Breastfeeding & pregnant Mammas

Just thought I'd offer, since it might've helped if you had a bunch of time to sit around and wait, but it sounds like you'll be pretty busy! :flower:

I totally understand why you want to have your own doctor deliver. :hugs: I had the on-call doctor with Asher until 7am, and while she was great, I just felt so much more comfortable once my own doctor took over. Plus, I had a horrible OB with my first baby, and she gave me an episiotomy without even asking or mentioning it, and I know my own doctor would never do something like that.
It's such a difficult decision, Luvymom. I completely understand why you'd want your own OB to deliver. It's such a shame he's going away! It sounds like he'll make sure you get as close to the birth you want as possible, though. We have no way of ensuring who will deliver our baby other than having an elective c-section! It's whoever is on call. All being well, it'll be a midwife rather than a Dr, but I suspect I won't be that lucky and will have need of a Dr at some point!
Luvymom, I'm sorry! it sounds like you're having such a tough emotional day :( I understand wanting to go on your own but also wanting your Dr to be there. I really really hope your internal will put you into labor! :hugs:

M2c, glad to hear Iya didn't lose too much weight! hope the engorged feeling won't last too long for you!

Hi spiffy! how is the every other night plan working out?

Cangaroo, you seem like you're in such a great place! I hope I can be as easy going and patient as you when I'm approaching 40 weeks :) I bet you're getting so excited to meet your dd2!!!! Has dd1 come around to her not being called Ruby? There's a girl on another board here and her dd wanted to name her new baby brother Jesus. since they told her no, she refuses to talk about naming him at all :) How are you physically?

well ladies I woke up to some brown blood in my underwear. I wiped and had light brown. now nothing. I was having contractions 30 minutes apart but they've settled. my ob said if I get more spotting or if I have a lot more contractions to go in. I'm really wanting to avoid a trip down there. I just can't imagine what caused it. we haven't had sex (sorry tmi) in weeks and weeks. I haven't been constipated. I didn't do anything strenuous. I'm not too worried. I see the nurse practicioner at the perinatalogist office in the morning so I'm just going to see if they'll maybe check my cervix. if not I'll ask my ob at my appointment next Monday.
DD has pretty much accepted the name change, thankfully! We just started referring to the baby as Suzie constantly and stopped mentioning Ruby. She corrected us to Ruby a couple of times but is now going with "Suzie Sue" instead of "Ruby Roo"! So I think we're good! I have a personalised nappy and big/little sister t-shirts on their way to me so we can't change the name now!

We have a super busy day tomorrow of a toddler music group, lunch at a friend's, haircut and then swimming. Wednesday's similarly busy to stop me getting fed up! I'm physically very well. I was able to take DD to the top of the big slide at soft play today, and on a carousel at the weekend! I get tired in the evenings as sleeping isn't great, plus my back aches a little doing things like washing up and cooking, but mostly I'm fine. Which is irritating in a way as it means OH isn't very sympathetic when I am feeling a little pregnant and fed up!

Hope everything settles down for you, TTC, and you can hang on to be seen tomorrow. Any doubt, go in and be checked, though!
Thanks, TTC, the nights are going pretty well. I think we both prefer doing every other night, because the full night of sleep is so nice. Plus, for me, I think I actually feel better after I had the crappy night of sleep, because I have the night off to look forward to.

I really hope the spotting is nothing serious. I'm glad that you have an appointment tomorrow, and I would definitely ask to have your cervix checked, just in the case the blood was caused by dilation. :hugs:

Cangaroo, sounds like you won't have too much spare time to think about when that baby's coming! :winkwink: Try to take it easy when you can, though, so you have enough energy for labor and after!
Hopefully it was nothing ttc! Good luck at your appointment :)

Well I'm having a rough time tbh. I didn't want to say anything earlier because I was hoping it would all settle down but Annabelle is unsettled often and screams every evening for hours on end.
Dropping dairy from my diet seemed to have worked for a couple of weeks but then it all started up again and shes fussy all day!
I don't even put her down anymore during the day cos the second I do she starts up again.

She doesn't vomit much so I don't know if it's reflux or colic or what.
I've been giving her Infacol the past 2 days which has helped a teeny bit.
We just started her on probiotic drops today after my midwife suggested that.
She is very gassy so it is some kind of tummy upset.
uggh I hate to complain about it but it's starting to really affect my days now cos im spent sitting or standing rocking her and trying to keep her happy.

Any suggestions? I'm hoping these probiotics help but the things I've read online about them don't seem too exciting lol
Zephyr- sorry you're having a rough time. Could it be reflux? DD was similar and it was reflux due to her tongue tie (which I never got snipped as I didn't realise the connection until much later). She improved with Gaviscon and then when we started Ranitidine she stopped needing the Gaviscon. It's worth seeing an IBCLC to check if there are any breastfeeding issues making her unsettled. Keep her upright etc as well! Good luck!

Luvymom- Happy baby day! Hope the induction goes smoothly. Can't wait to hear all about it!
Still waiting for the hospital to call for a time to go in. We had curry for dinner last night, hoping that old wives tale would work. But no luck. I have started losing some of my plug though still zero contractions. I also dreamed they couldn't fit me in to be induced. Ugh. Hopefully they call soon. I was really hoping labor would start as I was getting a ton more bh yesterday. Feels like it's just never going to happen!

Ttc, I hope your appointment can give you some answers on the blood.

Zephyr, so spey things are going so rough. My first was really hard life that. I can't imagine dealing with the fussy and having toddlers. Praying it gets better for your asap.
Luvymom, I hope you get a call with your induction time soon! How exciting! :flower:

Zephyr, you can complain as often as you need to. We've all had/have newborns, so we know how hard it can be. :hugs: I think having you ladies to cry to when I'm having a horrible day has helped, especially because as great as my DH is, sometimes he just doesn't understand.

I'm so sorry Annabelle is having such a hard time. :( My DD was like that, especially in the evenings, and it was awful. In her case, it was reflux, but we didn't realize that until later when someone told us the signs to look for. The only thing that saved our sanity during that time was swaddling her up, holding her on her side, gently bobbing her up and down, letting her suck on a binky, and making loud shushing noises (it's the 5 S's from "Happiest Baby on the Block", and it supposed to help simulate the feeling of being in the womb) and it usually always worked to calm her down when she was screaming. We used that method for DS1 as well when he was really fussy and it worked for him, too. Here's a video about it:

As for the cause of the fussing, I wish I could help you out. :( Every time Asher is crying (except when he's hungry or has a full diaper) it's always related to gas, so when he fusses, we just burp him. Sometimes it takes a ridiculous amount of time, but he usually always burps (or farts) eventually and then feels better.

I hope you find a solution soon, because that just sounds awful. :nope:
Luvymum hopefully they call you soon! With my son I went to a curry place and asked them to make me a curry to induce labour and he laughed and said "I've had that happen 3 times right here in my resturant" So he made me up about 3 or 4 different hot curries. It didn't work but I was craving curry so bad so I was happy cos it was breakfast lunch tea and snacks hehe

Thanks ladies, I guess it could be reflux I just don't know. Every day I keep thinking whatever it is will pass but then it doesn't.
We will be seeing the gp next week sometime for her 6 week check up so if it is still going on then I will chat with them about it.

Thanks for the video Spiffy I will try that We usually do all that except the side lying. So I will give that a try today.

Definitely nowhere near as bad as Aria (we were tearing our hair out and most days ended in tears for us at this point) but it is still hard, especially when Im spending so much time rocking and cuddling and still needing to function but nothing is helping.

Max and Aria are coping well thank goodness for colouring pens and movies!

Its almost 7am and Annabelle is sleeping peacefully next to me, which makes me question reflux because our nights are fine she normally sleeps well. So confusing!
Hope you're in hospital by now, Luvymom, and things are starting for you! Good luck!

Nothing to report here. Feels like the baby could be here for weeks longer!
I'm a little slow on the updates but our baby girl arrived safe at sound at 4:15 pm after 2 minutes of pushing, the best pushing experience I've ever had. Weighing in at 7 lbs 13 oz, 21 inches long. Will be posting pictures on Facebook tomorrow. We named her Berlynn and we are all in so love with our newest princess.
Congrats luvymom happy to hear that it went well!

Today was a good day. Funny how I say something after having the worst day/night then shes all of a sudden a little happier haha

I think those probiotics have done something as normally she poops every 3rd or 4th day and has done since birth. the midwife was never concerned about it as shes been having huge weight gains but this evening she pooped on day 2!

Spiffy I tried the swaddling holding her on her side and shusshing like in that video and im shocked. It actually worked and she stopped screaming almost instantly! Thank you for posting that. Learn something new every day!
Congrats Luvymom! Fantastic news. Glad it went well! Enjoy your son's birthday today.

Glad things are improving, Zephyr! Long may it last.

I'm still here, the last one of the November lot still pregnant as expected! I have a consultant appointment today for a sweep, so maybe something will happen soon. Not holding my breath, though!
Luvymom congratulations lovely! She sounds perfect!

Cangaroo hope this sweep kicks something off for you. I thought I'd be in for the long haul too but to my surprise she was only 2 days late so you never know!

Hope all ladies and babies/bumps are well! Have been keeping up with you all just not had much time to post. All well at the moment. Had iya weighed today and she's back to birth weight.

Luvymom, congrats on your new daughter! I'm so glad she arrive safe and sound and that it only took two pushes! It only took two pushes to get Asher out as well, and it was so nice, because I pushed with my first for 3 hours and it was so exhausting! I'm looking forward to seeing pictures!

Zephyr, I'm so glad that helped her crying! Funny that you mentioned her pooping infrequently, because Asher has just started pooping only once a day, and I was wondering if that was okay at his age, but if your midwife wasn't concerned about pooping every 3 or 4 days, then I'm sure once a day is fine. ;)

Cangaroo, I hope your sweep kicks things off!

M2C, I'm glad Iya is back to her birth weight already! :flower:
M2C- Well done to you and Iya for her being back to her birth weight already. Fantastic news!

My clinic appointment was fine. Unfortunately my cervix was still too posterior for a sweep, but I wasn't expecting it to work anyway so not too disappointed! I have a c-section booked for 3rd December (term+13) in case nothing happens before then. I'll have a couple of sweeps next week, and am booked in to clinic on 1st December for them to try to break my waters, so the c-section date is really the last resort. I need to do lots of walking to try to get things going!
Cangaroo, I hope you don't go all the way to your c section. Remember everything can change quickly. Maybe by your next sweep things will change.
Cangaroo, I'm sorry you weren't able to get your sweep. :( Hopefully the next one will be a success.

So Asher smiled today! (I have a video of it on Facebook). He smiled at me two nights ago, but DH told me we couldn't count it for sure until he did it again. Thankfully I got it on video so I could show DH, because it definitely wasn't a fluke. ;) I'm so glad we didn't have to wait until he was 9-11 weeks old, which would have been the normal range for his adjusted age. This also gives me hope that maybe he won't be quite so behind on his other milestones, either. :flower:
Wonderful, Spiffy! First smiles are so precious. :)

I'm jot too bothered about the sweep. It'll start when she's ready, and I don't lnd when oor how that happens! I have made sure not to expect her early, so would have been very surprised if anything had happened before now. I suspect I have another week to wait, at least, and that's fine by me!

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