Breastfeeding & pregnant Mammas

I used to have problems falling asleep at night, and then it magically solved itself after I had Liam, but ever since I had Asher, I've gone back to not being able to fall asleep. It makes me so mad when I lay there thinking about pointless things, knowing full well that I'll have to wake up again soon with Asher and am losing precious sleep. :growlmad:

Mo2P, I'm looking forward to your gender scan! As for the bonding, that has to be hard. :( I hope you start feeling movement soon so you can relax a little. :hugs:
Mo2p, i know you'll start bonding more soon! Just probably doesn't feel quite real yet, not to mention the emotions that come with being PAL. :hugs: I'm still guessing team pink for you!

Spiffy, I'm so sorry! Not being able to sleep is awful! Especially knowing you get zero chances to catch up. I hope it gets better soon :hugs:

My appointment went ok yesterday. I still gained 2lbs from Wednesday to yesterday (5 days) even on low sodium, zero junk all week. It sucks. I do think I've decided to not worry about the weight gain. I won't eat like crap, but I'm not going to stress like i did all last week either with counting every mg of sodium. It didn't make a difference. And who cares? I'm growing a baby and can worry about my weight later.
Baby looked great, measuring in the 59th percentile and estimated to be 2lbs 2oz :) She's still really concerned about my anemia (which actually.improved a bit this week) and me developing preeclampsia so she will be seeing me weekly for now. I'm happy and reassured she's keeping a close eye on me :)

Hope you all are having a good day! Trying to get up some energy to get laundry caught up here today :)
Mo2p I'm sure it won't be long before those kicks come! I reckon team pink for you too as dd was a lazy bones compared to this little fidget :)

Still going since 2am (nearly 5pm here) managed to go to dd's painting class, mw appt. and have hoovered the car and cooked tea! I daren't stop lol! Midwife said baby was in quite a good position!! And head 3/5 palpable so a little engaged again. Have had a lot of downward pressure today and hoping this is a good sign :) but really want a LOT of sleep before I have to push this baby out lol so hoping it's not tonight!! Early night for sure!!!

Hope you are all ok :) xxx
So I've been up since 3am this morning, had regular increasing pain (although still not severe enough) until about 8am and then it all stopped and I've just had a few mild Braxton hicks through the day. Getting pretty fed up and tired now as I have no one to watch dd until Dh comes home at 5. If I have early nights then I will probably wake up earlier still! Kinda excited about dd's birthday on Friday though as Dh has the day off and we are gonna do something fun for the day. Might try to jump Dh later to see if that kicks anything off over night ;) how's everyone else doing?
Oh that's rubbish it's all calmed down. It must be super annoying having these teasers! Hopefully it's all doing something and it all kicks off sooner rather than later. Maybe a bit of rudeys might encourage things ;) the sleep thing gets me too! I get a few hours then I kinda just lay there.... At least when babies here I'll have something to do at night or be soooo tired I sleep! Haha!

Had midwife Monday. She said I may not be allowed a water birth as they can't judge how much I've bled. Also gotta confirm midwife led unit will take me as I'm anemic. Also have to have the injection to deliver my placenta. Few things in might birth notes will have to be changed. Everything else is ok though! She said I'm all baby! Long legs ;) still weighing 65kg. Next appointment is at 39+6. She said I'm allowed a sweep at 40+1. I'm unsure though.... Corbans birthday is the Sunday so do I risk it? I'll decide closer to the time I guess!!!! Argh!

How's everybody?

M2C, Love the pic!

So crazy all of us are due around birthdays. I really don't want to have my kids share a birthday but what do ya do? It is what it is.

I had my appointment yesterday. Dr says he's sure I've got at least s couple weeks. About what I figured. I did have a trace of protein in my urine but my bp was fine so they said I probably needed to just drink more water. I said guilty. I know I'm not drinking enough.

I don't know about you ladies but I'm running out of room, so after eating/drinking just a little I feel so full!

Now here's the bad news, my sister watched my kids on Saturday while I went to a wedding, she calls me the next day apologizing that she found her daughter had lice! Eww! I've been freaking out. So far we are all in the clear and I've been doing all sorts of things to keep it that way. Crossing my fingers none of my kids got it. I can't deal with that stress right now. Or ever.
Im hoping this mini doesn't share corbans birthday but like you say what can you do! I just don't wanna miss corbans birthday!

You look great m2c!! Loving the sunglasses lol!

Such a shame about the water birth/midwife led place but I guess they have to make these decisions in your best interest how are you feeling about possibly having to go to hospital? X

I was just doing my perineal massage (tmi) and baby's head is right there! Couldn't believe it!! Also my cervix is still quite posterior but had come down as usually I can't feel it at all- there wasn't an awful lot of it and I didn't want to poke and prod but hoping that means that it's effacing a bit so maybe all these aches are actually moving in the right direction!! Makes me feel a bit more enthusiastic.
Braxton hicks have started up again this evening and baby is feeling as if he's left occiput lateral which te midwife said is preferable to posterior so I'm hoping he's come down in a good position!!
M2C, cute bump and I love the glasses pic! :flower: I'm sorry you might not get your water birth, either. I hope that no matter what happens, you feel okay with your birth and that all these plan changes won't make a difference.

Veronicaco, each of my three labors has started with DTD, so I'm a firm believer in that! :winkwink: In fact, I told DH that if we want to ensure that we don't have another preemie next time, we'll probably have to stop DTD at like 32 weeks. (He wasn't thrilled about that :haha:)

Luvymom, I reeeeeally hope your kids don't get lice! What a pain in the butt that would be! :nope:
Sorry didn't see those posts as was typing for ages lol!!

Lice!! ICk! At least she told you so you can be on top of it rather than a nasty shock!!

Birthdays- it's so hard. In some ways it could be kinda cool and in others the kids lose THEIR special day.
Crazy you felt bubs head! I'm so curious to have a feel see if I can feel something but I'm also scared to have a route round! Haha! I'm hoping this all means something good! Get bonking! Haha!

Spiffy I'm trying to keep the thought of aslong as baby and me are safe that's all that matters. I'm hoping midwife unit will take me but if I have to go to labour and delivery so be it. Just hoping for a in and out job!

Luvymom yuk to live! Hopefully you stay clear. Corbans playgroup has lice at the mo! So I keep checking him! Yuk

Veronicaco, you posted while I was typing my post. That's cool that you felt your baby's head! And for me, when it got to the point where I felt like there wasn't much cervix left, I was 70% effaced. I'm telling you, I think DTD might really have a shot at kicking things off for you! :thumbup:
Oooooo I really want to do it now lol!! He may not be keen :/ oh well we shall see when he comes to bed later ;)

So weird question but under engagement column in my notes my midwife has written '3/5's. Feet. Lol.' I know that 3/5's is engaged and she's written that he's cephalic so he's not breech. 'Lol' means left occiput lateral which she said was his position at te time. But feet? What is that about? Anyone see this before? X
I've never gotten notes the way you ladies in the UK seem to have, but that does seem pretty weird, because if he's not breech, then why mention feet? :shrug:

As for DTD, I think most men can be persuaded, especially if you just make your suggestions subtle enough that they end up thinking it was their idea. :haha::winkwink:
Veronica I havnt seen feet before that's so weird! I dunno what it means.

As for shared birthdays 4 of my 6 kids will now share. I used to hate the idea of shared birthdays and I still hate the idea of shared parties for kids who don't share a birthday. But since having the twins I realised a shared birthday is actually pretty cool! And I am really glad my son gets to share with Annabelle.
It's more work, money and planning but the parties will be bigger when they are older cos two seperate groups of friends. If it's a boy and girl like both of mine you get to buy girls presents and boys presents and make two seperate cakes and do themed parties like a Princess and pirate party. It's actually pretty fun!

That really sucks about the lice! I hate them so bad. My son had a few a few weeks ago and the whole family was checked right away. It took over 2 and a half hours!!! He had been paying with the neighbors kid so I phoned her and told her and apparently another neighbors kid has them but they lied about it so they could play!!! We were both pretty annoyed. I think every parent should warn others about nits and colds etc so people have a choice on whether they want to risk catching stuff.
I had a friend who used to visit with his sick kid when my twins were little and wonder why I'd be mad about it. Two sick babies was never fun!

Annabelle has been awake for longer and longer and starting to take notice of things around her. She also cooed at me this morning when I was talking to her which was really cute.
Not liking how fast she is growing tho, all those 0-3 month clothes I brought are getting tight on her already
Veronica- sorry you had a sleepless night and it all settled! How frustrating! In terms of the "feet" comment- are you sure it says "feet"? The only thing similar I can think of would be "FMF"- foetal movements felt. The handwriting can be difficult to trad do I just wondered if it could say something different?

Luvymom- hope the headlice stay away! Eeew!

M2C- Are you definitely not having a home birth? Sorry it's difficult. You're right, you can have the birth you want wherever you are .

I still can't work out whether the baby is breech or not. I definitely have a hard lump at the top, I feel rolls high up and kicks low down and when she has hiccups, I feel them fairly high too. I have no idea!
Cangaroo, kind of sounds like she might be breech!

Zephyr, that's cute that Annabelle cooed at you! I love it when they do that. I'm wondering how long I'll have to wait for things like smiles and coos, since Asher is premature. The developmental specialist in the NICU said to go by his adjusted age, so I guess that means I may have to wait until 9-11 weeks for a first smile, instead of 4-6 weeks. :(

We did have a really good night last night, though! Asher only woke up twice between 10:30pm and 8:30am and both times he went back to sleep pretty quickly after being fed and changed. TTC, I started finally reading that sleep book you recommended and we tried some of their tips last night, so I'm sure that had something to do with it! :flower:

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