Breastfeeding & pregnant Mammas

Cooper is lovely, and Iya is very unusual! Where is it from? I think Iya Anne works well.

I used to feed DD in both my stretchy wrap and then my woven wrap. I didn't master this until she was older and had better head control, though. I'll be attempting feeding in the sling from early on this time... We'll see!

If the baby is breech I will almost certainly have an elective c-section at 39 ish weeks. They won't attempt ECV as I've had a previous section.
Oo im getting excited for you ladies! It's almost time :)

Ive been a bit quiet the past couple of days. Have been busy sorting my entire house and garage for our inspection today. We have over the top landlords who freak out over minor things and of course trying to do all that and juggle a newborn and toddlers was pretty crazy.

Hope everyone is well!
Here we go again!! Woke up in a lot of pain at 1am, too uncomfortable to sleep not painful/regular enough to be anything. So now downstairs as lying down hurt and watching TV while sat on my ball with really bad back ache. *sulk* lol!!
:hugs: Veronica! That sounds rubbish. Hope they settle down so you can get some sleep soon, or crank up a notch into something more promising!

Zephyr, can't believe you've had to do so much for your inspection with a newborn! Well done, but your landlords should be ashamed of themselves asking you to do all that right now.

DD woke up snotty and snuffly twice last night and 3 times the night before. :coffee: If I wake OH up and send him in she just screams for me and it takes me longer to get her back to sleep. So annoying! Hope she's sleeping better again by the time the baby comes. I suspect her vaccinations are to blame for this...
Oh that sucks canga!! So frustrating when you're tired and needing your rest.

I'm still awake, it's just after 8am now managed a 20 min doze at about 6 but that's been it. As soon as the sun came up it all stopped. I came upstairs and jumped on Dh quickly as dd was still asleep so I'm hoping that will help.

It's all in my back when it does happen, I spent ages trying to move him in the night but no luck. Off swimming this morning so I'm hoping to get things going again later. It's so frustrating, his bum sticks out of the top right of my bump so I just need to get him to shift left a bit and he will be in a good spot!
Veronica did your swim do anything? Happy 39 weeks!

Cangaroo I'll see how feeding goes but I may get a wrap if feeding etc becomes difficult.

Zephyr hope your inspection went ok!

I will be trying out sling feeding too! I've got a local sling library who will meet at the end of the month and have promised to help me learn :)

I got back from swimming and Dh sent me up for a nap as I am so tired! I never sleep in the day but managed nearly an hour! Have just woken and the backache is kicking in again. Going to make the most of him looking after dd and do some exercises to try to turn baby. Swimming was uncomfortable for the first time today so I think that's it for me until after the baby is born! :(
It's all so exciting! I'm slightly concerned that it all feels like I've got ages before the baby arrives. I could be caught out if things start earlier than I expect! I haven't even packed a hospital bag yet (though I do have everything I need so it won't take long).

Veronica- I hope things kick off soon! I'm waiting with baited breath.

Not long until your section, Jess! How are you feeling?

Any signs, M2C? And has there been any more news about whether you'll be allowed to use the midwifery-led birth unit?

Any signs Luvymom?

Hope things go well with the landlord Zephyr!

Hope you've had some rest this weekend Spiffy!

VJean- How's it going?

TTC- How are you?

Sorry if I've missed anyone out!
Cangaroo I'm counting down to 40 weeks but I'm convinced I'll be late! I've packed my bag so would be ok if something happened sooner! Just be shocked!!!! How are you feeling?

This baby must be on a nerve as the shooting pains I've been having in my leg have been awful today!

Oh and cangaroo I've not called my mlbu. I'm gonna ask my midwife next week if she knows if they will accept me. I'm hoping they will still have me as it's in the hospital xx
I'm feeling tired after 2 bad nights with DD (who's a bit snotty which keeps waking her up) but otherwise fine. OH took DD bowling this afternoon so I could nap, and I'm feeling much better after that!
We've had colds! Yuk! Hopefully you get a better nights sleep tonight. Lovely that you got a rest this afternoon.

The inspection went well but scaffolding is going up tomorrow which means I can't leave the house with the pushchair because the path will be blocked. Basically our section is on a hill one path is down concrete steps the other path is where the scaffolding is going.
Repairs to guttering will be going on. the owner. ....... so not only does the place have to stay inspection tidy for the next week, I'll have someone working round the house being nosy.
Yes they should be ashamed of themselves! All week I kept saying to hubby how it just wasn't right and what person in their right mind interrupts those first few weeks. Most would wait a few more till we were well settled.
Since we said we will be finding a new place and leaving in feb it could of all just wait until then. They are upset with us because I questioned why they keep billing us for their water rates. I told them to please send me a new invoice with our usage charges minus their rates and what we have overpaid them.
Our bill they sent us dropped from $360 to $140 so it was a chunk of money they were responsible for by law and ever since then they have just been annoying.
They even tried to raise our rent which I said they can't do until our lease is up in feb.
The scaffolding and inspection and rent increase all came up after I questioned the rates.

Ill catch up on all the posts later!
I'm with you canga, I haven't done much because it seems so far away still. But I think I'll try to pack this week my hospital bags and my kids bags for when they are at the grandparents while I'm in the hospital. I still need to get dh to help rearrange rooms and set up our other crib. I would love to have baby, anytime but I'm sure I have another couple of weeks. :(
Aargh, I totally can't get to sleep due to ny nap this afternoon! So annoying! I've been trying to sleep for ages with no luck. I bet DD will wake up as soon as I fall asleep. :sleep:
That sounds very frustrating zephyr!! Yes you would think they could wait a little longer and do it once you've moved out. They sound very inconsiderate and I bet you'll be glad to be away from there. It's a shame though when people upset you during these special periods of time.

It's nice to save a few jobs luvy, keeps you a bit occupied during these last weeks!
M2c - I've always thought and been resigned to going over as well and never minded but this stop start thing is so confusing! Have you got a date in mind when you think baby will come?

Canga! So sorry you're not sleeping well. You have my sympathies, especially with a poorly dd to contend with too. Makes the days so much harder.

Despite my nap yesterday I slept really well and dd has been sleeping well too which is good. Time for a long walk methinks, maybe go to the beach and look in some rockpools :) mum arrives this week so I will be able to take it a bit easier.
Cangaroo it's always the way isn't it! As soon as you finally drift off someone needs you! Doh!

Zephyr sorry you've had a bit of stressful time. Some people just don't use there brains!

Veronica I'm betting it's very frustrating! Well Corban was 7 days late and indigo 9 days late so I always had in my head 11 days late!!!! Haha! Guess we will see!

I finally got to sleep around 2am and DD woke st 3.30. She fixed for a little while, but woke up again around 4. She ended up in our bed, which is usually fine but she was very wriggle and wanted me to cuddle her in positions which were uncomfortable for me. Grr. Got some more sleep eventually. No more afternoon naps for me!

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