though I know better that none of them will work unless baby's ready. But it's fun to try anyway and it will hopefully pass the time.

By the way, is anyone sleeping well these days? I am NOT!
Luvymom- I the same! I'm exhausted, but it takes forever to fall asleep. I'm fine when I get to sleep, though.

Just back from the doctors. DD was very good for her vaccinations. She cried, but only after the second one was in and settled quickly. She's very proud of herself! We went to the midwife straight afterwards. We had a long chat about birth plan etc. When she wad feeling my tummy, I commented that I find it very hard to tell what's bum and what's head in my bump. She had a really good feel after that, and decided that the lump at the top of my bump is very hard to be a bum... So presentation scan booked for next Wednesday. they offered me Wednesday this week, but the time clashed with DD's swimming lesson, and Thursday and Friday I'm working. I can't have ECV anyway due to the previous section, so I'd rather leave it a little later anyway. I really don't know. She might be breech... It's so hard to tell! I don't really mind either way. There would advantages with a repeat section, mostly being able to plan well and prepare DD about timescales. We'll see! Everything else was fine with the midwife.
Hi everyone!

Canga, i hope your dd does just fine with the boosters. I totally dread shots with my little guy so I hope you have an easy time :) Hope your appointment goes well too!

M2c, sorry about indie! Hope is just the teeth though those can feel just as bad :( I hope you have a good appointment! :)

Veronica, I'm sorry you're having a bad mood. Hormones make me a huge witch so I've been biting everyone's head off over here too! Right before I had ds I was getting so agitated at everything! I had gone to get a medicine refilled for my dogs and the person at the vet annoyed me so bad i yelled at him and left in tears! (There was no reason to leave...He just kept getting my phone number wrong) Lol!!!! I bet you'll have your baby very soon!

Luvymom, so so so happy to hear your dh's trip was cancelled :) Can't wait to hear what they say at your appt as far as dilation might be surprised! Sorry your not sleeping well :hugs:

I have my hematology, ob, and ultrasound today! I'm excited to see baby again and talk to my dr about my blood work from the hospital last week. I am just feeling so crap lately.
Hope your appointments with midwives go well today, ladies.

M2C, I feel your pain! Liam's been working on getting his molars for nearly a month now and they still haven't broken through yet. They look super swollen, though, so I hope it's soon.

Cangaroo, I'm glad that you'll be okay whether your baby is breech or not. And hey, another ultrasound is always good. :flower:

Veronicaco, people need to learn how to shut up around pregnant women! How annoying! And I would be beyond furious if a friend came over just to say how sick they'd been and gave it to all of us! :growlmad:

Luvymom, I'm glad your DH's trip got cancelled! What a relief. Hopefully you'll get a nice surprise at your appointment tomorrow and be 2cm dilated already. :flower: Oh, and I'm not sleeping well either! :haha: :winkwink:

TTC, how fun that you'll be having another ultrasound today! I hope your blood work is okay, and I hope you start feeling better. :hugs:

Asher is doing well. Last night I took the first half of the night and he woke up, I changed and fed him, and he went right back to sleep. Then he woke up during DH's half of the night and he changed and fed him, and he threw up all over everything and then had a hard time settling back down after that. I felt bad for DH, but was also secretly relieved that it happened during his shift and not mine. :blush:
Haha, we all posted at exactly the same time!

Spiffy, glad your night shift was ok. Hope Asher has a more settled night tonight.

TTC, good luck with your appointment!
Canga, Thanks for sharing that info! My hard lump is also at the top and I've been wondering if it's her head or bum. It's been my suspicion that it was the head so I might have a breech little one too! I'll for sure be asking my doc tomorrow too! Thanks for the reminder. :)

TTC, I hope they can give you some answers and find something to help you feel better.

Spiffy, glad it was on Dh shift! It's a good reminder for the men to get a small taste of the little things that moms have to deal with on a regular basis. ;)

I'm way excited! I justplaced my order for my free pump through my insurance. I don't get much milk pumping anyway, but it's always fun to get something new and free. LOL
Hope your appointments go well ladies!

Spiffy haha your poor hubby, I think id feel the same tho :p

M2c I hope the teething passes quickly and its not a cold.

Cangaroo I hope your dd is doing okay with her vaccination. Mine always get a bit cranky and sick and I hate seeing them that way :(

things with us have been going great, Annabelle has stopped her crying sessions since I took dairy out of my diet 2 days ago.
I did the same with Max for the first 2 years and Aria had a milk protein allergy along with her reflux, hubby cant have dairy either so the history is there. Figured it couldn't hurt to try.
I had major yoghurt cravings the past two days tho! I eat yoghurt a lot so that was the hardest thing to give up.
Luvymom, that's great that you get a free pump! I would have looked into that as well, except I had a pump given to me by a friend who got one at a baby shower and one through her insurance, and so she kept one and gave me the other. I think if I decide to breastfeed baby #4 I'll see what I can get through my insurance, in case it's better than the one I have.

Zephyr, I'm so glad Annabelle hasn't had any ore crying spells! I now know that Liam has a cow's milk allergy, but I didn't know that while I was breastfeeding him, so I'm sure a lot of our difficulty with breastfeeding was due to that. Sorry about the yogurt, though! I craved it during my first trimester with Asher, so I know how hard that must be to not have it when you want it.
Sorry you've had to go dairy free Zephyr, but glad it's helped! Must be a big relief.
Thanks ladies! I do miss the yoghurt haha but I'd much rather have a content baby that sleeps :p

Spiffy that's what happened with Aria she was reacting to it right away which was the cause of our breastfeeding ending after two weeks and of course starting the milk formula just made it all 10x worse.

Had our weigh in this morning and Annabelle is up 260 gms and is now 5kgs.
Wow, well done Annabelle!

Prodding my bump this evening, the lump at the top really does feel more hed like. It feels too hard and free to be a bum... I thought she was breech, but at my last appointment the midwife said head down so I thought she'd turned. I don't know! Last time I had extra scans due to a research study so knew for sure she was head down from 28 weeks and therefore never gave it much thought. We'll find out in 9 days!
Aargh, I can't get to sleep again!! So annoying being exhausted but unable to fall asleep. Grrrr.
Canga - ds was breech til 37 and still turned but I used to get something that felt like a lemon up by my rib cage and it sounds like you have something pretty similar. I also didn't have a lot of the downward pains in my cervix. It was surprisingly comfortable! Hopefully baby will turn for you soon x

I can't sleep either!! Well I've been to sleep for 3 hours and now I'm wide awake. Dreading the thought of being awake all day from 2am.
THis is nuts you all are going to pop at the same time.

nothing new here. 16 weeks by doc numbers. Ticker still set to my numbers. Go in on the 15th and should be able to set up a gender scan from there. Finding it kinda hard to really bond with this baby yet. The MC last time really opened my eyes to what could happen. I think once I start feeling real kicks and know what the baby is it may be easier.

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