Breastfeeding & pregnant Mammas

Glad you're feeling a little better, TTC. Have a good rest. Hope you're being well looked after at home!

40+2 and still nothing. I'm getting more Braxton Hicks and they're occasionally slightly crampy, but that's it! I'm seeing the midwife on Monday for a sweep. I don't expect anything to have happened before then.
Ttc, I hope baby stays in as long as possible.

Cangaroo, you never know, things can happen so suddenly. I wish things would've worked out that I could have gone into labor naturally. I felt so much guilt choosing a non medically necessary induction. Maybe you'll be surprised and won't even make it to Monday. :)
Another uneventful day here! It didn't rain in the end, so I got my walk after all. The day I went into labour with DD1, we'd done a 7 mile walk. We didn't manage anywhere near that much today (so much harder with a toddler in tow!) but hopefully it will have helped a little. We enjoyed ourselves and it kept me distracted, anyway!

How is everyone else? Hope the new babies are behaving and hope your contractions have settled, TTC!
Sorry I've been rubbish at replying ladies! I have been reading just not posted! Chris has only had this week off so I've just been making the most of that. Hopefully get sometime to start replying proper next week.

Cangaroo hoping something happens soon for you! Well whatever happens it's not gonna be long. Sounds like your nice and busy though...... Make sure you get some rest too.

Ttc hope your ok lovely xxx

Veronica how are you feeling?

Zephyr your doing amazing what with potty training twins.

Spiffy it's mega your little fella smiled.

Sending hugs to everyone xxx
M2C, the pictures of Iya on Facebook are absolutely gorgeous. Enjoy the time left with your hubby. :flower:
Well, I'm another day closer to meeting baby, but still nothing in the way of signs! Fingers crossed for the sweep being possible tomorrow.

Hope everyone else is well today!
Cangaroo you are such a good sport! I bet it happens soon! Probably when you least expect it.

We are having quite the adjustments here. Not much sleep. And breast feeding has been challenging so far. Very painful. Cracked and bleeding nipples. Ouch! I spent some time chatting with a lactation specialist. So I feel better about trying some ways to fix it. But it might just be an issue of waiting it out until her mouth grows a little bigger. Thank heaven for pain meds.
Cangaroo, fingers crossed that your sweep works tomorrow!

Luvymom, I'm so sorry you're in pain. :( That is one of the worst parts of breastfeeding. I remember feeding Liam when my nipples were cracked and bleeding and just thinking, "I would rather give birth again than do this." I hope they heal soon for you. :hugs:
I had a lot of BH overnight and they're definitely getting more uncomfortable, but nothing painful yet. Going swimming with DD and MIL this morning. I couldn't sleep for ages last night. Not really due to the NHs, I just couldn't settle.

Luvymom- sorry it's been tough. Has she been checked for tongue tie etc? How's her weight? Hope you have a better day today.
The midwife managed a partial sweep, but wasn't able to do as much as she'd have liked. Hopefully they'll repeat the sweep on Wednesday if nothing happens before then- I'm waiting to hear if they can squeeze me in for an appointment.
With all the BH you were having, maybe the partial sweep is all you needed to kick things off. If not, I hope you get that appointment on Wednesday. :flower:

As for me, I think I'm getting my first postpartum AF. I have cramps and spotting right now. No fun. :nope:
Cangaroo hopefully that will be enough to set you off! If not hopefully your next one will do the job. Apart from that how are you feeling?

Spiffy boo to AF!!! Hopefully it's not to bad for you.

Luvymom sorry feeding has been painful.

How's everyone? I have the midwife and health visitor tomorrow. Should get little miss weighed.

I'm feeling really good, thanks. Just starting to get a little fed up, but mostly happy to keep busy and go with the flow! I went into labour in the early hours of 40+5 last time (though it took until late at night on 40+7 to deliver) so I suspect I'll be grumpy when I wake tomorrow and nothing has happened!
:hugs: Cangaroo! You've stayed so positive and patient! I do hope you'll not have much longer to wait! Hoping a second sweep Wednesday will do the trick!

Spiffy, that sounds like my first af after ds1. Even breastfeeding exclusively I got it 6 weeks postpartum. It was dark brown to red spotting then one day of medium flow. Then it was 8-9 weeks til I got it again tho I had a teeny bit of pink and light red spotting about halfway through that time. From then it was like clock work every 28-30 days. Hope it isn't too bad for you! And hope you don't get too broody (I got baby fever BAD when af started) ;)

Luvymom, I'm sorry bf is going so tough! I hope the issues get resolved soon and you can get some pain relief!

Zephyr how are you? Jess? Veronica? Thinking of you mamas!

M2c, I hope you got to enjoy the time with your dh! How are you finding 3 little ones? Easier or tougher than you imagined? Hope your health visitor goes well!

I had all my appointments today. Baby is doing fine, I haven't had any cervical changes over the weekend, and found out I have a yeast infection! My ob was mad they missed it in the hospital last week and said she is sure that explains the spotting I had. She wanted to hold off on steroids for the moment as they have limited benefit after 48 hours and she said they can only administer the rescue steroids once so they want to be sure it's needed. She said yeast won't cause a positive ffn but if I had unnoticed spotting that day then it could. So I'm feeling lots better about things. My uterus is just it's irritable old self and so I can IGNORE contractions and stop worrying. Thanks for all your well wishes everyone!
TTC, that's such a relief! I'm surprised that the yeast infection wasn't picked up at the hospital, because when PTL is suspected, they usually always check to see if an infection is causing it. Oh well, at least they know now so they can treat it.

It's funny that you mentioned your spotting being due to an infection, because I'm starting to wonder if my spotting is due to a UTI, rather than AF, because today I've started to have a little burning when I pee. :blush: I'll see what happens over the next day or two, though.
Oh no! I hope you aren't getting an infection spiffy! At the dollar stores here they have those pee strips to check. Maybe you could get one? :( I hope you're ok!

And they did check for infection but idk what the heck is wrong with my hospital lab because the results came back negative for trichmonas, clue cells, and yeast! I really wonder about the lab because first my bloods getting so screwed up and now this? ???
Fantastic news TTC!

Hope you feel more comfortable soon, Spiffy. I didn't get my first pp AF until 18m pp, so no real advice, sorry! I did, however, have some spotting at 5 ish weeks pp which I was worried was AF, but I then passed what I think was a bit of membrane and it all settled. So if you feel crampy etc and it doesn't all settle, it's worth getting checked out.

I woke up to resettle DD (a quick job these days) and had a small amount of pink discharge, so maybe something's starting to happen! I'm back to the stronger BH, but nothing painful yet at all. I can't get back to sleep, though, so killing timevon B&B for a bit hoping to feel sleepy again soon!
Aaaaaand we have bloody show this morning! Plus clear out and some mild crampy pains. Hopefully things are gearing up to start properly in the next couple of days! Sweep booked for tomorrow pm.
Ooooo cangaroo! Anything else going on? All positive signs lovely. At least you know your nearly there xxx
Lots more bloody show, some more mild crampy pains with BH, nothing bad enough to call a contraction yet, but feels like it's going in the right direction...

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