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Breastfeeding & pregnant Mammas

So I just realized that I've been calculating my due date based on when I ovulated, and not by my LMP, but they're only a day apart, and I know my OB's office will definitely use my LMP, so I think I'm just going to change my ticker to reflect that, since I don't want to have to keep the two straight. So just in case you're wondering why I suddenly became an extra day preganant. :haha:

Hope everyone is feeling okay. :flower:
We told my MIL today as we took her out for Mothers Day lunch (she has plans in London with SIL tomorrow). She was delighted and cried a little. It was lovely!

I'm doing well apart from the exhaustion, which I'm struggling with.

Thinking of you, Charlie.
Oh Spiffy you too!! Congrats! I fell off Krippy's old thread awhile back when I took a break and I see two BFP's! YAY! I hope I am next!
Oh Spiffy you too!! Congrats! I fell off Krippy's old thread awhile back when I took a break and I see two BFP's! YAY! I hope I am next!

Thanks, ClaireCath! I also hope to see you around these parts soon! :winkwink:

Oh, and VJean is also pregnant, too! So you should definitely be next!
How is everyone doing?

I go back to work tomorrow. Not sure how I'll find the energy! At least, all being well, it should be just 7 months until maternity leave.
Oh Spiffy you too!! Congrats! I fell off Krippy's old thread awhile back when I took a break and I see two BFP's! YAY! I hope I am next!

Thanks, ClaireCath! I also hope to see you around these parts soon! :winkwink:

Oh, and VJean is also pregnant, too! So you should definitely be next!
That's awesome!! Congrats to VJean too! I am going for my IUI on Wednesday and have a really good feeling about it! :happydance:
Hi everyone! How are you all doing? I'm 8 weeks tomorrow and am having my booking in appt with my midwife so I'm pretty excited.
I also need to figure out how to get my Doppler back from my friend.... I may just tell her the truth but I'm not sure whether I should leave it another week for the sake of my own sanity. I have my scan Wednesday week so assuming that everything is as it should be I would see a heartbeat then and as I found dd's heartbeat at exactly 9 weeks I could use it from then...... Hmmm how early have you heard babys hb with a Doppler??? Anyone heard it before 9 weeks? Xxxx
Hey ladies,

Veronica maybe hold out until your scan?! I think I was 9-10 weeks with indigo and I only knew where to look as a paid attention to were the wand was on my early scan! Plus I was super thin after my chemo. Excited you have your midwife and scan next week.

Cangaroo Goodluck with work! Keep thinking only 7 months to go!!!!!

I had my scan today! All looked to be ok! Baby is measuring 7 weeks and 4 days so that's good. Only got to look at baby and heart beat for a few seconds as I had a rubbish dr!!!! Boo! Got my booking in app next Friday. Morning sickness is just awful! Nausea is just horrible and being sick here and there.

How's everyone else?

Congrats on your scan M2C! Sounds good, though it's a shame the Dr wasn't able to give you a better look.

I got my scan appointment through today. The midwife only sent my paperwork through on Thursday so it arrived amazingly quickly. I was booked for 2nd May which would have been 12 weeks exactly, but I'm working that day and it would have been tricky having the time off so I've changed it to Wednesday 7th May. I'm sad I had to change it, but it's only 5 extra days. Also as I tested positive so late having the scan later is probably sensible.
Veronicaco, last time around, I think I found the heartbeat with my Doppler at 10 weeks. Of course, that won't stop me from trying at 8 weeks this time around. :haha:

M2C, I'm glad to hear that your ultrasound went so well! I'm sorry your dctor didn't give you a bit more time with bubs though.

Cangaroo, I hope you find the energy for work!

Speaking of energy, I was so tired this morning that I burst into tears and my DH sent me back to bed for an hour and went into work a little later. Both DD and DS were up multiple times last night and then DS has been waking up for the day at 4:50am on the dot for over a week now. It's horrible. :nope:
Spiffy Oh no that is awful!! Mine have been doing that also. Max wakes at 4 430 and Aria at 5. I don't get to sleep till well after midnight and I wake alot :( hubbys been sending me back to bed too lol

last night I got so little sleep but couldn't sleep in cos I have a multiple birth coffee morning this morning and since I'm the host I have to be there :/ ugggh
May I join? I am due on October and still BF my 16 month old 3-4 times a day. I am lucky that he sleeps through the night so he feeds in the morning, before nap, and before bed. We were lucky enough to fall pregnant after my period returned for only 3 months...Very happy to be here and I plan to tandem feed if things still go well. Nipples are starting to get a bit more tender, may be his latch, and my milk is producing like crazy. More that I have had in a long time and he seems to never want to quit nursing. Happy to be here!
Hey Krippy! :wave: That's awesome that your supply is actually increasing! From what I hear, it almost always drops, so that's great! :thumbup:
Welcome Krippy! I've had no drop in my supply yet either.
Hi Krippy!

M2C! So glad your scan went well!! Mega excited for mine now :)

Midwife was lovely and really seems to know her stuff which is very reassuring.

How's everyone else? X
Oh man, I don't know what was going on last night, but I woke up at 2am with some of the worst stomach pains I've ever had, and not cramps, more like "run to the bathroom" kind of pains, and run I did! I think someday hit the emergency evacuation switch for my bowels (TMI!) but it was a horrible experience. :( I also felt like throwing up for a little while, and smarted to fear that I'd gotten food poisoning, but the whole things cleared up after about 45 minutes, so that was good.
Spiffy I tend to get diarrhoea rather than become constipated! Not sure what I'd rather have though!

Veronica great news in your midwife! I'm soooo curious as to my new midwife. With Corban I had different ones and with indie a young girl who didn't seem to know her arse from her elbow!

That's how it was with me, M2C. My first OB was okay, but not great. She didn't diagnose my DD's IUGR and she just gave me an episiotomy without asking. :growlmad: My second OB, however, has been great, and I'm going to be using her again this time. Glad you found a good midwife, Veronicaco!

So thanks to my sickness last night, I now weigh less than I have since I first became pregnant with my DD! :haha::happydance: (3 pound difference from when I weighed myself last night :dohh:)

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