Breastfeeding & pregnant Mammas

That's great Asher is sleeping well :) awh waiting so long for smiles would be hard but when they finally start it'll be wonderful!
I asked the midwife whether her smiles were real ones or not and she said since I went over then yes they will be.
I've been trying to get a photo of one but as soon as I pull the camera out she goes back to pulling silly faces or looking grumpy hehe.
It sounds like Asher and Annabelle are both doing really well! I remember trying to capture those first smiles on camera and always just missing them.

Spiffy- it does sound like she's breech when I put it like that, but I may be overthinking it. Who knows! I never thought about position last time really as I'd had scans and KNEW she was head down. I'll know in a week!
M2c, I'm so excited for you!!! Your bump looks amazing!!!! :) Sounds like you've got a great attitude and your birth will go well no matter what. ;)

Veronica, i hope things get going for you! Sounds like you're on the edge of labor!!!

Luvymom, glad you had a good appt :) Just a couple more weeks!!!

Spiffy, so glad you're liking the book! :) Was a lifesaver for me! As far as meeting milestones etc, my son has definitely taken his time. Smiles were around 6 weeks though so maybe you won't be waiting too long! However at 14 months he is still nowhere near walking and crawling happened shortly before a year... so maybe be prepared for that ;)

Zephyr, sounds like Annabelle is doing great!!!!

Canga, it does sound like your baby is breech! My scan Monday confirmed my little guy is breech and I feel rolls near the top, all kicks below belly button level and a hard lump at times near my rib cage. I also just had an instinct he's breech, though i know it doesn't mean much at 26 weeks...still lots of time to turn. But i only say that about an instinct because it sounds like you have one too!!! :)

I really really overdid things the past two days :( Feeling awful tonight and tons of contractions but I got so darn much accomplished its hard to slow down! Got one more thing left and the nursery is done!
TTC, I'm glad you've got so much accomplished, but don't overdo it! Those contractions can get ugly.

As for meeting milestones, my DD didn't crawl until after her first birthday and didn't walk until 15 months, so I know what that's like. ;) And in her case, she wasn't premature, so I definitely worried about it for a while. However, she could say over 100 words by the time she was 15 months, so I figured she was just too focused on talking that she couldn't be bothered with walking. :haha:
That sounds similar to my little guy! He can say lots of words but not even close to walking ;)
37 weeks today! Term! Can't believe it's come around so fast. My last day of work is a week tomorrow. :)

TTC- Have a rest! Sorry the contractions have Bern worse. Hope they settle soon. I can't imagine having contractions so early. I didn't even gave Braxton Hicks until nearly 34 weeks this time around.
Happy T-day Cangaroo!!

Take it easy ttc! But it is great when you get a load of stuff done :)

Braxtons have gone up a notch today, still not painful enough or frequent enough but definitely increasing. May even be able to start timing them soon!!

Just going for a bath so it will probably ease off again!!
Ttc make sure you rest!!!

Cangaroo happy 37 weeks! Yay to a week left at work.

Veronica I'm hoping things kick off for you! Wonder if you will be next?!

It's all eased off again m2c! Driving me crazy! Earlier it was getting painful and every half hour maybe less. Now it's only maybe 1 an hour if that..... Meh. Going to bed to sulk soon lol.

How are you feeling?
Veronica ooohhh im sorry! It really does suck! Hopefully you don't have too much longer to go. Maybe all this build up will mean a speedy labour?
Thanks zephyr. That would be good after all this messing around! Just as long as I have time to get to the hospital lol ;) x
Ooooo! Soooooo annoying! I can only imagine it's rubbish. I'd keep thinking is this it! Come on baby!!!!

Veronicaco, tell that boy to stop messing around and just come already! After all, you've only got two days left and then I'll be wrong. :( :haha:

Happy 37 weeks Cangaroo! :flower:

Well, I had a complete break down this morning and cried so hard that I almost threw up. :( I won't go into everything, but t's a combination of DH working long hours so not having any help and being lonely because I'm stuck in the house by myself all day, and being tired, and the two older ones fighting constantly. And then Asher got his circumcision done today and has been crying bloody murder whenever he's not eating or dead asleep. I'm really ticked off at the pediatrician at the hospital who said he was too little to do it before we left, because my pediatrician said he was plenty big enough, and asked what day we discharged from the hospital. When I said Saturday, she said, "I bet you anything he just wanted to get home." :growlmad: I'm ticked off because when Liam got circumcised, he never seemed to be in much pain because he was still so little that he just slept all day.
I'm sorry Spiffy :( hope Asher starts feeling better and settles down soon.
Circumcision isn't routine here so my boys were never done so I don't really know what's involved with that.
im feeling a bit lonely too I've been stuck in this house for well over a month now except for the one evening a week that I do the shopping.
The twins fight constantly and wake Annabelle up every ten minutes grr
I say to them to use their inside voices which works for a couple of minutes but that's all.
aria knows max is scared of her toy bugs so she chases him with one going "raaarrrr raarrrr" and he gets scared and runs screaming at the top of his lungs and they literally run circles around my feet lol
its her favourite thing to do at the moment.

I hope your day gets better! Things will get better in time :)
Thanks, Zephyr. Circumcision is still optional here, but I told my DH that he could decide if our boys would be circumcised and he opted to do it, mainly because he is, and he felt like it would be weird if our boys weren't. Thankfully Asher has settled down considerably, so it must not hurt as much now.

Liam likes to smash into Alia and try to bite her, which she obviously hates, but to him its a game, so its easier for me to not get too mad at him. Alia, on the other hand, will just go up and push him down or hit him or pull his hair, and it drives me crazy. And if he even looks at her, she screams at the top of her lungs. Thankfully Asher doesn't even flinch when she screams, probably because he got used to hearing it in the womb. :dohh:

Oh, and I forgot to say earlier, they weighed Asher before his circumcision and he's now 6lbs 4oz! :flower:
Hey girls, how is everyone and the babies doing?
Glad to hear that Asher and Annabelle are doing good and getting so big. I hope Asher feels better soon :( that must be so painful for the little guy. I remember when Dominc had his done :( the dr left some skin on and I had to pull back the piece of skin that kept on reattaching every time I changed his diaper. My pediatrician said the dr at the hospital did a bad job and if I didnt keep pulling it back off he would have to possibly have it redone :( thankfully it healed and everything is ok now. Although I do think he has a little extra skin than "normal", hopefully he'll never notice the difference lol

Veronicaco I hope those braxton hicks start to gain momentum and turn into the real deal soon! Keeping everything crossed for you!

:) on the bright side there is going to be another full moon in about a week or so!!
So maybe we will see some more ladies going into labor! ;)

Cangaroo happy 37 weeks !!

M2C how are you feeling?

TTC hope your feeling better from all the work you did. I know its hard to take it easy when you know there's so much that needs done.

As for me..... Im just trying to patiently wait for this week to fly by. My c section is in exactly 1 week from today!!
Im trying my best to be patient but its been so hard :( I keep getting these panic attacks over kicks. Im beyond terrified that a cord accident will happen these last 2 weeks. I obsess over kicks all the time :( im loosing sleep and my appetite over it. I mentioned it to my dr and she sent me over for an ultrasound but it honestly has not helped since they didnt tell me anything or assure me.
I swear if one more person says "your almost there, not much longer to go" im am going to punch them! lol

We had trick or treating tonight and I wanted to walk as much as possible to try and make something happen but the only thing that happened was putting myself in a bunch of pain :( everything hurts right now
I ended up in the waggon that we brought along for Charlotte lol DH pulled me around in it most of the night. I will try to upload a pic when I get a chance :) I look ridiculous
As it looks now Im not going to have my Halloween baby. Unless by some divine intervention my water breaks with in the next 24 hours. I highly doubt it though.

Hope everyone is well :)
here is the pic lol


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Spiffy- Poor Asher! Hope he feels better soon. Sorry Liam and Alia are being difficult. I'm worried about having just one other child and a newborn, two small toddlers + a new baby must he so hard. Well done Asher on his weight gain, though!

Jess- Sorry the baby hasn't decided to come yet. I know how much you wanted an early birth. Hope you manage to get some test this week. Love the picture if you in the wagon!
Spiffy sending hugs your way. My 2 drive me to the point of tears on occasion! Corban teases indie and drags her around so she just screams. Poor Asher! Hope he is a bit better now. Hopefully they will all ease off a bit and you can chill out a bit. Great news on ashers weight gain!

Jess I love that picture! Too funny! Not good you over done it though. Make sure you get some rest. Sorry to hear you've been worrying yourself. I guess sometimes once something's in your head it's hard to shake. I'm sure all is ok lovely. I can't believe you only have a week left! Eek! I wonder if anyone will go before or if you are the next! Looking forward to seeing pictures of your beautiful bundle!

Happy Halloween ladies and babies!

Jess, something similar happen with my little brother's circumcision, except my parents couldn't fix it so he still has to go get it fixed by a urologist at some point. At least a baby forgets it ever happened. My brother is 18! :dohh:

The picture of you in the wagon is priceless! Your daughter is going to love that picture someday. ;)

Asher seems back to normal today, and I can't wait to put him in his pumpkin outfit tonight. :flower:

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