Breastfeeding & pregnant Mammas

Yes, hopefully! At least an attempt at VBAC, though I have a fairly high chance of ending up with another emergency c-section. I'm pleased I get to wait until the baby is ready, however I end up delivery. And buying the Tens machine wasn't a waste!
Well at least you get to give it a go. Fingers crossed your vbac goes to plan. I've never used a tens machine it my sister gave me hers so it's waiting to be used! Hopefully it takes the edge off the pain!

I found it really helpful last time, but the one I used was borrowed and has since been sold!
My sister hired one and never returned it! She never used it so all the pads are unused. She just gave it to me too! Yes! Xx
M2C, your bump is lovely! I hope you only have one more picture, at most. :winkwink:

Cangaroo, I'm so glad baby is head down and that you get to try for your VBAC! I know you told us, but what was the reason for your emergency C-section last time?

I've never used a tens machine except at a chiropractor's office. They're not a very popular form of pain relief for pregnant women over here. I'm glad you both get to use it though!

Jess, tomorrow is the big day! Are you doing anything fun today to celebrate your last day before baby?

So last night I changed Asher, fed him, he pooped, so I changed him again, then he threw up his entire bottle all over himself and me, so I changed his clothes, and then he pooped again! I was so happy to be able to pass him off to DH shortly after all that. :wacko:
Oh man...just found out that the Dr who actually runs the entire blood bank at the hospital re-did my levels himself. They were actually higher. So unfortunately no lab error. :( 5 hours till appointment!

Thanks everyone for the encouragement and happy thoughts!

Canga, GREAT NEWS!!!! So glad she's head down!!! Hope you end up with a lovely VBAC :)

M2c, you have the cutest bump! Looks like you're starting to drop. Happy happy 39 weeks!

Spiffy, thanks so much! :hugs: I have been praying and I also prayed for Asher! You're right, it worked :)
We posted at the same time spiffy!

Lol at passing him off to dh :)
Hi guys! Sorry I haven't had chance to catch up on everything that's been happening!

We are home! Which is great. I am beyond knackered and the incision is uncomfortable but really I am so grateful that the hospital made the decisions that they did! Ds's apgar scores were 9 at one min and ten at five mins which is so good considering!
It was scary I cried a lot. Started bleeding as soon as labour established so legged it to hospital, had dd with us so I was on my own in the room. Bleeding increased, heart rate was dropping, ruptured my membranes and meconium in waters. Labour stalled and they whisked me in there and then. DH had taken ds for breakkie at my suggestion so I was on my own. I really thought ds wasn't going to make it. When they opened me up they saw that my placenta had partially abrupted! They were amazing though! So supportive and kind.
Veronicaco, that sounds so scary! I'm so glad that everything turned out okay in the end. :hugs: The pictures you posted on Facebook are adorable!

TTC, I hope things go okay at your appointment. :hugs:
Aw that is scary! I'm really glad to hear everything worked out though and yay for being at home now :p

Canga that's great news baby is head down!

Ttc good luck with your appointment, I really hope everything is okay.

Thanks everyone they leave on Friday so two more days of noise and people in my windows.

My dad flies in this morning to meet Annabelle I cant wait.
That sounds do scary Veronica! Glad you're both ok and home. You've done well getting home so quickly considering! Hope you get dome restful time to process everything that's happened and to recuperate.

Spiffy- with DD1 I was in labour at home from around midnight Saturday night contracting twice every 10 minutes, walking through almost every contraction (apart from a couple of hours of broken sleep), and vomiting until I eventually went into hospital on the Monday evening. I was 3cm at that point, so they gave me some antisickness medication and pethidine so I could sleep. It wore off after a few hours, and I contracted for the test of the night. By the time I was checked the next morning, I was 6cm, so got to go in the pool and have gas and air (and more anti-sickness stuff!). I contracted all day in the pool and stalled st 9.5cm. She never descended and the last lip of cervix never went despite them breaking my waters and giving me syntocinon (Pitocin) for an hour. It eventually became clear she didn't fit and she was eventually born by c-section at 10:15pm. Everything was in our favour for a normal delivery- I was mobile and upright during labour, no drugs in active labour apart from gas and air, correct position, spontaneous labour etc and it still ended up as truly obstructed, so chances of successful VBAC are relatively low. My only hope is it all being quicker, resulting in less swelling. We'll see!

Sorry it's long, but with a 70 hour labour it's hard to tell the story quickly!
Cangaroo, well hopefully with it being your second, your labor will go quicker. Also, maybe this baby will be a little smaller, which should make things easier for your body. I really hope it works out. I can't even imagine a 70 hour labor! :shock: I mean, I had contractions for half of my pregnancy, but at least they weren't painful. You deserve a medal!
It really wasn't that bad. I know on paper it looks awful, but I felt in control throughout and am perfectly happy to do it again. I hope it is quicker this time, though! My bump is measuring slightly smaller than last time (just under 36cm at 36.5/40) so hopefully the baby is smaller. No signs she'll come any time soon, though!
Cangaroo, that is such great news that she's head down! You must be so relieved.

Veronicaco, that is so scary! I'm so glad everything turned out okay.

Zephyr. Sorry you're landlords are so awful. We've only rented a couple times and we're very lucky to have had great landlords. Time will pass quick and hopefully your next house will be a much better experience.

Ttc, prayers for you and your little one. Thank goodness for the times we live in where preemies have a high success rate.

As for me, just got back from my 38 week appt. No progress. No surprise. But ouch I forgot how "uncomfortable" it is to get checked. He did a brief US and everything looks good. Position, fluid, etc. Now it's just more of the waiting game. Got kind of a peek at her face. Couldn't see much but it makes me so excited to meet her.
Oh my! That's all so scary and specially being on your own. I'm just so glad to hear your both ok. Hope your getting rest and making the most if your little guy. How much did he weigh? Would love to see a picture of him when you can post one!

Congratulations lovely xx
M2C, she posted a few pictures in our "Preggo Pals from BnB" group on Facebook. You should go check them out! :flower:
Cangaroo you must have been exhausted labouring for that long. Hoping that your labour works our for you. This time round I've been measuring 2cm smaller than my weeks but I can feel baby so well I don't think it's a smaller baby.

Luvymom pleased all is well!

Not long for us ladies!!!! Hopefully!

Jess Goodluck! Be thinking of you! Will be looking out for a update!


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