Breastfeeding & pregnant Mammas

congratulations luvymom!

sorry they couldn't do the sweep today Cangaroo! But I'm sure it feels good to have everything set for Dec. But with that said I hope you have her before then :)

Spiffy congrats on the first smile :)

m2c, glad to hear little Iya is back to birth weight!
Hi everyone! Hope you are all good, Ive been a total flake recently but have contracted a nasty infection in my c-sec scar and am on a lot of antibiotics :( hoping to be back to normal soon x
Hi Veronica! Good to hear from you. Sorry your recovery hasn't been smooth. Hope the antibiotics kick in quickly and you feel much better very soon!

DD is at the childminder today so I have a day to myself to celebrate due date! I'm spending it meeting up with people, hut am really tired so hoping to nap this afternoon.
Veronicaco, I'm so sorry you've developed an infection. :( I hope it heals up soon. :hugs:

Cangaroo, happy due date! Make sure you get a nap today. :flower:

Wish me lots of luck, ladies! I have to take all three kids with me to my 6 week postpartum check today. Not looking forward to it. :nope:
Spiffy- That sounds like hard work! Hope your appointment goes well.

My due date has passed uneventfully. Just 3 more hours until DD2 is officially late! :rofl: I have a nice day of Christmas shopping with MIL planned while DD1 is at the childminder tomorrow.
happy due date Cangaroo! Sounds like you have fun plans for tomorrow! I hope you enjoy it!

Spiffy how did it go?

Veronica I'm so sorry about your infection :hugs: Feel better soon!

I've been feeling terrible today for no discernable reason. I just feel like I got hit by a truck! I have a lot of pressure in my bum today like I need to go to the bathroom but I don't need to (sorry if tmi). blech! We were supposed to meet friends at the zoo tomorrow but I've cancelled and asked her to come over here instead so I don't have to get out.
TTC, sorry you've been feeling crappy. :( If you recall, Zephyr and I both had that "poo pressure" feeling too. Not very comfortable! :blush:

Cangaroo, well, if nothing else, you can officially say that you were right, since you predicted that DD2 would be late. :winkwink:

Well, the appointment itself was fine, as in everything is healed up and there's no concerns, but the rest was a giant ball of stress and frustration. Trying to deal with 3 kids under the age of 3 at a doctor's office (especially when they make you wait an hour to be seen!) is not fun! Asher was crying, so I tried feeding him a bottle while chasing Liam, who kept bolting for the elevators, and then one of the nurses gave Alia some crayons and a picture to color, but then she and Liam were fighting over the crayons. And all of this was happening during lunch/naptime, so Liam was tired and hungry and cranky. Oh, and what made it worse was that some guys came over to replace our furnace just before I had to leave for my appointment, so DH had to come from work to be here while I was gone, so he ended up missing a bunch of work and is going to have to stay late tonight to make up for it. :(

Okay, rant over. :haha:
Spiffy awh! You are very brave! I still will not go out alone with my younger 3 lol I'm not ready yet.
Thankfully hubby has Sundays and mondays off so all my appointments are made on a Monday.
loved that video of Asher smiling too, he is so cute.

Cangaroo sorry you didn't get your sweep. Not long to go though! Have fun xmas shopping.

Veronica so sorry about the infection. Get well soon!

Ttc ick I still remember that bum pressure feeling it is the worst! I hope you feel better soon.

Things have been better here, Annabelle pooped again the next day (yesterday) and had been happier. No poop yet today but she hasn't had any long screaming fits since we stated the probiotics. When she has fussed we side lay her and shush and bob her a little and it works. Hubby is amazed.
If anyone was wondering about the toilet training that is going well too. They still wear nappies off and on during the day but when we take them off for half the day there are no accidents. They go every time in the potty!
Once I know Annabelle is all settled im going to work on full day potty training again.
I just got home from l&d. I went for contractions and pressure that felt like more than irritable uterus. On the monitor I was having strong contractions mixed in with smaller IU ones.

The Dr checked me and said she could get her finger in but not all the way through. then they checked for infections and did a fetal fibronectin test. Infection tests were negative but the ffn came back positive. It scared me because I had many done with ds1 and they were all negative. The Dr checked me again and said no change so they gave me a shot to stop contractions and monitored more. Once they were sure the contractions stopped they sent me home. Hopefully things will stay calm because I really did get nervous.
TTC- That sounds scary. Sorry FFN came back positive. Only 20% of people with positive FFN have a baby within a week according to the internet, so hopefully yours was a false positive. It's great everything settled down. :hugs: Thinking of you!
TTC, did they check your cervix before they did the FFN? If so, that will cause a false positive, since nothing in supposed to enter the vagina for 24-48 hours before a FFN. Either way, though, I'm really hoping that you don't actually go into labor in the next two weeks. I went into labor 3 weeks after I was a fingertip dilated, so even if you hang on that long, you'll be at the 32 week mark which is when danger for preemies drops dramatically. I'm not sure what their instructions to you were, but I'd treat myself like I was on bed rest if I were you, just in case. And drink lots of water. :hugs:

Zephyr, I'm glad the calming trick is still working for you and I'm glad the probiotics seem to be helping. And that's awesome that the twins are still doing so well with potty training! I'm still not having any success with Alia on that front.
thanks cangaroo!

thanks spiffy they did the ffn first then she checked me after she went and sent everything to the lab. i realized i typed it confusingly but it was late lol. I haven't had a darn thing in there in the past like 10 weeks! I take that back. .. my ob checked me at 22 weeks. so 8 weeks pretty much. I think it's extremely unlikely to be a false positive as I just don't have any of the normal factors for that. But I will say my last ob would always do transvaginal ultrasounds then cervix check then ffn. when I'd ask him he said " it's usually fine" lol. he was so crazy all the research says do it first before any exam. But even with that they were always negative.

last night when I finally got to bed I was having contractions that would actually wake me up every hour or so. I've never had them wake me. so I'm feeling a bit unsettled. my plan for now is try to rest as much as I can until Monday. I'll ask my ob to check my cervix again and if I've had change I'll ask about possibly getting steroid shots.
spiffy I have to tell you I've been extremely tempted to buy first Christmas stuff for Jude this whole pregnancy. I have no idea why as that seems much too early but I was thinking of Ashers sweet little pumpkin outfit.
TTC, sometimes you just know (just like how the ladies on here that all said they knew their babies would be late went late!). I even told Jess on Facebook that I was guessing Asher would come at 35 weeks, and we know how that ended. ;)

That being said, I hope Jude hangs in there until at least 32 weeks. :hugs:
Cangaroo, I've been having about 2 an hour but they're not too strong so I'm not too worried now. Thanks for asking :) How are you feeling? Did you have fun shopping?

Spiffy you were so right about Asher. I am really really aiming for 36+ weeks if at all possible. At Christmas I think I'll be 34 nearly 35 weeks. So let's hope he does not come then.

Ok I've been having stabby cervix pains now. I am just telling myself don't worry but I kind of can't help it. I don't want to go to the hospital unnecessarily as its actually expensive and its difficult to shuffle ds. But at the same time I don't want to screw up and miss something. I really wish I was brave enough (and competent enough) to check myself lol. Spiffy I am not as brave as you!
TTC- It must be so difficult to know what to do and when to get checked. I can't imagine cost being something I had to consider when deciding whether to go to hospital or not. I sort of thought there would be a flat fee you pay and the insurance company would cover the rest. If they get any more frequent you'll have to go back in. :hugs:

I'm very well, thanks! Not too frustrated yet. She'll come when she's ready. We had a good time Christmas shopping. I was hoping to do a nice long walk tomorrow but it looks like it's going to rain all day.
Cangaroo, rainstorms are also supposed to help put you in labor, just like full moons. Something to do with the barometric pressure (I went into labor with DS1 during a rainstorm). :winkwink:

TTC, I know exactly how you feel! In fact, it was the potential cost of going to the hospital to get checked that made me decide to learn how to check my own cervix, because I still remember how painful it was to get that $500 bill in the mail for my 29 week hospital visit with DS. And that was with WAY better insurance than we have now. I'm also glad that I learned, because on the night I went into labor, I wasn't sure whether to take my contractions seriously until I checked my cervix and realized I was way more dilated than I had been at my last check. I'm not trying to scare you, but I wouldn't have known I was in labor if it weren't for that, so it's definitely better to be safe than sorry and go back to the hospital, because if you wait too long, there's less they can do to try and stop it. :hugs:
you ladies are right and of course being this early I will not be taking a chance. The contractions have eased off for now maybe getting 1 an hour. I do think I may have slight cervical changes starting because I do have those little stabby pains every so often. But I'm definitely feeling better than yesterday so I'll just keep sitting around lol :)

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