Breastfeeding & pregnant Mammas

Well done on getting sorted, Luvymom! Putting laundry away was my job for yesterday, but I didn't get around to it as DD was poorly. I'll sort it today! We also need to build a wardrobe today. .

I'm doing well apart from my hands! This new development of carpal tunnel is very annoying. I don't expect the baby to come any time soon. Perhaps something will happen after my sweep on Wednesday, but I think it's more likely I'll still be waiting in a week! I don't really mind. Happy to wait.

I think Luvymom and I are the last November mums! Lookslike I'll be the last to deliver.

Hope all the mummies and babies are well. M2C- are you home? How was your first night?

TTC- how are you getting on?
We've had a lovely day. We went to a Christmas Fair with some friends. DD is better, she bounced back very quickly from her poorly day yesterday!

Toddler-wearing at 39+2/40!
I love your wrap! I can't believe you are smiling in the pic though haha carrying a toddler that far along! Glad to hear dd is much better. Sorry about the carpal tunnel.

Nothing new here, Annabelle still feeds like crazy. Max is slowly weaning himself. He will ask every second day or so now but the time in between is getting longer. Really glad it hasnt been stressful for him.
It was fine! I wore her for around half an hour with no problems. Couldn't have managed much longer, though!

Zephyr- I hope you're managing in with Annabelle's frequent feeds. How lovely that Max is weaning in such a relaxed, stress-free way. Fantastic! I'm so curious to see what DD does when the baby arrives. She only ever has a very short feed just before going to sleep these days. She says she'll feed more when there's milk again and she wants to share milk with the baby, but who knows?! Could go either way.

So here is my little lady Iya Anne. I woke up Thursday night/Friday morning at about 2am to some pain.... To start I thought I'd been laying on my dude to long and had gotten uncomfy so inlaid on my other dude and tried to get back to sleep! About 10 minutes later I felt pain in my lower back and tummy.... Had about 3 more so I woke chris.... Few more I called my mum to come over. She took about an hour to get to us and I was having more and more intense contractions so once my mum arrived we left for the hospital. Got to the midwife led unit at 4.45am and little miss came at 5.28am. No pain relief! After all the worry etc it was actually my best labour. I felt in control and was calm. My waters broke just as I started pushing and found she had done a poo.... But luckily only a few pushes and she was out. She cried straight away so they were happy she was alright. Just avoided a stitch and have a graze. Was allowed home 6 hours after delivery so yesterday lunch time. These after pains are a killer though!

Corban and indigo have been super with her! I'm so in love with all of my babies.

Mo2p been thinking of you.

Cangaroo what an awesome picture!

Hope you two ladies aren't far behind! I'm still shocked she was only 2 days late!!!

Hope everyone else is getting on ok?

Aww!!!!! Iya is precious M2c!!! I am so glad everything went so well! How is everything with being home? and you'll be home for Corbans b day tomorrow! !!! have a wonderful day with your sweet little family!

Cangaroo, I am majorly impressed you're still able to wear your dd!!!! I hope you are able to get everything done today! with enough time left over to rest! :)

Luvymom, I'm sorry you've got so much to do! enjoy the new couch though! Hope things get started quickly for you! Your wee one will be here before you know it!

I hope all of you lovely moms are doing well at home with your newborns!!!!

I'm doing well! Had monitoring for the baby yesterday. not sure if you all are familiar with biophysical profiles but that's what we did. they used a little buzzer on my tummy to get him to practice breathe but he passed with a 10/10 score on their points system. The appt was actually a nice break for me I got to basically rest in a recliner for a 40 minute non stress test then had an ultrasound. DH kept ds and I picked up lunch on the way home. So it was nice!
today I've been sick with morning sickness and headache. I have a sewing project I want to do for baby but feel so crap it may get put off another day.

Hope everyone is well :)
Gorgeous M2C! I'm so glad it went well for you and your other two have taken to Iya so well. Hope you're being well looked after at home and able to get some rest.

Glad all is well TTC!
Cangaroo, your wrap is similar to mine (or at least the colors). Here's me wearing my DD in it when she was a baby. :flower: Your DD looks so much like you! Oh, and I always get carpal tunnel at the end of my pregnancies. It sucks. :(


M2C, I'm so glad your labor went so well and that your other two are doing so well with Iya. She's adorable! :cloud9:

TTC, I'm glad your appointment went so well! I had a spur of the moment non-stress test once with my DS1, so I had my DD with me and I had to try and keep her on my lap and happy, which with a 15 month old, was not easy! So it was a very stressful non-stress test. :winkwink:

Zephyr, I weighed Asher on my scale at home yesterday (by subtracting my weight while holding him) and he's about 7.4lbs. It's amazing that two babies born on the same day can be so different in size! :haha:
Aww M2c she is beautiful! I love the birth story it sounds like it went really well.
I had to laugh at the bit where you Said you thought you had been laying on your dude too long so you rolled over to lay on your other dude lmao

Ttc glad you had a good appointment and that the non stress test went well. Hope your morning sickness and headache pass soon!

Spiffy oh wow he's so teeny! I love your wrap too! I wanted to get a wrap but I chose a ssc instead. I was a bit worried id hate it but it's worked out to be better than I thought it would be.
Crampy all last night and today but still no contractions! Been waddling on the elliptical and bouncing on my ball. Hoping something will start to happen. I really would like things to start before the induction. I guess only time will tell.
Luvymom- remind me: which day is your induction booked for?

Still nothing here, as expected! Hopefully something will happen after my sweep on Wednesday.
I'm booked for Tuesday. I am seeing my Dr tomorrow and he said I cancel if I want to but since my ds birthday is on Wednesday and my Dr leaves town on Thursday, I'll probably just keep it. I really want my Dr to deliver. I hope your sweep on Wednesday works.
It's a difficult decision, isn't it? I'll need to decide on Wednesday when to book my c-section if I don't go into spontaneous labour since they won't induce me due to my previous section. I think I'll wait until at least term+12. How long is your OB away for?
Morning everyone! Hope all mummies and babies are well. Not long now, Luvymom! How are you TTC?

My hands are much better now. They're still puffy, but the carpal tunnel has eased off and they don't ache so much. I have a cold now, though! One thing after another... I have plans every day this week apart from Friday, but DD will be at the childminder's so there are a few things I've thought that might be nice for me to do. I need to keep busy!
How are you ladies?

Luvymom are you still going for induction tomorrow!

Cangaroo I'm hoping your sweep kick starts something. Good to hear your busy and your hands feel better.

Midwife came today and Iya has lost a little weight so is 8lb 7oz but it's in the normal range of weight loss so it's all ok. My after pains are starting to ease off but my milk has full on come in so that's a little uncomfortable. All else is super though!

Induction is still on for tomorrow. I am so grumpy! I so want to go into labor on my own! And now if I do I don't even get to labor in the comfort of my own home because since I'm driving to my appointment today and the induction is tomorrow, I'm just staying near the hospital at my sisters house. If by some miracle I start labor today I think I'll convince the hubby to get a hotel. But wow I'm in such a bad mood about it all! I just want to cry. I know it's silly but it's just not what I had planned at all! Cangaroo, I need to be as positive as your are.
Luvymom, do you have all your kids staying at your sister's house with you? If you want to kill some time today, you could always come over and have a play date with me. :winkwink:

Cangaroo, I hope the sweep does the trick for you!

M2C, the pain of engorgement is still very fresh in my mind, so you have my sympathies! I'm glad all is well, though. :flower:
Luvymom- I'm not sure I'm positive! I just know I'm not going into labour any time soon and I'm ok with that. You could always cancel your induction. You're not even overdue yet, after all! They wouldn't even offer an induction without a medical indication at this stage over here.

Glad Iya hasn't lost too much, M2C! Sorry you're uncomfortable. Hope things settle quickly!
I've thought of canceling, but emotionally, I really want my Dr to deliver. He knows my history and all the losses I've been through, he understands how my anxiety gets, so the thought of not having him deliver also makes me want to cry. And I know he respects ant request I may have (episiotomy, pitocin, etc). I'm still crossing my fingers I start tonight on my own. Maybe after my internal today something will start. ;)

Spiffy, I wish we could meet up for a play date. That would be awesome! But with my appt, and picking up some things for my kids while we're gone, then I have to run downtown to get hubby from the agency he's working with today, I sadly won't even have time to sit much. :(

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