Breastfeeding & pregnant Mammas

So excited for you cangaroo! Won't be long now. Woo hoo!
Cangaroo, this is so exciting! Our last November baby will be here soon! Keep us updated! :flower:

As for me, I think it's safe to say it's AF. After two days of spotting, it's now a light flow and I'm having more cramps. Also, that stinging feeling is gone, so it may have been related to DTD :blush:. Oh, and TTC, I know I'm going to start feeling broody soon, because I did after DD and DS1, but this time, I told DH to slap me if I start talking crazy. :haha: We'll definitely be having a forth, but not for a few years!
so exciting cangaroo! When I had bloody shpw last time I had baby within 12 hours :)
Aww come on spiffy, gotta catch up to me :)

Enough people think we're crazy as it is. I think if we had 4 under 4, someone would have me admitted. :rofl:

On a more serious note, how are you feeling? I hope you fall pregnant first try and get your rainbow this time. :hugs:
I have me good moments and bad ones. Yesterday wasn't good. today it isn't as bad. I'm getting a bit of anxiety from not DTD or temping. But I really want to wait until after my first AF. I also want to wait for the testing. I would hate to think I wouldn't get pregnant right away (took 5 months after last MC) and then be wrong and MC again because I didnt get tests done. So its strange just sitting it out.

Im not really bleeding anymore, havent since the first day. It's really just light cm pink. I want to be pregnant again but I am so scared this time around. Its like this crazy fear of something going wrong.
Great to hear from you Mo2P. Have been thinking of you.

Last time, the bloody show started just before contractions kicked in. It's been 8 hours since it started, and still just having crampy BH. Nothing quite bad enough to breathe through etc. I've been out and about all day, so wouldn't expect things to kick off. Hopefully something will happen overnight, but I have the sweep tomorrow if not!
Cangaroo, anything happening? (Actually, you're probably in bed. I forget about the time difference sometimes. :dohh:)

So I think Asher actually naps better when I have him in the same room as me and the other two kids, which is bizarre, seeing as the older two are constantly screaming and making a ton of noise with their toys. Go figure. Oh, and I forgot to say, the other night Asher slept for a 5 hour stretch! He didn't do it last night, but it gives me hope that he may do it again one of these days. :flower:

How are the other new babies doing?
Sounds like Asher is doing really well!

I continued having cramping all afternoon and evening plus bloody shoe getting heavier. I got to sleep just after 10pm and woke with a contraction at 11:50pm. I managed to doze for another hour or so, but have been woken by some stronger contractions. they're now about 2 per 10 mins lasting just under a minute. I think I'll be labouring at home at least until the morning, it's still very early days. This is exactly what happened with DD, so could still be a while before I meet this baby!
ooh I'm so excited things have started Cangaroo!!!!! She'll be here soon!
En route to hospital! Definitely progressing much faster than last time...
Susanna Christine Ruby was born by emergency c-section at 9.44am. Same thing happened as last time, she just couldn't descend and everything ended up very swollen. I was 7cm when we got to the hospital and didn't really progress from that point. I had huge urge to push with every contraction, which was really difficult to deal with. Gas and air really helped, as did the pool but I didn't get to spend long in there as the heart rate started dropping. The spinal was a huge relief, and everything went well with the section. I was even able to have skin to skin and breastfeed in theatre- she was rooting so I let her latch! She's been feeding almost continuously since then. In recovery now! Will update with proper story and pictures later.

She's just been weighed and is 8lb4oz.
Oh cangaroo congratulations honey! Sorry things ended in a section but at least your both ok. Great you got skin to skin and fed bubs too. Looking forward to seeing pictures.

Do we have more girls than boys?

OMG She is beautiful! Im sorry you had to have a section. But I bet she was worth it. Again so beautiful!
I'm glad she's here! Sorry about the c section but the day of you and baby is most important. She's beautiful. I hope you recover quickly. Congrats!
Thanks everyone! I don't mind at all about the c-section. She was definitely not coming via vbac, so I'm completely ok with it. I'm very comfortable despite the spinal wearing off. :)

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